"I have seen Lord Qian!"

The two women also hurriedly saw the courtesy. After all, people respect me a foot, and I respect others. Not to mention his abominable brother, Qian Wenzhuo alone gave them a good first impression.

"Baba! And me, and me!"

Seeing Wang Musheng introduced everything else, but didn't introduce herself, Xiao Lan Ling said quickly.

"Yes, yes, and our little Lan Ling."

"Uh, I didn't expect Brother Wang, you already have such a lovely daughter."

Hearing what the little guy said, Qian Wenzhuo said in surprise.

"Haha, how can I envy you!"

Regarding the existence of Lan Ling, when Murong Lingyun first misunderstood them, Wang Musheng explained it carefully, but after encountering such things more and more, Wang Musheng didn't care and explained it lazily.

"Well, such a lovely daughter is naturally envious. Could this little guy belong to Brother Wang..."

Qian Wenzhuo looked at the mastiff beside him and asked in confusion.

"That's not it. Don't look at this guy as if he is very young, but in fact his age is enough to be your grandfather."

Hearing Qian Wenzhuo's question, Wang Musheng couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Ah! Senior forgive me, I am a mortal with naked eyes, I don't know the true God, so don't blame it."

Hearing Wang Musheng's introduction, Qian Wenzhuo thought of it in an instant. Some of the legends about gods and immortals he had seen before, there is an ability that makes Qian Wenzhuo very envious, rejuvenating.

Therefore, the moment Qian Wenzhuo heard Wang Musheng's introduction, Qian Wenzhuo automatically made up his mind. Mastiff is a powerful monk who has cultivated and transformed into a realm, rejuvenated.

That's why he said with trepidation.

Facing Qian Wenzhuo's gift, Mastiff made a look of lack of interest, and nodded casually, which was considered a response.

In fact, apart from Wang Musheng, Mastiff was interested and lacking in everything else.

The reason why he was so concerned about Wang Musheng was also because his life was connected with Wang Musheng. He was afraid that Wang Musheng would be fine one day, so he would die by himself, and it would hurt himself.

If not, perhaps Mastiff had already nested in the Hall of Harvest on the moon wheel, and developed his faith with peace of mind.


"Brother Wang, I have been looking forward to you for a long time! This can be regarded as a hope for you, and I will go home with me soon."

Qian Wenzhuo warmly invited.

"Okay, let's go, we are here this time, but it is for you, for your feast."

Wang Musheng also said with a smile.

Qian Wenzhuo promised this big meal when he was in Qianjin Town.

But I didn't expect that this drag was dragged to the present.

"Haha, you can rest assured, Brother Wang. When I just left, I had already explained to the rich and honorable. I immediately prepared a table of sumptuous wines and dishes. Maybe it's ready now."

Qian Wenzhuo said with a smile.

"That feeling is good!"

In this way, while talking, the group slowly walked towards the Qian's house.

In fact, Qian Wenzhuo did not come by himself, not only with a group of guards, but also with an extremely luxurious frame drawn by two pure white unicorns.

This was originally used to welcome Wang Musheng and his party, but compared to such a grand battle, Wang Musheng and his party chose to walk.

It wasn't that Wang Musheng had nothing to do with it, he deliberately pretended to be forced there.

To be honest, Wang Musheng himself is already pretty awesome now, the creator of the Three Holy Palace, the master behind the Xiaoyao Pavilion, and the palace owner of the Xiaoyao Palace.

His own strength has even reached the level of the Golden Core ancestor.

With so many identities, no matter which one is taken out, it is at least the top existence in this ordinary world, even in the world of cultivating immortals, it can also exist.

The reason for choosing this way is just pure liking, because it is not very interesting to enjoy the various snacks in this mundane world while chatting and slowly walking towards Qian's house?

"How is Siwonlu?"

Wang Musheng asked Qian Wenzhuo as he handed a fruit bunch similar to candied haws.

"Brother Wang, the Siwon record was overwhelmed, and it was a complete mess.

Brother Wang gave me a total of more than two million words. I directly divided it into ten parts, each with more than 200,000 words.

We release one to the outside world at the rate of one every month. Up to now, we have released four. As long as it goes on the market, one word will be popular, and the demand will be in short supply.

Now the only restriction on Siyuanlu is the printing and binding of books.

I can’t guarantee the place outside Kaiyang Kingdom, but in this Kaiyang Kingdom, this Shiyuanlu is absolutely unknown to everyone, no one knows, just ask someone to ask, you can talk about it. sentence. "

When Wang Musheng asked about the original source record, Qian Wenzhuo said with a look of excitement.

After all, the results of this Siyuanlu are simply too good, even a bit too good, and Qian Wenzhuo even studied this Siyuanlu carefully for this reason.

But to be honest, not to mention the content, just the writing of Siyuanlu, it is simply unsightly, even Qian Wenzhuo felt that even if he closed his eyes, he would not write such a bad chapter.

If I hadn't read this Siyuanlu, the various things described in it were very novel, and Qian Wenzhuo wanted to take this opportunity to get into the relationship between himself and Wang Musheng.

Even this book cannot be published.

However, it is just such a book. Anyone who has a little knowledge, thinks that the writing style is not enough for the purpose.

At the beginning of the sale, it exploded directly without any publicity.

Qian Wenzhuo, who really couldn't think of any clue, could only say that this should be the method of the Xian Family!

This in turn made Qian Wenzhuo admire Wang Musheng even more~www.ltnovel.com~ Of course, this also brought great benefits to the Qian family and even Qian Wenzhuo.

The first is the Qian family. The big sale of Si Yuan Lu inevitably brought countless gold and silver to the entire Qian family. At the same time, because of the huge influence of Si Yuan Lu, it also brought the development and growth of the entire Qian family. big influence.

Even this is even more precious than the money brought by Siyuanlu.

After all, with the current size of the Qian family, even a small improvement is a terrible thing, not to mention the impact of this original source record is so huge.

The second is Qian Wenzhuo, who used to lead the entire Qian family from an ordinary family in Shifang City to one of the four major families in Shifang City.

But because he was a concubine, not a prostitute, he was transferred from the family's power core directly by the family with a simple fate of investigating the family industry, and thrown into a remote place like Money Town.

If nothing happens, Qian Wenzhuo will either leave the family in the end, or he will just fall silent forever.

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