The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 368: Guilty

In fact, Wang Musheng had been thinking about one thing wrong all the time, thinking that the Nine Curses of the Emperor God was very precious, and the Ten Thousand Beast Gate would not come out so easily.

In fact, it is true. One of the nine curses of the Emperor God, the Spirit Nurturing Curse, is indeed precious.

It can be said that the entire first-rate sect, the Ten Thousand Beast Gate, was established on this spiritual curse.

However, it is precisely because it is too precious.

Such an existence is not something that can be preserved by the existence of the Ten Thousand Beast Gate.

Therefore, this Wan Beast Gate is also a psychic-minded person, but whoever wants it, there is no need to grab it, just need to say a change, and the Wan Beast Gate will be delivered directly to the door.

You don't need to pay any price at all, just send it for free.

Of course, if you want to do this, first of all, at least you must have the power capital that is longer than the Ten Thousand Beast Gate.

It is because of this approach.

Not only did Ten Thousand Beasts not cherish the crime.

On the contrary, because of this, I met a large number of strong men and gained a lot of favors from the strong.

It is also because of this that this Wan Beast Gate has developed smoothly to this day.

Of course, Wang Musheng wouldn't be a villain in vain if the Wan Beast Gate did such a great job.

It is very atmospheric, given to Ten Thousand Beast Gate, many unique sea beasts, brutal beasts from the Secret Realm of Canglong, fierce beasts from the northern land, and even many strange beasts from the cracks in the space. .

And, each kind is in pairs.

Wan Beast Gate, as a sect, mainly uses beasts as its source of power.

But there is no gift that makes this sect feel more excited than this.

As long as the Ten Thousand Beast Gate is well cultivated, I believe that these gifts will be enough to increase the strength of the entire Ten Thousand Beast Gate several times.

For Wan Beast Sect, Wang Musheng's this is definitely a great gift.

Even this bat king, who looked like a big five and three thick, got a lot closer when he looked at Wang Musheng, and even invited Wang Musheng to be a guest at the Wan Beast Gate.


Although Wang Musheng has been busy with all kinds of things in the Jade Emperor Realm since this time, he has never gone out to toss about it.

However, because of the guardian of the gate leading to the underworld.

And the suppression of the many spatial cracks.

There is also the Three Holy Temple, which has expanded during this time.

Wang Musheng's causal power is growing at a good rate every day.

Although these strengths were not enough to make Wang Musheng's strength rise again.

But, learn the spiritual curse.

If you raise the spiritual curse by a few more levels, there is no problem at all.

"Nurturing Curse!"

As the name suggests, its ability is just like his name.

Nurture, nurture.

When it is small, it can be used to nurture various existences, plants, and animals, and make their reproductive ability stronger and more perfect.

At the time of success, any existence that has the ability to breed and reproduce can continue to breed and reproduce.

At the same time, you can cultivate the target unit according to your own mind.

For example, fruit trees that can grow a variety of delicious food.

A steed that sprouts a saddle on its body.

and many more.

When it comes to Dacheng.

But it can be some inanimate existence, it can also be bred and reproduced.

For example, magic weapons, even houses, furniture, even a stone, a mountain, as long as Wang Musheng is willing.

They can be bred and reproduced.

As far as fighting is concerned, this spiritual curse is not very good.

But as far as this aid is concerned, it is an existence that can be described as heaven-defying.

As for the higher level, Wang Musheng didn't know it, because the current causal power in him was only enough to raise this spiritual curse to the Dacheng level.

But some are enough.

At least, from now on, those who destroy the clan, the giants of bones, and the beasts of the earth, no longer need to make complicated manufacturing.

It only takes a spiritual curse to go on, and these strange existences can also breed and reproduce offspring.

Although, these acquired little guys.

When they were born, they weren't as strong as their parents, and they needed to be cultivated before they could grow up slowly.

However, in this way, it is much simpler than creating from nothing.

The second one who received this kind of treatment was the brutal monsters that Wang Musheng and the others had obtained from the Canglong Demon Realm.

Although these savage monsters do not know how to use spells, they are extremely terrifying because of their huge body, as well as their terrifying power and defense.

It's just a pity that these savage monsters belong to the spirits of nature, and their bodies are not golden stones, nor flesh and blood.

It is an aggregate of natural elements, so it does not have the ability to reproduce itself.

Even if it is, there are not a few in the entire Canglong Secret Realm.

But now it's different. It only needs a spiritual curse to go down. These behemoths over 10,000 meters, in essence, hundreds of thousands of meters, have become pregnant.

It seems that they gave birth to their own baby.

And the third person to receive this treatment was Spirit Devourer, the strange existence of the Seed of Life that was created by Wang Musheng using the nectar curse and merged in the back.

It can be said that his birth was an accident.

His existence is also the only one in this world.

But because of various characteristics, his own, is now covered with the terrifying existence of the entire Dark Bone Realm.

Maybe because of loneliness!

There may also be other reasons.

This Spirit Devourer, after learning about the Spirit Nurturing Curse, was to execute the request, and Wang Musheng gave it a shot.

Then, Ling Ling came out for the first time and produced flowers, and it also produced fruit.

However, until Wang Musheng left, the fruit of the devouring spirit was not mature, and it would take a while before he came.

As for the others, there were a few that were a little moving, but they were not prepared.

such as.

The Hai Cangzhe of the Hailong can be said to be the last member of the entire race.

I really want to be able to restore the sea dragon clan.

It's just that he is a male sea dragon clan, although under the curse of spiritual cultivation, he can also breed offspring.

However, this is really a bit unwilling!


And Wang Musheng was not frantic here, so he let all the guys under him become pregnant and have children.

If Wang Musheng really did that, maybe the entire Jade Emperor Realm would be blown up.

But just when Wang Musheng was obsessed with studying this, according to the magic technique of someone pregnant, the people of Tianmen came to the door.

After much thinking.

The Sect Master of Tianmen and the wife of the Sect Master finally found Wang Musheng and handed over the Yujian of Yueqing Rumor to Wang Musheng.

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