The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 393: Great migration


Since then, all the beast kings and beast kings have reached a unified consensus.

That is, human beings are fickle, full of ambition, and untrustworthy.

Can only live, but never let it develop.

Otherwise, it would be a disaster to bring to know.

Therefore, powerful tribes are not allowed to appear on the entire Northern Territory.

As long as a powerful tribe appears, there will be fierce beasts, and this tribe will fall apart and even become extinct.

Your survival is already the mercy of the Holy Spirit.

Do you think that for a sinful existence like this, do we let it know all this? "

Although from beginning to end, Wu did not say how terrifying the terrorist war launched by mankind back then was.

Something happened.

However, just from Wu, the constantly changing look, and the deep jealousy in his eyes, one can see that the terrifying war at that time was absolutely terrifying.

"In fact, we didn't want to contact you even if you existed.

After all, the existence of human beings brings us extremely deep and not very friendly memories.

However, your arrival may be the only ally we can contact now.

What we can give you.

This is the truth of all this.

There is also a place that belongs to you, Xiaoyao Palace, where everything is under your control. "

As he said, Wu's face was involuntarily exposed, with an embarrassing smile.

"Trouble! I haven't been in peace for two days!"

"What are you going to do? Let us work together to help you destroy those wild beasts?"

"No, these wild beasts are too many.

And their ability to reproduce is terrifying, and it can't be completely eliminated in a short time.

All we need to do is to seal the space cracks that lead to the chaotic animal world, which is getting more and more terrifying and huge.

Just stop the erosion of the power of those wild beasts, or even reduce the appearance of the power of wild beasts.

We have the strength and time to destroy these wild beasts. "

"Looking at the land of the Northern Territory and the sentient beings in the Supreme Profound Realm, I still hope...!"

"it is good!"


"I agree to this alliance."


Wang Musheng agreed.

It's not because of the land of the Northern Territory and the creatures of the world.

Just because, in this way, it can help Wang Musheng gain a lot of causal power.

The most important thing is that he is now the master of the Jade Emperor Realm, and there are some things that don't require him to act personally.

Think of it as a new experience.

At that time, if all of this can really be completely resolved, the development plan of the Northern Territory will not need to be changed.

And, with the promise of these fierce beasts, all this will be much smoother.


However, when he finally set off, Wang Musheng was alone.

The most important thing is that he alone is a spatial coordinate that can be summoned at any time to fight the entire Jade Emperor Realm and all the monks.

At the same time, Wang Musheng was alone, and it was right for him to change even more.

In fact, it is true.

The entire journey is expected to take two months, which is the result of the fastest speed.

However, when Wang Musheng was alone, he took advantage of the eight steps of the Heavenly Dragon to rush down the road with all his strength.

It only took ten days and it was over.

What I thought was a war of terror, or something.

It didn't happen.

The whole process unexpectedly went smoothly.

From the beginning to the end, Wang Musheng only used his power to activate one of the sealing magic circles that had been prepared by the fierce beast door in a specific place.

The whole process, relaxed and smooth, made Wang Musheng a little uncomfortable.

After all, this is the first time he did something so smoothly?

When the matter was over, Wang Musheng was leaving too.

For this reason, a group of numerous beast kings, beast kings, and even the legendary emperor beasts all appeared, and a grand farewell party was specially prepared for Wang Musheng.

And when they left, these fierce beasts also gave Wang Musheng many treasures that are unique and cherished by the Northern Territory.

As a thank you gift.

At the same time, these fierce beasts, although they are the first class.

But compared to humans, it is more trustworthy.

After that, there really weren't any fierce beasts coming to disturb Jade Imperial City.

Moreover, these fierce beast kings directly use the Jade Imperial City as the dividing line.

A large area east of the Jade Emperor Realm was directly handed over to Wang Musheng and others.

Although the fierce beast in this area did not completely leave.

However, the fierce beasts with strength above the Yuan Ying level were separated here.

As for the rest, Lieb left, there was no difference.

A fierce beast with such a power cannot have any influence on the development of the Jade Emperor Realm at all.

At the same time, without the influence of these murderers, the development of the Jade Emperor Realm on the Northern Territory has also become a bit faster.

Especially when the Jade Emperor City and Fierce Beast reached a public announcement.

When the Fierce Beast Gate directly gave all the territory east of the Jade Emperor City to the Jade Emperor City.

At this speed, it is directly entered, a peak.

what does this mean.

First of all, it represents the power of Jade Imperial City, a family that can negotiate with the entire family of beasts, and grab food.

Abruptly, from the hands of those terrifying beasts, they seized a large piece of land.

Such existence will be ordinary.

Can it be simple?

Secondly, this land became the Jade Imperial City, and even fierce beasts could not enter at will.

This brings is safe.

A place where you can settle and multiply.

The film is full of all kinds of dangers, and a place like, which may completely fall down anytime, is simply the most beautiful paradise for them.

So, after the news spread.

There is no need for the monks in the Jade Emperor Realm to operate, the aboriginal gates of the Northern Territory will automatically, frantically towards the Jade Emperor City, and on the land east of the Jade Emperor City, frantically gathering.

It can be said that after the news came, the most terrifying wave of immigration broke out in the North Territory in the shortest time.

Located on the land of the Northern Territory, the aboriginal people everywhere are like bees returning to their nests, all surging towards the Jade Emperor City.

And, at the same time, they also discovered a miraculous phenomenon.

That is, as long as it is the gate of the aboriginal people who moved to the Jade Emperor City, they rarely encounter fierce beasts on the road, even if they do.

Those fierce beasts will not attack these native gates at will.

This kind of miraculous change, in the eyes of these indigenous people, is that the Jade Emperor City is awesome and a powerful sign.

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