The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 380: misunderstanding

However, what Fatu said about Taiyin Zhenqi is also completely true.

Because of this situation, it is really easy to verify.

There is no need to lie about this kind of thing.

Then there are indeed matching exercises.

It's just that the matter of raising your hands high and offering this kind of exercise with both hands is completely an excuse.

Those who can cooperate with the practice of Taiyin Scripture, Taiyin Zhenqi, then there is only Shaoyang Zhenqi that can be cultivated through Shaoyang Zhenjing.

And Shaoyang Zhenjing, that is Negative Dao Sect, the real root.

How can it be given away casually.

As far as Fatu said all this, it was just to survive.

He first reduced the value of Tianmen, and then increased his value.

Incidentally, he pointed out that behind him was a powerful sect from the sanctuary, Negative Dao Sect.

All this is just to survive.

He doesn't want to die.

With just a blow, Fa Tu knew that he was definitely not the opponent of this guy in front of him.

"Negative Daozong!"

"Do you know Jiexianmen?"

However, Wang Musheng did not have any interest in the meaning of Fatu's words.

Instead, there was a flash of inspiration and another question was asked.

"What, Jiexianmen, can it be that the Venerable is the **** of Jiexianmen."

Hearing Wang Musheng's question, Fatu's expression suddenly changed.

Immediately there was an expression that seemed to please, but also seemed to be fearful, or even desperate, which looked extremely wonderful.

Immediately, the whole person's face twisted, but it became even more hideous.

"In this case, it seems that I can't escape today, but even if I die, I must try the power of Jiexianmen's Shangxianmen."

With that said, Fatu directly attacked Wang Musheng. Compared with the previous, this attack was involuntarily crazier and more unreserved.






On the other side, Wang Musheng saw this scene, but a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

"This Jiexianmen is a bit interesting!

Unexpectedly, just a name can make a fit-level monk reveal such a death will. "

Obviously, this Tribulation Immortal Clan is a bit unexpected!

At least, the current Jade Emperor Realm, Xiaoyao Palace, although already has the ability to become the strongest force in the entire Southern Territory.

However, neither the Xiaoyao Palace nor the Jade Emperor Realm could do it, as if it was a robbery immortal gate.

Guang was able to do it only by relying on a single name, making a powerful monk of the fit level completely desperate and revealing his will.

This actually made Wang Musheng even more curious about the existence of this Jiexianmen.

The result of this is that at first, Wang Musheng, who had the idea of ​​destroying this guy directly, wanted to leave this guy alive.






Because of the last transformation, all the power in Wang Musheng's body now merged into one.

The direct result is that the current Wang Musheng's attacks are no longer at all, the difference between spells and physical attacks.

As long as Wang Musheng is willing, between waving his hands, his arms will easily become larger and smaller. As long as he is willing, he can attack targets at any distance at will.

And every attack,

It is a combination of physical power and magical power.

"Eight ways to scream!"



The Eight Methods Xiaotian is considered to be one of the Negative Dao Sect, a unique body arts technique.

The spell is cast, one serving is eight, and eight are instantly incarnate. At the same time, one or multiple targets are directly launched, the most fierce blow.

The most important thing is that these eight figures all possess the most powerful cultivation power of the body.

Although the consumption is huge.

However, it is a rare and extremely powerful attacking technique.

"Cover the sky!"

"Fantastic Palm!"

"Ding Tian Zhi!"


Facing this terrifying attack by Fatu, Wang Musheng's face did not show the slightest surprise.

Even the corner of his mouth evoked a slight smile, as if he had discovered some funny toy.

Immediately, with one hand waving, Wang Musheng's right arm, like a spiritual snake, instantly stretched out.

The palm of the hand is directly transformed into a hundred meters or kilometers in size.

Cover the sky and the sun.


One of the eight figures made by Fatu, one of them, was directly photographed as a powder.




At the same time, at the moment when the figure was directly wiped out, the other seven Fa Tus also directly vomited a mouthful of blood.

The momentum of the whole body is also involuntarily weak.

Obviously, although the individuals are divided into eight.

But between these eight individuals, life and power are all connected to each other.


Wang Musheng didn't stop, turning over the sky with his big hands, and with another blow, another figure was wiped out again.



The terrorist attacks still have not stopped.

make a fist.




Point out.




Wang Musheng was still in shape, and his right arm incarnate 10,000 meters in size. In the constant change, he wiped out the Fatu, one after another among the eight figures that were used to desperately.

Following, the figures were wiped out.

With that, Fa Tu kept spitting out blood, mouth after mouthful.

When Fatu's figure finally rushed in front of Wang Musheng, there was indeed only one figure left.

Moreover, the strength on his body is also constantly being wiped out because of the avatar, and the strength of the avatar that is constantly being wiped out will also continue to decline.

Up to now, even if it was Wang Musheng's figure standing there, he did not make any resistance.

Yifatu's current strength couldn't shake Wang Musheng at all.


On the contrary, because of Wang Musheng's ability to automatically rebound, Fatu was shocked again and was directly blasted away.

With the vomiting of a big mouthful of blood, the aura of the whole body, and even his life, couldn't help becoming weaker.

The Fa Tu at this moment, the whole person, is like a small flame in the wind and rain, as if it will be extinguished at any time.

"Hey, hehe, he is worthy of being a member of the Jiexianmen, I am not wronged."

Looking at Wang Musheng who was still standing there with a calm expression.

Fa Tu couldn't help but said with emotion.


Wang Musheng could only say that he was speechless, obviously this guy had misunderstood something.

And the misunderstanding seems to be a bit deep.

"This time I was greedy and broke the rules, but this matter is limited to my personal behavior.

It has nothing to do with Negative Daozong. "

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