The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 635: Evil thoughts come

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If one is not good, they may be the sinners of the entire demon world. No one can bear such responsibility, cause and effect, and sin.

There are even many people who are slowly backing away and want to leave here.

"I didn't expect to announce my identity in this situation, the demon emperor's lineage, the 108-generation family's concubine, have met you all."

Glancing at the Yuan Shaotian beside her, Concubine Xiang looked back at the crowd and said with a smile.

"Uh, uh, patriarch Xiangfei, I think there must be a misunderstanding in this matter, now we immediately ask the Demon Temple for instructions and say...!"

Right now, those monster races were really shocked.

As for whether the Concubine Xiang was deceiving them, it is impossible. Not to mention anything else, the light is the aspiration of sentient beings in the demon world. Whoever dares to pretend to be the demon emperor will be directly exploded by these aspirations, thus completely Obliterate.

Not to mention the status and prestige of the Demon Emperor in the Demon Realm, and who would do such a thing.

"I know what you are worried about?

But there is no way. "

"How can the patriarch of Xiang Fei, there must be a way, there must be a way."

"No, there is no way. The 24th Demon Emperor did not actually win the final battle, but at the end, he chose to use the line of the Demon Emperor, the bloodline that carried the aspirations of countless monsters, forcibly It just sealed the evil thoughts that gathered endless demon energy.

And the key to this seal is the people of the Demon Emperor's line.

It's just a pity that our descendants, who are unconvincing, and when there are no outstanding figures of Tianjiao, we can only maintain this seal through numbers.

But now, the Xiangfei Ferret clan is almost dead, the seal is no longer able to maintain, and you have seen my situation.

Seriously injured, coupled with the backlash of the seal, my life is now madly lost, so all this has no chance. "

"How could this be."

"Damn, what did we do, what did the guys in the empty temple do?"


The world is destroyed.

The dark age that once dominated the entire demon world will reappear again.

And all this is due to them.

"It's over, it's over, we're over."

There were people who couldn't stand such a terrifying impact and were completely crazy.

"I am a sinner!"

Some have a little conscience, can't help but feel terrible guilt and sin, and directly choose to understand themselves.

"I leave a ray of life for the Demon Realm, and I hope she can grow up as soon as possible!

Shaking the sky, it looks like I'm going to take a step first. "

"It's okay, I will come to you soon, you won't be alone."


With a soft sound, Xiang Fei's body completely collapsed.

Turned into stars and dots in the sky.

However, these stars did not disappear, but slowly formed a huge space crack.


The cracks pierced through, and the infinite horror was so strong that it was like ink, and it continued to gush out.

"Haha, I'm going one step ahead, I'm waiting for you in hell."

"Damn, hurry up, hurry up and stop him!"

Although the reaction was quick, the distance between the two was too far to stop it.

They could only watch, Yuan Shaotian walked into the huge space crack with a big smile.


At the same moment, the terrifying devilish energy could not help but become more intense.


Moreover, the Sky Shaking Apes below who are still reveling, at this time, they are constantly becoming shriveled and distorted.


Until the end it turns into a mass of powder.

"Haha! Drink, the taste of this good wine is different."

Regarding all of this, these Sky Shaking Apes chose to ignore them, still laughing quietly waiting for all of this to come.

No fear.

No screams.

There was no resistance.


"No, these guys from the Sky Shaking Ape clan have directly chosen to be sacrifices, retreat quickly, and leave here quickly."

In fact, there is no need for human orders at all, there are already many monster races, and they have begun to flee frantically.

But is this really useful?

Because the Sky Shaking Ape tribe voluntarily became a sacrifice, the period of weakness that evil thoughts should have existed because of the long-term seal did not exist at all.


Several tens of thousands of miles in black eyes appeared directly on the huge earth that shook the sky.


Then the earth cracked, and a huge mouth appeared on the world.


In the end, countless tentacles condensed by terrifying demonic energy appeared below the world and became his body.

"The taste of freedom is really wonderful! How do you say I should repay you?"

This is evil thought, invisible and invisible, extremely difficult to kill.

Most importantly, he can be attached to any existence.

The last time his clothes were there, it was above the blood of the Demon Emperor.

But this time, the special is attached to a world.

"Let's do it! I will reward you, be a part of my body!"


For a while, the countless black tentacles beneath the heaven-shaking world that had turned into a body with evil thoughts instantly bounced away, covering the sky and the sun.


"Run, I can't run away anymore."


In the end, all kinds of holdings can pick up the leaks, and holdings may take the opportunity to make a fortune and actively participate. The masters of the monster race who came to shake the heavens with more than 60 million directly almost wiped out the entire army, and finally escaped only a handful of them. One.

Even with these few existences, a few of them were completely mad because of the huge fear and loss of mind.

Through the mouth of these monsters.

What happened that shook the world quickly spread throughout the entire demon world for a hundred years.

The Xiangfei Ferret family turned out to be the Demon Emperor's line.

The Demon Emperor's line has always used the blood of the group to imprison the terrifying evil thoughts, but now they have personally killed the Xiangfei and Weasel clan, breaking the blood of the Demon Emperor's clan.

Evil thoughts came again.

Shaking the sky ape family, UU reading www.uukanshu. In the end, com was forced to sacrifice by the whole clan, which directly restored the evil thoughts to a state of victory, even stronger than before.

Then came the horrible loss of more than 60 million.

You know, these 60 million Yaozu masters, although not the top strength of the Yaozu, are definitely the backbone.

The loss of these powers is enough to shake the foundation of the entire demon world.


Everyone is crazy.

The first one to stand up was not a person from either side of the four temples, but a power called the Demon Emperor Hall. This power has always existed, but it was originally a loose organization that believed in the Demon Emperor.

But at this moment, they stood up for the first time and gathered a large number of Demon Emperor followers.

Their first goal is to avenge the Demon Emperor. All the people who have captured or injured the Xiangfei Ferret clan are their enemies.

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