The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 363: Extinguished tribe

And the various relics, civilization information left from this world, this world has been glorious and powerful.

Even a unique Fudao civilization was born.

And once more than one was born, a terrifying existence that shattered the void and soared into the fairy world.

However, these are only once.

Now this world has completely declined.

Aura is exhausted.

The avenue is cut off.

All kinds of heaven and blessings collapsed.

Even the strong men in this world have either completely fallen with the exhaustion of their spiritual energy, or have left this world through various methods.

Even the Rune World, the once glorious and brilliant civilization, has long since disappeared in the long river of history.

Even if it is passed down occasionally, it belongs to the record of that glorious civilization.

In the eyes of those in this world.

All this is just a legend, the delusion of the ancients.

Even if it weren't for Wang Musheng's unintentional move, which opened the door to the space of this world, those eliminators would be attracted by the aura of the Jade Emperor.

Under the continued influence of these eliminators.

Believe that it won’t be long before this world will completely collapse!

In the past, a powerful and terrifying civilization that was able to cross the barriers of space and travel to other worlds, now it has landed on this stage.

I can only say yes, sad, sigh.

Fortunately, this world was discovered by Wang Musheng.

Its ultimate direction, but it has new possibilities.

The rune spirit world, the powerful rune spirit system of the past, must also be in the hands of the Jade Emperor World, once again showing its former glory.

Even this brilliance will be even greater than ever.

At the same time, the Sansheng Temple has a new place to spread faith.

Although this world no longer has the power of civilization for cultivation, there are more peaceful human beings than today.

At the same time, this world was guided by the Three Holy Temples.

It must also be able to develop towards a better level.

After experiencing this scene, Wang Musheng and others looked at these time when these seemingly harmless, and they were still very cute.

A kind of inexplicable coldness, but it has been rushing up from the back.

These guys are terrible.

It's too dangerous.

Someone immediately came up with an idea, saying that these guys chose to be exiled directly into the turbulence of space, and they would go anywhere.

However, he must not stay in the Jade Emperor Realm.

These guys, naturally, can't stay in the Jade Emperor Realm.

However, Wang Musheng didn't agree with him, and arbitrarily exiled these guys into the turbulence of space.

Compared to this uncontrollable, he is more willing to keep this danger by his side.

In this way, he can at least control this threat to a certain extent.

Although, there is a saying that the sky is falling, and there are tall people who are standing against it.

But, unfortunately, if there are no accidents.

The Jade Emperor Realm is already a tall man in the human world.

Moreover, with the power of causality, this butcher knife is in the Jade Emperor Realm, and it is absolutely impossible to hide when the crisis comes, only the one in front of everyone, stupid and tall.

In the end, these eliminators were taken away from the Jade Emperor Realm and banished to a barren little world that was completely controlled by the Jade Emperor Realm.

This place was originally one of the sealed chaotic space cracks that Wang Musheng had brought back from under the guardian temple.

There is a monster inside that will devour all lives.

This life includes animals and plants.

These monsters have the most powerful abilities, super adaptability, and can continue to divide themselves by devouring lives, so that they can develop and grow rapidly in the shortest time.

However, when they swallowed this world, all lives, all.

When there is no more food.

These monsters began to swallow each other.

When the space crack was opened by the monks of the Jade Emperor World again.

There are not a few monsters left.

Moreover, one by one has become weakened due to prolonged hunger.

Therefore, these monsters did not cause any harm to the monks in the Jade Emperor Realm, and they were directly destroyed.

And this extremely barren, barren little world has become Wang Musheng's trophy.

And now it has become the home of these, the Elimination Race.

At the same time, the space named "Spirit Hell" was incarnate by King Kong, Wang Musheng, the golden element outside.

Now, the palace owner of the Heavenly Jade Palace is under the control of the ruling palace owner.

The spiritual prison will also become a prison for all kinds of murderers and criminals.

Here, not only is it impossible for them to escape, it is impossible for them to recover and cultivate, and even their own cultivation level will continue to decline.

For a monk, there is nothing more than clearly feeling that his own cultivation level is decreasing day by day, and he is still uncontrollable, it is more painful!

Have the same fate.

There is also the Gemini family.

They were also assigned to King Kong.

Because the abilities of these twin races are extremely strange.

His ability can directly magnify the good and evil in a life body infinitely.

During the day, this man is the supreme saint.

At night, this person will become a heinous murderer, a demon.

Although these guys are not many.

However, if this kind of ability is not well controlled, then the world will definitely be in chaos.

However, if it is used well, it is another and extremely powerful weapon.

For example, to solve some terrible heinous guys.

Turning him into a saint directly, maybe, you don't even need to fight, just talk with emotion and reason.

The existence of this horror, it is possible to directly deny myself to others, I will not go to hell, whoever goes to hell, I will directly stop myself.


It can be said that Wang Musheng's unintentional act this time directly opened a portal to a new world such a strange race, it is not too much.

The same is that these guys are born with terrifying talents.

They are all, once famous races.

But in the end, because of the failure of various battles, they disappeared in this world, and for this reason, compared with other races, they completely disappeared in the long river of history.

They were, by luck, survived.

the difference is.

Some races, with many tribesmen, still thrive and survive very well.

However, for some races, there are only a few, or even a single race.

Such a race, even a bad one, will completely die out in this world.

such as.

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