The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 374: Voyeur


And, at this time, there is a scene in which the beauty is out of the bath.


The beauty is thrilling.

"Does it look good?"

"good looking."

Suddenly asked, Wang Musheng returned subconsciously.

However, he reacted immediately.

I was caught by someone!

However, Wang Musheng didn't say anything about it. Instead, he let go, watching intently, while slowly walking towards the huge pool that was constantly tumbling.

"Hehe, the realm master of the Tang and Tang Dynasty Jade Emperor Realm, it is really a shame to do that voyeuristic thing!"

"No way, who makes beauty so sultry?

It's really hard to ignore!

But one thing to emphasize is that we are not peeping, but just appreciating. "

Wang Musheng said with a smile, and walked over slowly.

Sitting directly on a stubborn rock by the pool.

"Unexpectedly, the realm master of the Tang and Tang Jade Emperor Realm, the man in the legend, turned out to be such a shameless guy."

"Why do I do this, don't some people know?"

Wang Musheng said with a smile looking at the side of Yueqing Ballad that was shrouded in water vapor, with a clever smile.

However, his face immediately became serious.

"what happened?"

It's not that Wang Musheng is so, because Yueqing Yao is not without things. Soaking in this bath is a medicinal bath.

"It's okay! Bad skills, and suffered internal injuries.

What about you

I forgot, you are now the master of the Jade Emperor Realm, and even in the entire Supreme Profound Realm, you can definitely be regarded as a top powerhouse.

How about it, the noble master of the realm, but he has forgotten the little girl.

Or to say, the little girl can no longer make our master of the world look at her. "

"It's okay if we don't say so much resentment, I'm like a scumbag who started chaos and abandoned it."

"Are you just like?"

Yue Qing Yao glanced at Wang Musheng, and said meaningfully.


"Don't talk about this, I will help you solve your injury first, and you will tell me by the way, what is your heavenly gate now, your plan."

While talking, Wang Musheng started directly, whirling and sacrificing himself.

Begin to absorb the sickness in Yue Qingyao.

"By the way, your injury is not light! You are a saint, has your situation at the Heavenly Gate worsened to this point?"

"What do you say!

Otherwise, why do you think I would pull my face down and beg, somebody who is unhappy. "

"I said, you are enough!

This is not the last time I am really too busy? "

"Huh, I'll just take what you said is true!

What can we do now.

Originally, we were going to get rid of our current identity and change another identity again, completely hidden.

Unfortunately, the situation this time is more severe than the situation ten thousand years ago.

And, obviously, our family did not have the talents of the ancestors of the Tianmen tens of thousands of years ago, and couldn't completely rely on these guys' eyes.

However, I heard that your Xiaoyao Palace is very powerful, how about it, how about our sisters going to take refuge in you.

You saw it when you came in!

Our sisters in Tianmen are all first-class beauties.

It's really cheap for you. "


Hearing Yue Qingyao's words, Wang Musheng couldn't help but feel ashamed.

"Am I a pervert in your eyes?"

"So, is it because my sisters are not attractive enough?

Still, you are scared.

I'm afraid that our sisters will cause you trouble. "

While she was talking, Yue Qingyao couldn't help showing a heartache, disappointment, and heartbroken expression on her face.

Seeing this scene, Wang Musheng waited for a black line that couldn't help but fill his head.


"Can you wait for me to finish?

And don't use the radical method.

Naturally, there is no problem with your joining, and I, Jade Emperor Realm, will not be afraid of a negative Dao Sect.

However, you should know the nature of the Jade Emperor Realm.

Once Tianmen joins, although it is still Tianmen.

However, this heavenly gate is no longer the other heavenly gate.

Did you really think about it? "

This is indeed a question, for a sect, what is the most important thing.

It is inheritance.

But once Tianmen joined the Jade Emperor Realm, although Tianmen was still there, it was inherited from above.

It's definitely not as pure as before.

Put it another way.

This, the inheritance of Tianmen has been completely cut off.

"Don't you understand?

The establishment of our Tianmen is different from other sects.

Compared to other sects.

We are more like a group of bereaved dogs, gathered together to warm each other, just to survive.

Therefore, what we inherit is hope, the hope of living. "

Yue Qingyao said with a serious face.

"In this case, I have no opinion at all. You are welcome to join. If necessary, I can perfectly recreate it for you in the Jade Emperor's Explanation, a exactly the same heavenly gate."

"forget it!

If possible, we would rather be able to live under the blue sky and above the earth. "

"Well, it's up to you! You can tell me if you have a request.

I can do it anytime.

It's up to your side now. "

With that said, Wang Musheng also retracted the arm used to cast the curse.

Originally, the casting of the Charm of the Sorrow of Sacrifice does not require any extra action, only a movement of the mind.

However, there are not many opportunities to take advantage of such an upright person, and there is reason to miss it.

"Unexpectedly, you still have this hand, we have no problem here, because those guys, we have already done it, and we are ready to leave here at any time and prepare to escape.

It's just, what's the matter with the disappointed look on your face.

Is it that you are very dissatisfied with this result? "



"It's not what you meant. I originally saw you calling me over in such a hurry, I thought there would be a big battle?

As a result, I didn't expect it to be such a situation.

So it is inevitable to be a little disappointed! "

Wang Musheng shrugged with a look of disappointment.

"Then if you want to fight, I know where those people are. I can take you to find them."

Yue Qing Yao said without angrily.

"Forget it, it's meaningless fighting, it's sick, you still have to arrange it quickly.

I'll send you to the Jade Emperor Realm!

Go in early one day.

You can also feel at ease one day early. "

Wang Musheng shook his head and said.

Just like what Wang Musheng said, he originally thought that this matter would have at least one battle.

He has done everything well, and what is the preparation to defeat Daozong for a war.

Unexpectedly, the final ending would be like this.

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