The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 628: 6 vibrations

   "Do you remember Wang Mengxue?"

   "Of course, the little beggar used the plate to break the buns and exchange your gods? Seriously speaking, they are still developed by me personally. How about the first batch of believers in the Three Holy Temple?

   More importantly, the little girl herself is also very spiritual, even the name Wang Mengxue was given by me?

  Isn’t the little girl going to help you manage the Three Holy Temple?

  Why, I want the little girl to rebuild this **** world. "

   "Well, it can be said that the Three Sacred Temple can be developed to the present, and the girl Mengxue has played an indispensable role in this.

   You know the truth about Shinto, the servant **** can never surpass the main god, and after this war of the gods, the existence of the three holy temples is no longer so important.

   is to take the opportunity to seek a good background for that girl Mengxue! "

"That’s right, it’s true that the girl followed us at the earliest time. Don’t just rebuild a **** realm. At that time, at most one can seal a land chief in a **** realm. If you have merit, you should take a good share. Come on."

   "If you still have a conscience, I will arrange it."

  獒 said with a dry smile.

   At this point, this matter is considered to be over, and then it is the ownership of the Fengshen Bang. The relationship between the Fengshen Bang is too important, and no one can control it.

   But leaving it there is definitely not enough.

   Therefore, the final target they chose was the Void Spirit and the Earth Spirit, but the Earth Spirit had not yet transformed, so this task fell on the Void Spirit.

The imaginary spirit itself is a spiritual and wise world spirit born by coincidence. It is regarded as a group of forms of Tao, and then followed Wang Musheng, merged into the Jade Emperor Realm, and became the world spirit of the Jade Emperor Realm. It is basically a kind of Similar to the existence of heaven.

   Therefore, there is absolutely no problem with him carrying this list of gods.

   But the power of the virtual spirit, it carries the entire Jade Emperor Realm, which means that he has the power of the entire Jade Emperor Realm, but that is only in the Jade Emperor Realm.

  As the spirit of the Jade Emperor, even the Dao of Heaven, he can never leave the Jade Emperor.

   Therefore, if you want him to receive this list of gods, you have to help from outside.


   Wang Musheng naturally knew all this in advance.

   Both hands were bluffed, and the whole void came in an instant. This torn apart was not only space, but also time.

   One-handed claws, grasping in the void.


   Xuling's figure quickly passed through the passage that spanned time and space, and appeared in front of everyone.

   At this time, Xu Ling's aura was extremely weak.

   Even the body is a bit illusory.

   "You only have one minute. During this time, I can isolate time, space, and the power of some laws to avoid assimilation.

   However, this will not lead to a method of confusion. If a law vortex is really set off, it will be a catastrophe.

   So, you only have one minute. "


   Obviously, the emptiness already understood the seriousness of all this, so after responding, he rushed directly to the list of gods.


   But fortunately, there were no accidents. Except for the part where the Void Spirit was inevitably assimilated by the power in this list of gods, everything else went smoothly.

   Xu Ling succeeded in obtaining the Conferred God Ranking, and he didn't dare to hesitate at all, and immediately returned to Jade Emperor Realm.


   At the same time, at this moment, the entire God Realm land seemed to be missing a certain charm in an instant, and a large number of trees and flowers were withering.

  The mountains and rivers collapsed, and the rivers were bitter and sweet.

   The earth is shaking.

  The volcanoes are all about to move.

   Even the sky was quickly covered with a thick black cloud.

   Asuka is crying sadly.

  The beasts are madly and aimlessly fleeing, and the fish are constantly leaping from the water, just like suffocating humans.

   The whole world seems to have entered the end.

   This is the effect of a large amount of origin power being completely stripped away instantly.

   In the deepest part of the earth that no one can see, from here on, this earth is slowly collapsing.

   "The seal of the gods, town!"

   For this scene, Wang Musheng and his party had naturally anticipated it, so they did not panic. With a low shout, the divine lord directly incarnates the body of the sky giant.

   Footprints of the gods covering the sky.

   the sky above the head.

   The left hand controls the remaining source of the gods.

   The immeasurable power of his right hand is gushing, and he believes in stabilizing the collapsed earth.

   The God Realm is the foundation of the God Dao. He must not collapse. The God Realm collapses. The six ways are missing and the world is incomplete. There will be no horrible chaos and influence.

   No one can bear the cause and effect like that.

   At the same time, the foundation of the Shinto is cut off. Even if there is a list of the conferred gods, the luck of the Shinto will be greatly damaged again. Not to mention the revival of the Shinto, it is good that the Shinto will not completely fall due to this.

   Therefore, there is absolutely no room for loss in the God Realm.

   "I will trouble you from now on."

   It was Wang Musheng who spoke, and his object was his divine fetal transformation. Now the divine lord of the divine realm needs him to stabilize.

   So for a long time to come, at least until the realm of God is truly rebuilt, it will be like this.

   "For me, it's just changing a place, changing a posture, and staying for thousands of years."

   God Lord said with a relaxed face.

   "It's the same, why do you want me to find you some beautiful female fairies to accompany you."

   "You know, I am not interested in this."

   "I will get rid of you afterwards."

   So far, things in the God Realm can be regarded as understood.

Subsequently, what Wang Musheng had to do was to forcefully drag this incomplete God Realm, UU Reading, into the Jade Emperor Realm. This is a real snake swallowing elephant. He wants to not be killed all at once. This is doomed. Now, this will be an extremely long process.

   It's a long story, but in essence, all of this went from Wang Musheng and Mastiff to the God Realm, meeting with the God Lord, and then to the Conferred God List, and the Gods were destroyed.

  From the beginning to the end, it only took a few minutes in total.

   Such a short period of time is not worth mentioning for such a terrifying existence that many people use 10,000 to record years.

   However, in such a short time that is not worth mentioning, something happened that affected the entire six realms.

   The gods are destroyed.

  The God Realm disappeared.

  Fengshen list out.


   Although those existences don't know exactly what they are, they can clearly feel that the world has undergone tremendous changes.

   There is a problem with Shinto.

   At the same time, a magical existence was born.

   They faintly feel that this matter is of great benefit to them.

   It's just a pity that the Conferred Gods were listed, and the battle of Conferred Gods began. At this time, the secrets were already chaotic. No matter how powerful they were, it was absolutely impossible to understand the opportunities.


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