
Although watching the crowds, if you look closely, you will find that there is an invisible wall beside Wang Musheng and the others, directly blocking the surrounding onlookers three inches away, seemingly close. But they did not really contact.

Soon after arriving at the innermost part of the encirclement, Wang Musheng finally saw Murong Lingyun and Murong Qing.

The two women were being surrounded by more than a dozen men. At the same time, there were two men lying on the ground, one lying on the ground and any movement in every area, it looked as if they were dead.

Wang Musheng didn't worry about this at all. With the skills of the two women, these people weren't enough.

Under Wang Musheng's spiritual perception, this man did not die, but fell into a deep coma.

And the other man, in contrast, was much more miserable. Not to mention his swollen nose and swollen nose, his arms showed an extremely irregular shape, twisted there.

From his screaming screams, we can know that this man should hope very much that he can faint too!

When Wang Musheng saw Murong Lingyun and Murong Qing, the two women also saw Wang Musheng, so don't underestimate the perception of a warrior.

Not to mention, although the two women have not yet entered the Taoism at this time, they have already embarked on the road of cultivation, and their perception is much stronger.

However, facing the excited faces of the two women, Wang Musheng didn't have the slightest idea of ​​intervening. He just smiled back and stood beside him holding Xiaolanling and Mastiff. There is a big way for you to continue, I just watch the show. the meaning of.

Seeing this scene, Murong Qing couldn't help but pouted his little mouth dullly.

And Murong Lingyun was going to be much more crisp here, Tsundere's small face waved, and with a cold snort, he directly threw Wang Musheng a back of his head and ignored Wang Musheng again.

"Ah, sister Lingyun seems to be angry with Baba."

Xiao Lan Ling blinked a pair of big watery eyes and said cutely.

"Well, it seems to be?"

"What to do then!"

"It's okay, your sister Lingyun will be well soon."


"of course."


On the other hand, after this meeting, Wang Musheng finally got a general understanding of Murong Lingyun and Murong Qing's current situation.

In general, it is a group of unscrupulous teenagers who molested the good family and the girls.

However, the bad boy became a small gang called the Green Snake Gang in this Shifang City.

And the good family girl has also become a female hero who has practiced martial arts since childhood and worked as a demon hunter. Now she has practiced the magic of immortality and is climbing to the world of immortality.

So the result is conceivable. The two little hooligans didn’t succeed, but they were thrown to the ground with three punches and two feet by the two women. Fortunately, the two women also knew that this was a secular city, not a city of demon masters, so they were conscious. Keep your hands.

Otherwise, these two hapless guys will not only lose consciousness, but also have their hands severed.

However, although the two women kept their hands, these guys didn't seem to want to keep their hands. Instead, they directly depended on Murong Lingyun.

It's even more because a large number of people suddenly gathered around, making the two women a little bit of a rat avoidance.

So it formed the current situation.

"The little girl's family, I didn't expect the shot to be so cruel, but my two brothers were seriously injured by you, and it's not over for not being with me."

Among the people who surrounded Murong Lingyun's two women in the center, who belonged to the Green Snake Gang, one of them was a thief and mouse-eyed guy who yelled at Murong Lingyun.

"What, we have to accompany you with a thousand and eight hundred silver taels. This is your first action. We are just fighting back in self-defense."

Hearing this, Murong Qing's face suddenly turned green.

"Hehe, my brother moved his hand first, you ask so many people around, who has seen it and who can testify.

Besides, these two brothers of mine are the guardians of our Green Snake Gang, and their skills are well known. How can you two delicate little ladies be able to deal with it?

The reason why my two brothers are like this is that you must have succeeded in a sneak attack, and now they are slandering my brother's reputation.

Don't say a thousand taels now, there is no two thousand taels today, so don't want to leave. "

Hearing this wretched man's words, the onlookers gnashed their teeth one by one, but no one stood up to testify to the two women.

On the contrary, I can hear sighs from time to time.

From this it can be seen that this gang of green snakes is quite powerful here.

"Two thousand taels, you, your price starts on the floor."

"Haha, three thousand taels!"

"you guys……."

"Xiaoqing, well, no need to talk to them."

Murong Lingyun frowned and embroidered her eyebrows slightly, blocking Xiao Qing's words.

"It's still the little lady who is sensible and pays the money to finish things. Our brothers count the words. You know, my Green Snake Gang is here. That's not a joke.

Of course, if the little lady is willing to have fun with us, I can call the shots and reduce this amount to you by a thousand eight hundred taels. "

The reason why this group of people dared to be so presumptuous was that one did not see the skill of the two women, and the other was for the convenience of traveling and fighting. Although the two women were dressed decently, they were not very luxurious and beautiful.

Probably because of this, the two women were directly regarded by these Green Snake Gang as small and wealthy small households!

After all, Shifang City, as a major trading city, has extensive transportation, and there are mostly small businessmen and people from small families.

They see too many such people.

Such people, in the ten-square city every day, don't know how much they will disappear, as long as they are clean and no one comes to look for them, the great masters of the city guards don't have this leisurely care.

Even if someone finds it and gives up some gold and silver, it won’t end up in the end. The big things are reduced to small and small things are reduced. After all, outsiders don’t have so much time and money in this ten-square city. Consuming.

And these three-in-class and nine-rate generations are well-measured and will never touch Shifang City, the people in this city.


"Brother Mao is justified~www.ltnovel.com~ By that time, Brother Mao, you have a soup, don't forget to leave some leftovers for the brothers."





"Is there anything to talk about with these dregs? Don't be afraid of dirtying your mouth. Since they are impatient, let them die."

Before a party of the Green Snake Gang shouted, Murong Lingyun moved directly to the group of people. Without any hesitation, turning around was just a roundabout kick.

To know the current power of Wang Murong Lingyun, to the authentic monks, it is not worth mentioning, but for these ordinary people who have not even trained their martial arts, it is invincible.

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