The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 345: different

"Brother Tian, ​​Xiaoya, I have discovered a remarkable thing. Not only are there people from the Southern Region, but also from the Northern Region. Those big guys come from the Northern Region."

"Northern Territory!"


In fact, someone discovered the difference very early.

After all, no one who can become a monk is an idiot.

Although they didn't know where these big guys came from before, but these big guys had a breath of power that was completely different from theirs.

They knew that these guys were different from the existing cultivation system in Southern Territory.

It’s just that, before, they thought that these guys were a certain, unknown race.

Unexpectedly, they came from the same realm as the Southern Territory, another realm.

And the strange thing is not only these, the big guys from the Northern Territory.

still got more.

In the crowd, they also found a lot of demons, demons, and even those evil monks who act both right and evil.

Like a monster.

Half demon.

There are even a lot of aliens.

This involuntarily made the brows of many flexible-headed guys frowned.

A sect, power.

Even dared to ignore the sect, and all the races absorbed.

In doing so, this Xiaoyao Palace is either a lunatic.

Either it is a messy place of evil itself.

After all, there are so many races and completely different ethics, and many of them are inherently hostile.

Putting these guys together, all kinds of killings, disputes, it is absolutely impossible to be less.

In other words, this sect is already powerful, allowing them to completely ignore various ethics and ethnic wars.

But is this possible?

For this, just look at the situation at the scene.

Although these people have not been here for a long time.

However, these people have formed small groups one after another based on their place, tradition, and race.

Between individual feuding races, one pair is strictly guarded against.

It seems that it only takes a little stimulation, and a terrifying battle of life and death will erupt.

The atmosphere at the scene is getting more and more severe.


A burst of monstrous pressure came directly out of thin air.

The oppression of the sudden breath.

Whether it was the beasts and gods in the Northern Territory or those immortal cultivators in the Southern Territory, they couldn't help but stagnate, and many of their bodies were short, almost lying on the ground.

However, fortunately, this terrifying aura only disappeared for a moment.

This did not make many people present embarrassed.

"There are no classes in the Xiaoyao Palace, as long as it is not a person with a big cause and effect, and a big sin, you can enter my Xiaoyao Palace.

Xiaoyao Palace advocates the true meaning of the word Xiaoyao.

Therefore, there are not many constraints.

But each one must be absolutely obeyed, otherwise it will have its own ruling hall and carry out ruthless attacks.

1. Anyone who enters my Xiaoyao Palace can never betray the Xiaoyao Palace. "

You have no problem with this. Now in the world of cultivating immortals, all sects are like this. No matter which sect or force you join, you dare to betray one.

It's definitely an endless scene.

And, when the time comes, even if you want to find someone to help, you will be able to find it without seeing it.

The entire world of cultivation can be said to have zero tolerance for betrayers.

Unless you have any special abilities.

Or it has important value.

"Second, respect the teacher and the island."

This is no problem.

"Three, don't kill each other."

This is normal, basically these are the unspoken rules established by the power of the sect, even if it is the magic sect, killing the same sect requires a good reason.

After all, training a disciple is not easy.

As a result, he hasn't been a teacher yet!

First of all, the same family died, this is what no one wants to see.

"Three, do not bully the weak."

Well, this rule is a bit unexpected.

You know, the entire world of immortality is a hunting ground, a place where big fish eat small fish and small fish eat dried shrimps.

As long as you are strong enough, you can get everything.

If you are weak, you can only live humble.

Who cares whether you are bullying or not!

Believe that all the sects of the immortal cultivation world, as long as they can, hope to be able to bully the weak!

This Xiaoyao Palace is different.

I don't know if it is pretending to be noble, or if there is such a capital.

However, there is no problem with this one.

As long as conditions permit and resources are sufficient, they will not have time to care about the weak?

As for not having enough resources or something, that's all.

"The above three are the rules of the Xiaoyao Palace. Now, if you don't want to join, or if you can't join for a reason, please go west.

Please rest assured, Xiaoyao Palace will not embarrass you, the previous body baptism is just a reward for you to pass the trial.

If you want to leave later, you can choose to leave directly.

Unwilling to leave, want to stay and watch the ceremony.

Later, someone will take you down, arrange board and lodging, and leave after the ceremony is over. "

"Sorry, I already have a sect, but I can't join your sect."

After hesitating, the first monk finally stood up and said with a fist.

After speaking, he walked directly to the west and the periphery of the crowd.

"Sorry, I have the same situation as before."

There is the first, there is the second, and the third.


Following the sound, one monk after another left the team.

Among them, there are righteous monks and so-called demon monks.

But the number is not very large.

It's only two thousand.

The reasons for their departure are basically similar. They already have their own sect and cannot betray them.

In the world of immortality, Zongmen typing can be divided into two types.

One is the sect with a complete inheritance. They have their own complete set of cultivation system, which can always train the disciples of the sect to the top and enter the Tao.

The other is the kind that does not have a complete sect inheritance.

Therefore, after the sect disciples have grown to a certain level, they will no longer be able to grow.

Because the road behind them has been broken.

So such a sect disciple is allowed to continue to join a more powerful sect.

This is not betrayal.

At the same time, some disciples of the sect, as long as they don't have a master, worship other strong men as their teachers. This is not a betrayal.

And these leaving monks, behind them, have powerful sects.

But among the people left.

There are more monks from various sects and powers.

After all, although there are some lucky people, in such a world, more are the monks in the sect, but it is extremely difficult for casual cultivators to grow up.

Among them, it is not only the sect monks.

There are even a lot of suzerains of small sects.

However, the only people who chose to leave were the monks in the Southern Territory, and the monks in the Northern Territory, but none of them left.

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