The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 351: brother

What did they do.

Moreover, it wasn't until this time that they realized that among the things they had received, the Blue Ling coins, which they thought had no value, were so valuable.

"Brother Tian, ​​you said, if this matter is known to the Sect Master, will they directly kill us!"

"Probably not!"


Now, the three little guys want to cry.

That kind of feeling, it's as if I had won 100 million yuan, but I was spending it as a few dollars. Now it feels like that.

It's uncomfortable!

Don't mention how uncomfortable.


If you ask about the existence in this jade emperor world, the most popular existence, except for the creation of jade dishes, it definitely has to be this delicacy.

Even the super large playground on Dragon Palace Island can only be ranked third.

In addition, the food in the Jade Emperor Realm is basically made of the best spiritual talents, and the good spiritual dishes produced by the cooking, there are few magazines that mention it.

For the body, there are also special benefits for cultivation.

Therefore, the monks in the Jade Emperor Realm are not bigu, on the contrary, they have the attributes of eating goods.

Here, Fang Xiaoya, Zhang Xiaotian, and Ge Xiaotian were shocked by the delicious food of Jade Emperor Realm.

On the other side, there are also a group of people who are shocked by the food in front of them.

This group of people are Gu Qingxue, Zhang Xianglong, Zhang Xianghu, and Wang Tiequan, who were the senior brothers and sisters of Yueling.

Although they failed the trial.

In their hearts, the self-will is too strong, the kind of selflessness, the feeling of giving up oneself for others, and giving up the ego to the greater self, is so great.

Jade Emperor Realm is a little bit too much.

However, looking at the former friendship, Wang Musheng still let them be the manager, and finally healed his muscles.

Then, the group was invited by Yue Ling.

Yue Ling's mind is too pure and kind.

Everything in the past has been forgotten by this little girl. In her heart, there may only be all kinds of good things that I wrote down!

However, Yueling can forget.

However, Wang Musheng will not forget that he is a relatively stingy person.

Therefore, Wang Musheng did not appear.

Lan Ling, this little guy who often mingled with Yueling, didn't come, because she also hated these guys.

If Wang Musheng is stingy.

Then, Lan Ling must report it.

But any matter that provokes the little guy to touch, no matter how small it is, it will take a long time, unless it is not in front of the little guy.

Otherwise, the little guy will take these grievances and retaliate twice.

At this point, Gu Qingxue and the others should be grateful to Yue Ling. If it weren't for Yue Ling, they would probably be slapped to death by Xiao Lan Ling at the moment they appeared.

"Yue, no, I should call you now, Lord of Heavenly Power Palace!

Really, the world is unpredictable!

Everything is still like yesterday.

As a result, we are still swaying in place, but Yueling, indeed, you have become the lofty, palace lord of Tianquan Palace.

Seeing you, we are living so well now, our guilt has been reduced a lot. "

While talking, Gu Qingxue let out a sigh of relief.

At this point, Gu Qingxue did not lie.

In fact, Gu Qingxue and the others are not bad guys, and they can even be called great beings.

It's just that there are too many things in their hearts.

Is the world.

Are all beings.

They can always be ready to abandon themselves and their loved ones for the sake of all beings in the world.

Such a person is suitable to be an emperor.

However, it is not suitable for being relatives or friends.

Because maybe, when, for the sake of the world, he will abandon you.

Therefore, although they did not think that what they did was wrong.

However, the kind of guilt and anxiety that personally sent out their little junior sisters has been torturing their hearts.

Even because of this knot of heart, their cultivation has never progressed for so many years.

But it's all right now.

Fine gold is the bone, and the spirit jade is the wall. Various spiritual veins surround it like obedient pets.

In the garden, planted, uncomfortable and precious, rare and precious talents over ten thousand years.

All of these are simply exaggerated.

Not to mention other things, just by the flower bed, the value of the superb spiritual stones that are randomly piled up may buy the entire Sanxianmen!

Not to mention, the maids and servants they met along the way, the strength of their cultivation.

Even a chef.

Or in that kind of flower, there is no weak one.

Even their most respected master may not be among them, any servant is powerful.

With such power, if you go out, you can directly become the top power of one party!

As for Yueling's cultivation base, let alone talk about it.

When they met last time, even though Yueling's cultivation base was terrifying.

However, at the time, they at least knew that Yueling's cultivation base was terrifying.

But this time, when they saw Yue Ling again, they had no idea what Yue Ling's cultivation level had reached.

It seemed that Yueling was like an ordinary person, without any strangeness in his body.

But, by the way, her every move was reversed, and that kind of prestige and sacredness was just like being banished in the world.

What's more, would the existence of the Jade Emperor Realm, one of the six masters of Xiaoyao Palace, be a simple existence?

Seeing all this, Gu Qingxue and the others were envious, happy, and more relieved.

"Sister Qingxue, let him pass the past!

Moreover, my identity as the palace lord is nothing more than a false name. If it weren't for Brother Mu Sheng, who forced me to give it to me, I wouldn't want it!

Committing death every day.

With so much time, I still want to practice the piano for a while!

Sister I am also a music repairer now, and I have learned a lot of good songs from Mu Sheng's brother.

I will play it for you later. "

It can be seen that Yueling is real and is not interested in the position of the palace lord of the Heavenly Power Palace.

On the contrary, I prefer the pursuit of music.

However, what Yue Ling said casually, stopped in the ears of Gu Qingxue and the others, it was not a taste.

Even, Zhang Xianglong, Zhang Xianghu, and Wang Tiequan were the ones who only knew that they were buried on the dining table, eating all kinds of food, cherishing the spiritual food, and thus concealing their complex thoughts.

It was also an unexpected meal.

He raised his head and glanced at Yue Ling with a complicated expression.

Others are rushing to you, but you are abandoning it.

Sure enough, no matter how genius and hard work, it is better to have a good brother!

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