The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 633: "kill"

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Not to mention that the sound bird clan suffered heavy losses before.

So it didn't take long before the world was blown up.

The patriarch also fell directly into the disadvantage.

And at this critical time, the patriarch did not bow his head, but resolutely chose to expose himself directly.


Amidst a terrifying roar.

Not only did it pull a large number of Sea God Temples, but also the masters of the empty temples as funerals, and even multiple worlds were affected, directly destroyed, or severely injured.

The patriarch's death.

And still died in the empty temple, and the sea **** temple's combined target.

This caused the entire Sky Shaking Ape clan to fall into a runaway.

The Ape Shaking the sky was in danger, and he directly became the new patriarch of the Shaking Ape family.

And the first thing Shaking Ape became the patriarch was to declare war directly on the Sea God Temple and the empty temple at the same time.

The lore measures taken immediately, first of all, the world ruled by the sky-shaking apes, it is absolutely not allowed to have a bird monster or a sea monster.

Once found, he was put to death directly, without any accident.

In a short period of time, many worlds were directly covered by blood.

The sky-shaking ape personally led a part of the masters of the sky-shaking ape clan to pursue and kill the sound bird clan, whether it is a monster that has become a monster, a monster beast, or an ordinary sound bird, one Don't let it go, it's definitely a genocide.

So far, the entire war has completely lost control.

Regarding all this, no matter it is Empty Temple or Sea God Temple, it is naturally impossible to tolerate it.

Therefore, the two ethnic groups directly started a war against various beasts.


Killing at this moment is the main theme of the entire demon world.

What everyone knows is that birds are born to be the nemesis of all kinds of bugs, and the hatred between the two races is directly a relationship of natural restraint, and it is impossible to resolve it.

So, just when everyone is involved in the war, there is no time to be cloned, and there is no more time to pay attention to other things.

The many worms in the Worm Temple suddenly launched a surprise attack on the Kong Temple.

Moreover, this raid was not an impromptu intention or hasty preparation, but has been carefully planned for a long time, just waiting for a good time to erupt.

And now this situation is undoubtedly an excellent time.

So they did it.

The thunder strike, to the point, the empty temple that was still invincible before the moment was beaten to a half in an instant. If it were not for the temporary alliance of the Seagod Temple, it would not want to be enemies on both sides, and thus reached out.

Maybe the whole empty temple, maybe it can be destroyed directly.

But in this way, the war camp can be considered determined.

Empty Temple, Sea God Temple, Battle, Beast Temple, Worm Temple.

At this moment, no one is paying attention to how all this started, and who was right or wrong.

The former nine demon kings have been completely wiped out.

Xiangyu Realm has also been destroyed.

The remaining members of the Xiangfei Ferret clan have all moved into the clan of Shaking Heavenly Ape.

At this moment, there is only killing.

Killed blood into a river.

Killed like a mountain of corpses.

It was so dark.

Kill all the resentment.


"Haha, die, die, die all!"

"Fucking, you're yelling! yelling! Where did you go for your once arrogant and arrogant world, ah!"


Killed crazy.

Killed happily.

Kill him.

Kill him with relief.


At this moment the entire Demon Realm went crazy.

At every moment, there are millions of monsters falling.

Every day, the world is constantly collapsing and declining.

At this time, anyone who is a little sensible, seeing this scene, is all afraid, wanting to escape, wanting to leave here far.

Everyone in the demon world was sealed.

The demon world is going to be destroyed.

The demon world is over.


At this moment, the Demon God Temple finally discovered that something was wrong. The Demon God Temple is a force composed of many masters, and the Demon God is also a strange treasure.

Among them he has a unique time system.

But they are not used to speed up time.

But to slow down the time as much as possible, each of them is an ancient existence that has not known how many years, and the longevity of Tanmen has begun to dry up.

They did not want to die, so they chose this method to delay the arrival of death.

After all, they are just a group of old thieves of the age.

It is precisely because of the difference in time ratio that it is extremely difficult to contact the Demon God Temple, and you can only wait for the Demon God Temple to actively contact the outside world.

It is also because of this that every time the Demon Temple passes, it will contact the outside world regularly to obtain information from the outside world.

This interval is 10 years.

It stands to reason that this time is already extremely frequent for the powerful demon cultivator who counts thousands of years at every turn.

However, when the Demon God Temple was contacting the outside world this time, it was already the fifth year since the war broke out in the entire Demon Realm.

In the past five years, the entire war has spread to the entire demon world, a large number of worlds have been destroyed, and the deaths of various demon cultivators, as well as monsters, are beyond count.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a direct change.

Of course, in addition to the surprise, the Demon Temple felt anger, boundless anger.

In their view, they are the real masters of this demon world, and the four temples are just helping them manage the demon world.

But now, these slaves have actually made a mess of the master's house.

It is simply unforgivable.

Immediately, the Lord of the Four Gods Temple, as well as the main controller, were summoned to the Demon God Temple. No need to think about it, and the punishment was naturally unavoidable.

There is also an order to find the culprit and end this fearless war.

The orders of the Demon Temple, the Four Temples naturally had to obey.

As for the culprit, it was naturally the youngest son of the Snow Sculpture Demon King, Xue Yinjun.

But Xue Yinjun is already red envelopes] Follow the public.. Public number [Book Friends Base draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

Even the nine great demon kings of the Xiangyu Realm had been completely wiped out by the Sky Shaking Apes.

Then there is only the Xiangfei Ferret clan and the Sky Shaking Ape clan.

In this way, a slaughter of the Xiangfei Ferret clan and the Heaven-shaking Ape clan began. Not to mention the Xiangfei Ferret clan, they are all handsome men and women, who doesn't like it?

It's just that there was a shelter from the Shaking Ape clan before, they didn't dare to stretch out their hands.

But now it's different. The Sky Shaking Apes are already hard to protect themselves.

Then their opportunity came.

As for the Shaking Ape Clan, it is a well-known big clan, and the various treasures and resources they control are definitely massive, and some are people who want a piece of the pie.

What's more, these are all orders from the Demon God Temple, who can refuse.

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