The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 631: Shaking Ape

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"Still can't forget him."

"Not really, it's just that he helped me somehow and saved my life. I just want to repay him."

"That's it, I don't know who it is. Because of the words of others, I practice the Three Tribulations Sutra hard, trying to transform into a perfect body and become a great beauty."


"You! Now my aunt is a little bit regretful that she secretly took you to the world to play in the world. Although this opportunity has taken you away, it has also put you on this more terrifying love.

Ji Ran, you have to know that there are different ways for human monsters, not to mention other things, just above the lifespan, you have a nearly infinite lifespan, but an ordinary human is only a hundred years in a hurry.

Nearly nine hundred years, for you, it is just one practice, but for them, they don't know how many reincarnations have taken place.

Shemale love is destined to be a tragedy, and my aunt doesn't want you to get there. "

"Auntie, Ji Ran knows all these, Ji Ran just wants to find him and repay him for his life-saving grace."

"How do you repay, with your personal promise?

Think about it carefully! "


This is just a small episode.

The girl is ignorant, most passionate.

Missing his lover's little brother, but didn't know that he had become the center of a new terrifying storm.

Three days later, the girl and her sister suffered a terrorist attack while they were out in spring.

Although there were a large number of masters desperately resisting, but in the end, the girl was near death. Fortunately, Concubine Xiang arrived in time, and it took a lot of effort to save the girl's life.

However, because of the severe loss of her strength, Concubine Xiang was hit hard by the attackers and died.

Concubine Xiang was hit hard, and for a time the whole family of Concubine Xiangfei was in turmoil.

And at this moment, the mysterious concubine of Concubine Xiang, the prince of the Concubine Weasel clan, stood up. He was the eldest son of the big clan, Shaking Sky Ape clan.

Compared with Xiangfei Weasel, it is only a small race in this Xiangyu world, the Sky Shaking Ape race is a big race with power all over several worlds.

Yuan is stupid because of his identity and other reasons, so the two sides hid this emotion in a tacit understanding.

Concubine Xiang didn't want to affect the status of the lover brother because of her own relationship.

Speaking seriously, his lover brother is a prince, and she is just an ordinary little peasant girl who can no longer be ordinary.

The prince fell in love with the poor girl, and this would naturally become the object of ridicule among the group, and even shake his identity because of it.

For this eldest son of the Sky Shaking Ape clan, he also does not want to announce the relationship between himself and his love sister now. Let people know that this will inevitably make her suffer a lot of criticism and pressure. These are not this. The great young man of ape tribe wanted to see.

What he hopes is that when he becomes the master of the new generation of the ape race, he must marry his love sister prosperously.

At that time, I also had the ability to help her block everything.

Let her be the most beautiful bride in the world.

The happiest wife.

However, there is a lot of attention between each other and each other, after knowing that his love sister was seriously injured.

This great young man of the Shaking Ape clan, Yuan Shaking Tian couldn't wait any longer.


"Why Grandpa Ape, do you want to stop me?"

"No, now the young master has grown up, and he already knows what to do. Grandpa Ape is no longer needed. Grandpa Ape just wants to tell the young master that Miss Xiang has been seriously injured. Before the young master goes, he should go to the treasure house. Take a little healing medicine with me."

"Thank you, Grandpa Ape."


The ape tribe has always been known for its hot temper, although the ape shaking the sky is a rare and more rational type of the ape tribe for so many years.

But the nature of the ape race remains unchanged.

Seeing that the injury of the love sister was so severe, the physical injury was the second, the most important was the trauma at the spiritual level, although it would not endanger its life.

However, Shenhun suffered heavy losses, and the future path was almost cut off.

When the cultivation base is unable to grow, there is a time when Shouyuan will eventually be cut off.

For a monk, it was already considered death. The only difference was the time of death.

Can clearly feel the loss of one's lifespan, this kind of quietly waiting for death to come, perhaps more so than direct death!

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Therefore, Yuan Shaotian was crazy.

"Tell me who it is, who it is, and I want him to die."

"Master Shaking, we only have one suspicious target right now. There are many members of the Snow Sculpture Clan among the monster clan that was attacked, but we have no evidence."

"Hehe, evidence, evidence is for the weak."

After talking about Shao Tian's figure, he broke into the Snow Sculpture Demon Palace by himself that day, without any words, and without any room for discussion, it was just a killing.





As the eldest son of the Sky Shaking Ape clan, his strength is not comparable to that of the monster clan in this small Xiangyu world.

The power of the Golden Immortal rank here is like entering the realm of no one.





"Wonderful method, will I die this time?"

In the face of such a change, Jun Xue Yin didn't have any fear, let alone panic. He was still indifferent and asked with a wonderful way.


The answer given by Miao Fa Ruyi was simple.

"Are you going to die?"

He is also fearless about death, because he has no fear of emotion.


The magical black light exploded and engulfed Xue Yinjun in an instant, and then Xue Yinjun mutated at a speed visible to the naked eye to surpass Su's aging and withered. It was just a blink of an eye, and Xue Yinjun was gone.

The only thing left in place was a dry, decaying corpse.

Xue Yinjun's life was the price of his last wish.

Perhaps even Xue Yinjun himself would not have thought of it, UU reading www.ukanshu. com's own fate is not in the hands of the enemy, nor in the knife-edges of those who have bad intentions, but in the hands of the magic that he has always trusted.

Success is also wonderful.

Failure is also a good way.

It was ironic enough to end up like this in the end.

After squeezing the last bit of lifespan on Xue Yinjun's body, the black light flickered, and the magical ruyi disappeared directly into the void.

Among the boundless six realms.

This is a low dungeon, in which many human races, demons, and even children of demons are held, but they all have a unified name at this time.

That is the slave.

At this moment, one of them was randomly discarded in the corner. In front of the dying little boy, the space fluctuated inexplicably.

A wonderful method fell into the hands of the little guy.

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