The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 356: Master Zhi Chan


"What are you? I didn't put you on the battlefield."

"This, hehe."

"That's the case. When the time comes, I am going to turn some valuable and weaker space channels into trial grounds.

Let those sect monks enter into it for trials.

After all, the polishing of mana is also very important to many monks.

I am not very familiar with the various sects in the world of cultivating immortals, so I want to leave this matter to the guardian temple to operate.

I don't know what the fairy thinks. "

"This is a good thing!

Continuously able to promote the younger generation of monks.

It is also possible for them to make a contribution to the protection of the Supreme Profound Realm as much as they can.

This matter, our guardian temple is absolutely support.

Lord of the realm, please feel free to hand this matter to our guardian temple. "

"Then it's settled."



The **** fairy left, with a group of monks from the guardian temple, and left without waiting for the end of the palace competition.

Take Wang Musheng's estimated compensation.

Leave the gift brought by his party.

Fairy, the group left the Jade Emperor Realm in a hurry.

After all, everything that I have experienced before is not too exciting for the fairy.

These circumstances must be known to the people who guard the temple.

Otherwise, he was worried that some guys with hot heads would do anything out of the ordinary.

At that time, if one more carelessly offends Wang Musheng, then everything will be over.


After sending away the fairy, Wang Musheng ushered in an unexpected person.

Master Zhi Chan.

The Southern Territory Cultivation Realm, the chief of Buddhism, the presiding officer of Lingshan Temple

The entire Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation is a recognized Buddhist master.

As the leader of the entire Buddhism, he was naturally among the ranks of Wang Musheng's invitation, but Wang Musheng did not expect it.

In the end, it turned out to be such a terrifying boss, who came in person.

how to say?

Although Wang Musheng practices the way of cause and effect.

But it is naturally different from Buddhism's cause and effect.

If Wang Musheng’s cause and effect is the great path of heaven and earth.

So, in Wang Musheng's view, the so-called Buddhism's causality is more like taking the meaning out of context, just wearing the skin of cause and effect, but doing all things for self-interest.

Wang Musheng's cause and effect is to cultivate oneself, to understand cause and effect, to seek detachment.

But Buddhism's cause and effect is about good and evil, respecting reincarnation, and conforming to destiny. All of these are destined by heaven, and all of this should be so.

The sufferings and evils of this life are the sins of the past.

Because you were a sinner in your previous life, you deserve to suffer in this life.

Do not seek this life, only cultivate the next life.

This kind of request is not to say completely different from the road, and runs counter to it.

In itself, a negative attitude is constantly spreading.

Therefore, even if Wang Musheng has cultivated, it is obviously a Buddhist technique, and the Bodhi Cross Nausea Sutra is still not good for the Buddhist senses.

Therefore, in this jade emperor world, there are other orthodoxy, but this Buddhism alone does not have a complete orthodoxy.

However, no matter what, Wang Musheng still needs to see someone who is an expert in Taoism and asks to see him in person.

"Master Zhi Chan was able to come in person, but it really made me bored with the Jade Emperor Realm, and it was brilliant.

Originally, I was thinking about waiting for the end of all the trivial matters to give Master Zhichan a good treat, but I didn't expect that it was Master Laobo Zhichan who came to see the kid in advance.

What a sin! "

"The lord is polite, and I hope the lord will not blame Lao Na, just come and harass."

"Where, it's not easy to get a master like a master, even if I want to meet one another, I am afraid it will not be easy.

If there is a chance, I will definitely meet the master and ask for some advice.

Talk about the nagging. "

Wang Musheng said with a smile.

"Is it true? Then I don't know what the realm master has, I need to ask Lao Na, Lao Na must know everything."

After hearing Wang Musheng's words, Master Zhi Chan, this old monk, unexpectedly leaked a meaningful word.


But when he heard this, Wang Musheng couldn't help but stunned.

I'm just polite words, can't you tell me?

Zhi Chan is an old monster who doesn't know how many years he has lived. Naturally, he won't even be able to hear this point. Therefore, this old monk is obviously deliberate.

"Whoever says monk is honest."

"The Buddha's light lingers in the body of the master of my view, with the power to break the devil, I dare to ask the master of the world, but he has also practiced the techniques of Buddhism."

Obviously, Zhi Chan was also not prepared, what answer was received from Wang Musheng's deep understanding.

Therefore, without waiting for Wang Musheng to answer, he continued.

"Master, my eyes are like a torch, but I am just a side branch of Buddhism, and I cannot be incorporated into Buddhism orthodoxy, but it is not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning."

"It's true that the Buddha's light on the Lord's body is more than masculine and righteous, but it is too sharp and lacks a trace of the compassion that the Buddhist school should have.

However, Buddhism is boundless, and who can say which one is orthodox and which one is collateral?

Everything is nothing but dreams.

The master of the world is going to be persistent. "

Zhi Chan shook his head lightly, and said with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Taoist Wang Musheng couldn't help but be surprised. You know, in the realm of cultivating immortals, all kinds of orthodox disputes are very serious.

It's like the two ways of righteousness and devil, it's basically the kind that you can't see but my eyes, I can't see your nose.

But any encounter outside is definitely a battle of life and death.

Unexpectedly, as the leader of Buddhism, Master Zhi Chan, even said that all this is a dream.

There was a feeling of disdain for all this.

This is the first time that Wang Musheng has seen this from the monks in this world?

"Master Zhi Chan, really worthy of the name of a master, can look at the struggles of ethics that the world is obsessed with so lightly.

This is the first person I have ever seen. "

Wang Musheng casually complimented and said the master, don't make fun of the poor monk, the poor monk just saw through a little falsehood.

The merits of Nubuat’s master.

The realm master used his actions to establish a unified world of monks.

Compared with this, the little monk's words are not worth mentioning. "

"Master is serious."

"It's just that, the realm master, I see you in the Jade Emperor Realm, there are Dao, demons, evil spirits, but I don't know why there is no such Buddhism!

But I don't know the reason for all this.

But it made the poor monks puzzled. "

Yes, I'm afraid this is the main reason why this old monk came to Wang Musheng!

As for the previous ones, they are just introductions.

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