The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Chapter 413: Scary monster

"Young Master, Madam, there are monsters, there are monsters! A terrifying monster ate the Fourth Young Master, Young Master, Madam’s subordinates are now protecting you and run away!"

The leader of the guards who rushed over said anxiously.

"What are you talking about, the fourth brother was eaten by a monster."

The boss Qian Wenwu stepped forward and grabbed the front of the guard leader's shirt, and asked with a look of anger.

"Yes, it is true that Young Master Hui Da, that monster is so powerful that we can't get in her body at all. The Fourth Young Master was swallowed by the other party."

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, the leader said nervously.

After all, even though it is a guard, it is actually a servant of the Qian family, and his life and death are entirely between the thoughts of the head of the Qian family.

Even their family members are under the control of the Qian family.

So this has to make the guard leader feel nervous!

"My Si'er! Si'er was eaten by a monster, why don't you die! I tell you, if you can't save Si'er today, I will let you all be buried with Si'er."

Mrs. Qian, upon hearing this news, she no longer had the dignity before and said with a vicious expression.


Before the guard leader could answer, he heard a strange beast roar.

At this time, the servants, maidservants and others who were forced to stop because Qian Wenwu and Madam Qian were here before, after hearing this beast roar.

But they couldn't control it anymore. With a burst of crying and crying, these servants and maids disappeared instantly.

"Master, madam, madam, you should leave here quickly! When the monster comes, there will be no time."

Although the leader of the guard, at this moment, he can't wait to slash the guys in front of him directly, but for the sake of his brothers and his family, he can't do this.

"Damn, these lowly guys dare to run in front of the master, and I must let these unfaithful guys taste the master's anger."

While screaming in a low voice, Qian Wenwu, Qian Wentao and his party had no time to think about why this monster appeared in the Qian's house, and quickly fled towards the rear under the guards.

Even at this moment, they couldn't even take care of Wang Musheng, who was a very honorable guest before.

But Wang Musheng didn't pay any attention. The young masters and ladies of the Qian family were still eating fruit quietly, watching the chaotic scene in front of them.

It can be said that the world is so diverse!


There was another strange roar.


"The monster is coming!"


This beast roar was like a catalyst, but it made the chaotic situation on the scene even more chaotic again.

"Damn it, go away!"

The boss Qian Wenwu directly kicked a thin maid standing in front of him and rushed forward quickly.

That Madam Qian, in this mansion, was originally not very popular, and now there is no one to care about it. She can only flee forward quickly while yelling at the surrounding maids and servants with an angry expression.

Even because of the hustle and bustle, the original exquisite dresses became messy, and the exquisite hair ornaments on his head were often peeled off, skewed, and looked very embarrassed.



"Who the hell, who tripped me, let me discover that you must die without a whole body, I...!"

What is even more miserable is that the second child's thin bamboo pole, Qian Wentao, did not know who tripped him, and fell a dog to eat shit. He immediately wanted to get up, but the more hectic, the less obedient his hands and feet were.

Several times in a row, I didn't get up, fear and anger, but Qian Wentao could only be there, crying and cursing angrily.

But before Qian Wentao finished cursing, he had already accepted his fate. Qian Wentao, who turned over and lay down on the ground, couldn't help but stop when he watched the scene in front of him.

Because the scene in front of me at this time was simply too subversive.

"This **** thing is the monster that the **** guy said."

I saw the monster of his own prototype finally appeared at this time, it turned out to be a little girl, a beautiful little girl with big, watery eyes.

Especially at this time the little girl, still holding her pair of white tender, fleshy little hands, made a look like I am a big monster, which is indescribably cute.


Seeing that Qian Wentao didn't run away, the little guy opened his mouth again and learned the howl of a monster.

Yes, this is the voice. No wonder I thought this voice was strange before!

It turns out that this is a little girl, imitating the sound of a monster?

After confirming this, Qian Wentao was first fortunate. Fortunately, this was not a real monster, so he didn't have to die.

What followed was anger, boundless anger. Qian Wentao felt that he was being teased. This was absolutely unforgivable. Thinking of his embarrassment just now, this nameless anger could swallow everything.

"Run, run a fart!"

"This is the monster you are talking about."

Qian Wentao said in a voice full of boundless anger.

It was Qian Wenshu who stopped first. As a girl, her speed was not good. With the cumbersome clothes on her body, she couldn't run fast. The final result was that she soon fell into the escape team. The last party.

Just when Qian Wenshu felt desperate, he suddenly heard Qian Wentao's voice, and he stopped subconsciously and looked back.

Looking at it, Qian Wenshu immediately let go of his breath. With this breath, Qian Wenshu's strength seemed to be hollowed out in an instant.

Ignoring my eldest lady's demeanor, she slumped to the ground.

There is the first, there is the second.

Many of them have seen monsters, but more of them have never seen the true face of monsters. People say that they all escaped.

Therefore, when these people saw that the so-called monster behind them turned out to be a cute little girl, expressions of astonishment appeared on their faces.

What followed was anger, a deceived anger.


"This is the scary monster in your mouth."

The boss Qian Wenwu was even more straightforward, raising his leg with one kick, and directly kicked the guard leader to the ground, his face almost distorted and roared.

The second child, Qian Wentao, Qian Wenshu, and Mrs. Qian, who seemed extremely embarrassed at this time, didn’t say anything, but the look they looked at the team leader was clearly a look at the dead. .

"Young master, miss, madam, listen to me! Don't be deceived by her appearance, the subordinates saw this monster with their own eyes and swallowed the Fourth Young Master in one bite.

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