The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 341: Half demon

And the most different from others is that Wu Xiaodie's head has two small tentacles.

This also explained Wu Xiaodie's identity from another aspect, a monster, or half-monster.

The so-called half-monster means that one of the parents is a monster and the other is a human. The offspring of the two are combined.

Such offspring will often inherit a certain bloodline of both parents and show certain characteristics of the monster race.

Such a demon, either inherited the advantages of both parents, talent and terrifying, or even guards the sky.

Either it is because the blood is repulsive and cannot grow up at all.

The last one is the two bloodlines, which wonderfully achieve a balance and then cancel each other out.

Such descendants, not only do not have any power, but they are even worse than ordinary humans.

However, Wu Xiaodie falls into this category.

Did not inherit both parents, any talent, not to mention strength, the body is exceptionally thin.

It can be said that Wu Xiaodie, besides owning one.

People hate the identity of being abandoned.

Just left a sickly body.

As for Wu Datong, he is also a poor little fellow.

When I was a child, Wu Datong's village encountered mountain bandits. The whole village was slaughtered and all his property and women were taken away.

The children, all these bandits, were sold to human traffickers.

And Wu Datong, who was only four years old at the time, happened to be one of these children.

Wu Datong was sold to human traffickers one after another, and then because he looked good, he was sold to another family.

Although I know that this family has Longyang.

Fortunately, Wu Datong was too young at the time. Wu Datong stayed here for two years. Fortunately, his age was still too young.

However, he saw with his own eyes many companions who were much older than himself were tortured to death.

At the age of six, he fled here.

Later, he was caught by a group of three teachers and nine first-rate generations, brought back and trained to become beggars.

Since then.

His daily life is to be beaten, or to steal in the streets.

Until the age of ten, Wu Datong met Wu Xiaodie’s parents because of theft.

He was subsequently taken in by Wu Xiaodie's parents, and from then on, Wu Datong lived in Ansheng.

Therefore, Wu Datong is very grateful to Wu Xiaodie's parents.

He knew that Wu Xiaodie's mother was a monster, a butterfly that became a spirit.

However, Wu Datong was not afraid, because he felt that the monster Wu Xiaodie's mother was much better than human beings.

At least, in Wu Xiaodie's house, he just lived like a person.

And in the hands of those humans, he couldn't even make a sound.

Therefore, even if he discovered the identity of Wu Xiaodie's mother, he has never been afraid.

Soon after, Wu Xiaodie was born and he had a younger sister.

It feels better.

In this way, after three years of such beautiful days, he was thirteen years old and Wu Xiaodie was three years old.

The disaster once again fell on Wu Datong's body.

On this day, a guy in white clothes and holding a fairy sword came to the door, and he said that he would kill demons and slay demons.

It was Wu Xiaodie's mother who was cut off.

At the same time, this is also his own mother.

Then Wu Xiaodie's father died first.

Because, at a critical time, he chose to stand in front of his wife.

The father is dead.

Faced with the death of his father, the monk in white said yes.

"To be willing to fall, and to go with the evil spirits, the most deserved death."

Very indifferent.

Then, watching her husband die for herself, Wu Xiaodie's mother also put herself in her husband's arms.

I directly chose the soldiers' solution, and even Jin Dan did not let it go.

In fact, if the mother chooses to blew her own golden core directly if she is willing, she will definitely be able to pull the white-clothed monk and die together.

However, as a result of doing that, those people who were indifferent onlookers at the time may not be able to escape.

In the end, it survived.

There are only two siblings, Wu Datong and Wu Xiaodie, who are fully protected by their mother.

Then all that awaited them was flight.

Constant escape.

In the eyes of human monks, they are demons, and they must be banished to defend the way.

Even in the eyes of ordinary humans, they are also excellent commodities. Men are long and sturdy and bought as slaves.

The little girl, although she is a half-demon, is pretty good. Some high-ranking officials like this.

It can also be sold at a good price.

Even in the eyes of the Yao race, Wu Xiaodie's existence is a hybrid, the offspring of a traitor, and a shame that tarnishes the blood of the Yao race.

As a shame, there is no right to live.

At this moment, they seemed to be abandoned by the whole world.

At the same time, after this moment, the whole world is no longer trustworthy.

They fled.

In order to survive, one must continue to escape.

However, in this process, no matter how dangerous or difficult it is, the two brothers and sisters will never leave.

Probably, almost a year ago!

The two brothers and sisters encountered the chase again, that time a group of human slavery teams.

Panicking, the two brothers and sisters ran into this dangerous dry water.

Perhaps it is because of fear of the danger here!

The slave hunters retreated.

But the two brothers and sisters survived mysteriously in this dangerous dry water.

Although it is dangerous here.

But, anyhow, no one went back to hunt them down.

If there are no accidents, the two brothers and sisters would rather live here forever.

But, until not long ago.

In the calm dry water, a lot of terrifying guys suddenly came, although the two of them were mortal, unable to see how powerful they were.

However, looking at each of them, people can actually fly out of thin air, and they know how powerful these guys are.

At first, the two brothers and sisters thought that these people came to arrest them again.

So many people.

So powerful.

As a result, when the two brothers and sisters were almost desperate, they discovered that these people didn't seem to come for the two of them.

Even among them, some of the guys found out, the two of them, but left without any reaction.

After no fear.

The rest is curious why these people came here.

They dare not approach.

Only dare to look from a distance.

In the first few days, except for the many people who come every day, more and more people gather here.

But there are no other changes.

All this until today.

With a sound, I don't know what it is.

Above the sky, a big and beautiful door appeared magically.

There is also a long, white stone step in front of the door.

Then they saw that those who hadn't changed anything before, all rushed to that step.

For some reason, those people walked slowly.

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