The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 343: Old acquaintance

After leaving the small world, they did not walk long before they discovered a human village.

They secretly put the child outside of existence.

At the same time, there was still a lot of food they hunted in that small world.

Then, the two brothers and sisters left.

They returned to that little world.

And figured out a way to plug the crack in that space with something.

In this way, no one will come in in the future.

The two brothers and sisters will never leave here again.


Just after the two brothers and sisters dealt with all this.

The surrounding scenes went again, and there was an inexplicable change.

When the position change was over, they magically discovered that they had come to a emptiness and gray world.

Do not wait for the two to react.

What followed was a burst of terrifying power, constantly pouring into the bodies of the two of them, and constantly baptizing their bodies, strong.

The siblings, what they have just experienced, seems to be a long time, but in essence it is only a very short time.

As for all the experiences, it is naturally an illusion.

This is wrong.

It should be regarded as the most real illusion!

Because those things and the environment, although they were created by magic, some of those things are real.

Those delicacies are positive delicacies.

Those people are also real human beings.

Here is the first stage of the Nine Dragon Gate, Magic.

The source of all the power in this is the mother spirit of the strange Holy Spirit race.

As for those lives, naturally those Holy Spirit races evolved.

Because of the immortal nature of the Holy Spirit race, it is simply the best tool person, and can cooperate with this real illusion to create the most perfect place of trial.

And as a gantry function.

Every time you go through a trial, you will get corresponding benefits.

For example, the first benefit is an opportunity to cleanse the muscles and lay the foundation.

Once passed, even ordinary people can directly obtain the strength of the foundation period, and will forge the most perfect foundation.

This is the second item of the Happy Palace, the trial of entering the palace.

At the same time, this is the last item.

It's that simple.

As long as you have perseverance, you can still pass the character.

As for other qualifications, roots, potential, etc., for Xiaoyao Palace, there is no need.

However, this second item seems simple. It is because the two brothers and sisters are inherently pure.

For example, those guys with gloomy minds.

In the illusion, there are all kinds of battles, endless killings.

If they can awaken their true self during the killing, they will pass directly.

If you completely sink into it, then you have to go far!

Xiaoyao Palace does not need a murderer.

No matter how good your qualifications are, it won't work.

Such a person would not even have a chance to enter the Jade Emperor Realm, and would be thrown out directly, returning to the dry waters, among those eliminated.

Like there are those who like money.

Regardless of this Xiaoyao Palace, Xiaoyao Palace is not a sect that is cut off from affection, although it is not encouraged, the monks in the sect indulge in lust.

However, the same will not be restricted, monks.

As long as you are not being manipulated, it is no problem to do everything you can.

For example, the illusion of some people is an empire.

As a superior king, you have absolute control over this country.

However, some will choose to develop an empire.

Because he felt that the entire empire was his own property and needed to be taken care of.

However, some people think that the entire empire belongs to their own, so the money, treasures, and even beauties should all be their own.

All kinds of crazy plunder.

As a result, the entire empire has no livelihood.

It can be said that everyone experiences different illusions.

However, depending on the individual's xinxing, these illusions are strong and weak.

Simply, like there is a little weasel.

In the illusion, he returned to his childhood again, and luckily stole two eggs from a farmer’s home.

He said that all he needed to do was to share one of them with his seriously ill mother.

In fact, in general, this trial is still very relaxed.

Basically, as long as it is not extreme racism.

There are also extreme inheritors of Taoism.

Or some heinous, or the Virgin, a puppet manipulated by power, hatred, can pass.

But it is a pity.

Even with such a simple range, the admission results this time are still extremely unsatisfactory.

It was just this trial, and all the monks who participated in the trial were directly wiped out, more than 70% of the monks.

What is more interesting is that among the monks who have been brushed down.

More than 60% are from various sects, so-called genius children.

When this information was known by those sect leaders who came to observe the ceremony, the expression on his face was ugly.

Of course, there were some circumstances beyond Wang Musheng's expectations.

For example, Gu Qingxue, Zhang Xianglong, Zhang Xianghu and others from Sanxianmen, originally Wang Musheng thinks these people are pretty good.

At least through this trial, there should be no problem.

But what I didn't expect was that none of the people in the group made it through successfully.

Afterwards, Wang Musheng, who felt surprised, also deliberately checked the illusions experienced by several people, and found out the illusions experienced by several people.

It turned out to be once again, once experienced, the marriage of Yueling and the Sea Clan.

And the choices made by these guys were no different from the last time.

The consequences can be imagined.

Fortunately for the group of people, they were not directly thrown out, but because of Yueling's invitation, they successfully entered the Jade Emperor Realm.

Except for Gu Qingxue and his party.

Several others also entered Wang Musheng's eyes.

One is Wu Datong and Wu Xiaodie.

The two of them mainly attracted Wang Musheng's attention. The first one was their special physique, an immovable king physique, a guy with this physique, that was a natural body cultivation, Buddha cultivation.

The other one is a half-demon.

The survival of a half-demon is extremely difficult, so this is the first time that Wang Musheng has seen the existence of a half-demon?

And the second one is because the brother and sister have a deep sibling relationship.

The second one caught Wang Musheng's attention.

It was a guy named Zhang Dayou, who brought Wang Musheng's attention to it because this guy was participating in the trial this time.

One of the few mortals.

There is no mortal who has practiced.

And, after the trial, the only mortal who came to the last moment.

The other is a female monk named Liu Xinyu, who has a very good cultivation level, especially when he uses the gong to call the gods, it is very powerful.

The most important thing is that this female sister is also an old acquaintance of Wang Musheng.

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