The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 411: God Warriors

Their current world belongs to the Jade Emperor Realm and also to them.

If the world before it was philosophy, clouds and mountains were haunting, it seemed to understand but not to understand, and there was no one to guide it.

So now the world of Jade Emperor World is the primary school textbook.

And it's still very systematic.

Not only are you comprehending, even the teacher of heaven and earth will slowly teach you how heaven and earth are like this.

You only need to enlighten this way.

So and so.

There is no reason to make up for rapid growth.

Not only now, but all the monks who join the Jade Emperor Realm in the future, their cultivation bases have grown, and their understanding of Taoism will naturally be much better than others.

A lot easier.

Although, the promotion of the Jade Emperor Realm did not bring much power to Wang Musheng.

However, the promotion of the Jade Emperor Realm this time directly created a foundation that will last forever.

However, this improvement is not the biggest.

The most terrifying thing of this ascension was the demons transformed from the power of the aboriginal people, the beasts and gods, from the northern land.

It is now basically certain that the so-called beast gods envoy system is the conspiracy of those demons.

The purpose is to cultivate a large number of carriers that can carry the Demon Soul and better display the power of the Demon Race.

Therefore, the power system of the Beast God Envoy, otherwise you would naturally exist.

However, those who joined the Jade Emperor Realm before, the Northern Territory monks, and those who later rescued them, the Northern Territory monks.

What they cultivate is the power system of the beast gods.

Even, many monks of the Jade Emperor Realm have chosen to cultivate the power system of the Beast God Envoy.

Now, the power system of the Beast God Envoy had a problem.

You can't just abolish the cultivation base of these guys!

In this way, you can only find a way to get rid of the power of these beasts and gods, the restrictions and constraints of those demons.

But fortunately, before this, there were many monks in the Jade Emperor Realm who had studied the power system of this beast god.

Even further improvements.

In addition, Wang Musheng was inspired by the strange existence that was born because of the power system of the beast gods.

It is not impossible to improve the power system of this beast god.

In fact, before this, many branches of power were born in the Jade Emperor Realm, with the power system of the Beast God Envoy.

However, before this, these forces branched and were not valued.

However, it is different now.

It is necessary to change the power system of the Beast God Envoy in the shortest time.

These existing branches naturally appeared in front of everyone again.

Like one of them, the most powerful and change the most powerful branch power system.

The bento first appeared in front of everyone.

In terms of strong or not.

Ranked first is a power system called the giant soldier.

This is from the power system of the beast gods, absorbing experience and inspiration.

However, he did abandon the method of combining various fierce beasts and powerful combat power with the beast **** envoy system.

Instead, he chose fusion, various spirit weapons, magic weapons, and heavenly materials.

In order to gradually change his body step by step.

His own body, freed from the shackles of flesh and blood, became a kind of weird existence between Lingbao and between life, half-life and half-spiritual treasure.

In order to obtain a powerful force.

And Lingbao's almost immortal life.

It's just that in this way, this giant soldier only pursues ultimate strength and terrifying combat effectiveness.

When this process is over, the existence of the giant soldiers can no longer be called humans, or even life.

Such a change is very attractive to some guys who only pursue the limit of strength and immortal life.

However, for some orthodox monks, they cannot accept it.

It's not that everyone is willing to become this kind of inhuman and ghost.


It is a branch of power called Jidao monk.

They mainly absorbed it, and Wang Musheng can now incarnate numerous golden dragons at will.

In any part of the body, Dou has a complete life.

Even if it's just a drop of blood, as long as enough strength is given, there is still time to become able to regenerate, a Wang Musheng.

In this way, it is similar to the immortality.

The power system created.

They don't realize the Tao.

Only mana is cultivated, and mana is not stored in the body, but is used to temper every inch and every cell of the body.

At the same time, assist with various genius treasures.

He kept forging his body as if forging a spirit treasure.

Until they, every inch, every cell, become an independent and powerful spiritual treasure.

At that time, this extremely cultivator would possess tremendous power in every move.

The whole body will truly have the characteristics of being immortal and rebirth.

Very violent.

Also very powerful.

However, the same drawback is also obvious, that is, the consumption is extremely scary.

However, this is all easy to say, because in the Jade Emperor Realm, you never need to worry about resources.

However, another drawback is terrifying, and that is the extreme pain that is caused when practicing.

But, constantly, take out every inch and every cell of one's body, and keep tempering.

Not everyone can bear such pain.

Therefore, the two power systems of the extreme monk and the giant soldier are powerful.

But after all, it can only adapt to a small number of people and cannot spread at all.

So, in this case, the third power system appeared.

This power system.

Originally known as the **** of war beasts.

However, after everyone made further improvements to this power system, they were renamed Demon, and they shared the Tao of Demon Cultivation.

The core of the demon is also very simple.

Since the human body can gain powerful power by fusing the powerful parts of other beasts

So, what about the soul?

Cultivators, is it possible to take a deeper step, and the soul can also grow by fusing various powerful spirits.

Now that it is fused, the powerful organs and parts of the fierce beast can gain a powerful response.

So, what if the soul is merged?

Is it possible to directly obtain the corresponding realm and cultivation level?

This is a very tempting idea.

However, the initial problem is.

It is possible to merge the soul, but the memories and information brought by the soul cannot be removed.

And, as the more souls merged, the more complicated information is in this memory.

Even to the point where he went one step further and began to suppress his own soul.

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