The terrifying war is about to start.

Moreover, I don't know how these terrifying beasts lurked silently next to this beast **** empire.

The battle just broke out.

It directly affected the entire Beast God Empire, and instantly involved billions of subjects of the Beast God Kingdom into this terrifying battle.

No, it is more appropriate to say that it is a war now!



"Woo, I don't want to die, no...!"

"Die! Die! Let's all die together!"




The terrifying war was only an instant, and a **** storm of terror was set off in this beast **** empire.

In such a terrifying war, the lives that died every minute and every second are counted in millions.

Originally, the January moon was high, the starry sky was shining, and the cloudless night.

It was just a moment's time, and it was covered with a layer of scarlet light.

But it made this night so weird.




And in this world, at this moment, there is only that shrill scream and wailing.

But there were no other voices.

"Wu, are you sure there is nothing wrong with this?

You should understand how important this incident is to our family.

There is no room for the slightest mistake. "

This is a mysterious space above the Beast God Empire.

At this moment, in this space, there are many, terrifying giants sitting or standing.

Although these behemoths are different, they are all beasts.

Moreover, the body exudes terrifying force and pressure all the time.

These terrifying behemoths here are the real masters behind those fierce beasts.

The true master of this northern land.

From another perspective, what gathered here is the strongest group of forces in the entire Northern Territory.

Among them, it is not only the king of beasts, king of beasts, and emperor beasts.

There are even many legendary beasts and world king beasts.

You know, in terms of power division.

The power of the Beastmaster is almost equivalent to the soul level among human monks.

The Beast King is equivalent to the fit period.

The emperor beast is equivalent to the tribulation period.

The respected beast is at least equivalent to the scattered immortal who has survived the tribulation five times.

And the Realm King Beast, that is beyond the Tribulation Period, is equivalent to the horrible existence of the Ascension Period among human monks.

A real godlike character.

It's such a power, but here it is more than one hundred thousand.

From this, one can imagine how terrifying this power is.

The only thing that makes people feel strange is.

I don't know why, so many, such terrifying existences actually appeared here.

However, at this time, it was one of them, a nine-tailed, unicorn black cat-style emperor beast.

Although the power of this emperor beast is not the most powerful existence among these terrifying beasts.

However, among so many terrifying beasts, this emperor beast faintly occupies a dominant position.

"The emperor can rest assured, the latest news, those guys from the so-called Jade Emperor Realm have returned to their original world.

And among those that remained, there was nothing powerful.

In case of accidents.

Except for those fierce beasts that slaughtered those humble humans in other places.

Other fierce beasts, our door dropped them all here.

Under the suppression of such an absolute number, it would not take long to slaughter the entire beast **** empire.

What's more, we also used the treasure that we finally sent from the family, Ding Kongzhu.

It can be short-lived and completely isolated, and no one can enter this space at this time.

However, with this time, we can accomplish everything.

When the time comes, our clan army will come, and those human beings, even if they come in, what will happen.

Moreover, we happen to be able to use the hands of those humans to break the seal of this area.

Therefore, it is to board the Supreme Profound Realm to let the glory of our clan shine on this earth again. "

But Wu, the more he spoke, the more excited he became. In the end, a frenzy appeared on the entire beast's face.

"Very well, well, Wu, you are doing well!

When our clan returns successfully this time, you will surely get a heavy award.

It is not impossible even to enter the Holy Land and receive the final baptism! "

"Everything is for the ethnic group."

"However, don't be careless. Ten thousand years of planning cannot tolerate the slightest error."

"it's me……!"




"It's your grandpa, who dared to use your grandpa. I'm so tired of it."


"Wang Musheng!"

"How is this possible? Haven't you already returned to your world, and the space of this world has been completely sealed by the empty bead."

"Sky Thunder Curse!"




"A group of beasts also want to learn from humans and play tricks. Are you still young?"

The wave of the hand is a terrifying sky thunder curse, directly turning a 10,000 li radius into a piece of thunder, and said disdainfully.

Yes, it was Wang Musheng who suddenly appeared here, and the space created temporarily by these terrifying beasts destroyed Wu casually.

"How did you find out?"

"How did you discover that you were too anxious and did too much, I didn't believe it at all.

The first is that the hybrid called Wuhuo appeared at a weird time.

It's like, the previous attacks of the fierce beast, etc., were all to pave the way for this guy.

Too deliberate.

Secondly, what kind of seal, although you have already concealed it, the delay is too rough and missed.

I don't know, are you capable of it?

Still look down on me. "

While talking, Wang Musheng waved his hand, and a Moyu Qilin beast appeared beside Wang Musheng.

This is the holy **** among those fierce beasts.

Master of all mixed-blooded black jade unicorn.

And these guys who asked Wang Musheng to help seal it was nothing at all, the cracks in the space leading to the chaotic beast world.

It was this one, Moyu Qilin.

As those guys said before, Moyu Qilin is the master of all the beasts on this northern land.

And now the fierce beast, although it has become a fierce beast.

However, they still can't directly hurt the existence of Moyu Qilin, \'what is the restriction on the rules.

Because this black jade unicorn is the spirit of the earth of the Northern Territory.

As for the existence of beast kings, beast kings, and emperor beasts, it is the chaotic beast gate in the chaotic beast world.

In order to reduce the rejection from the Supreme Profound Realm, occupying the local world, the strange existence formed by the body of the fierce beast that was eroded by the power of the chaotic beast.

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