The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Chapter 408: Qian Family

Remember in one second【】

"Um, only these three are temporarily released. The fourth is still in production, so it is confidential. In these ordinary bookstores, there is no one. When I return to the Fuzhong, I will help. Here are the two ladies."

Qian Wenzhuo said with a smile.

"Prince prince, are we really made out of mud by Nuwa?"

Murong Qing on the other side looked at Wang Musheng curiously and asked.

"you guess?"

Wang Musheng did not say yes or no, but gave Murong Qing an ambiguous answer.

"Then, Prince, is our world really created by an ancient god? Who is that ancient god!"

Facing Murong Qing's question this time, Wang Musheng did not answer, but showed an unpredictable smile.

"Then, Prince, what happened to the Three Saints! If they really existed, why have we never heard of them!"

It is a pity that Murong Qing's question has not yet been answered.

For such a question, Wang Musheng was unable to give the two women an answer at this time!

You know, Wang Musheng is going to use this Shiyuanlu as a divinity, the origin of the Three Sacred Temples, and it would definitely not work if it wasn't.

If it is said to be, then it will place this world, where may the creation gods exist.

Therefore, Wang Musheng could only choose to be silent.

Although Wang Musheng was silent, Murong Qing still kept asking various questions, as if he didn't want to get answers from Wang Musheng.

Just simply expressing the doubts in my heart.

Fortunately, this time did not last long. Following Qian Wenzhuo's words, Wang Musheng finally got rid of Murong Qing's entanglement.

"Brother Wang, the two Miss Murong, the front is where my Qian family is."

As expected to be the Qian family, one of the four major families in Shifang City, the first thing that came into people's eyes was a huge vermilion wall that directly occupied half of the street.

Not only that, but before entering the Qian's house, outside the Qian's courtyard, he planted a large number of exotic flowers and weeds. At this time, there were a lot of flowers and plants in full bloom and beautiful flowers.

Flowers of various colors, colorful, competing for beauty, look so beautiful.

The gate of the Qian's house appeared to be very tall, more than ten meters tall, and it was made of a special wood with a purple and gold color.

It should be the reason Qian Wenzhuo has explained before!

When the group of people arrived, the door had been opened, and the bright red carpet with beautifully rusted white flowers had been extended far away from Qian's house.

Although there is no gongs and drums, there is a red carpet, and the entire Qian family's principals came forward to welcome them solemnly.

However, the principals of these Qian family welcomed Wang Musheng and others to the mansion, and after a simple introduction of themselves, they slowly faded away.

Then Wang Musheng and his entourage, led by Qian Wenzhuo, came to a tall gate, hanging in a tall hall with the words "Xianju" written on it.

I saw it in this, but it was already prepared, a sumptuous banquet, and Wang Musheng once had a fate, Qian Wenzhuo’s personal attendant, rich in wealth, and the handsome man named Wen Rui A forced middle-aged scribe. …

Compared with Qian Degui, this Wen Rui, Wang Musheng had seen less. If you didn't count today's time, the two would have seen two sides in total.

The first aspect was when Qian Wenzhuo took this Wen Rui to visit him and the old Taoist priest in Qianjin Town.

The second time, it was in the Shifang Book Pavilion. At that time, Wang Musheng went to give Qian Wenzhuo the part that had been written in Siyuanlu.

Wang Musheng met Wen Rui again.

In any case, it is considered an old friend!

In this banquet specially prepared for Wang Musheng, the various dishes are extremely rich, not to mention, there is no outsider. At this table, Qian Wenzhuo is just picking up happy things, telling everyone some interesting things, and not talking about other things. .

Overall, this is a pretty good banquet.

To say that the happiest one is probably Xiao Lan Ling, because this time she can finally eat it openly, all kinds of delicacies, eat whatever you want, as soon as you finish eating, there will be a beautiful young lady who will serve you new of.

Maybe it's because the little guy's body is a blue dragon that controls the power of devouring!

Therefore, the little guy's appetite is particularly good. Not only ordinary food, but even two spiritual weapons and magic weapons, he can also chew.

More importantly, the little guy is always in a state of hunger. In the Jade Emperor Realm, it is naturally impossible to eat everything.

After all, those things in the Jade Emperor Realm were all collected and established by Wang Musheng with great difficulty, but the little guys could not eat them.

Even if you leave the Jade Emperor Realm, you can't eat this, and you can't eat that. When you eat, it's more like you need to control hard. Being a lady, you can't gobble it up and scare others.

These are all Baba said, although I really wanted to eat, but Xiao Lan Ling still held it back very well.

But this time, the little guy is able to do his best. You know, Baba nodded this time, and the young ladies standing next to them will continue to deliver new, delicious, and more delicious ones. .

It's just that the little guy doesn't know, in order to serve her appetite alone, the entire Qian family's chefs have joined the process of quick cooking.


^0^Remember in one second【】

Even so, I still couldn't keep up, and finally had to recruit a chef from the Qian's restaurant in Shifang City.

Even the maid who delivered the food changed several times.

Those who have been replaced are all tired and get down.

Xiao Lan Ling's performance naturally shocked the Qian family, and also severely shocked Qian Wenzhuo, Wen Rui and his party. Such a performance is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

At the same time, this also made the group even more convinced of Wang Musheng's strength.

After all the daughters are so terrifying, the father can still get it.

Xiao Lanling's feast finally ended, not because Xiao Lanling was full.

In fact, as a blue dragon that controls the law of swallowing, it is impossible for her to be full. In the end, Wang Musheng just felt that if he continued to toss like this, the little guy might simply eat up the entire Qian family.

The first time I met, I made such a scene for others, no matter what, it is a bit unreasonable.

But although I was not able to continue eating.

But for such a great meal today, the little guy is quite satisfied.

Because he was in a happy mood, even now the little guy looked at Qian Wenzhuo's expression and couldn't help but soften a lot.

After the meal, Wang Musheng gave Little Lanling to Murong Lingyun, and Murong Qing's two daughters to help with them, but in essence, he wanted Xiao Lanling to protect the two girls.

On the other side, Mastiff did a few steps before avoiding the sight of people around him, hiding his figure directly, and following Wang Musheng's side.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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