The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 422: The power of sin

The entire golden space crack leading to the night sky was quickly torn and expanded, ten meters, one hundred meters, kilometers...!

Until the last time it stopped.

This spatial crack has become a terrifying crack more than 10,000 meters in size, lying above the void.

It was like a big hole had been broken in the entire sky.

Dark, deep, mysterious, scary.

Whenever I glanced at it, I felt the boundless horror, which made people tremble.

This is still a monk.

If it is an ordinary person.

Don't say it was watched.

Even if it was just a little breath, it was enough to directly and completely obliterate them.

"Forbidden air formation!"

He can confine the space within a certain range.

Help stabilize the space.

For example, this huge space crack in front of you.

Under the effect of the Forbidden Air Array, he would not continue to expand endlessly, or let the terrifying space power in it vent.

As a result, some unnecessary terrorist disasters.

At the same time, this can also make the scary guys on the opposite side of the space unable to quickly repair this space crack in a short time.


Everything is stable, except for a few left behind.

The other monks, all led by Niu Zhantian and Mangu, entered this space crack.

Although, this matter was handed over to a group of little guys.

However, in fact, they naturally can't leave it alone.

Even Wang Musheng didn't care.

The parents and relatives of those little guys can't ignore it either!

Once, a bad, these little guys, completely mess up these things?

Or was it caught in the enemy's conspiracy?


Therefore, they sent a lot of people to assist these little guys.

Like, Mangu, this, once the first warrior of the Azure Bull Demon Race, is one of them.

This battle lasted for a long time.

It took nearly an hour of time.

Niu Zhantian and his entourage once again walked out of that space crack.

Not to mention other things, just in terms of numbers, these monks in the Jade Palace have experienced a certain reduction in staff, but they are not many, and the loss is definitely not more than single digits.

However, the other monks who came out.

The faces of each one are not so pretty.

Even the breath of some of the monks fluctuates violently.

It's not that the battle is too terrifying, and what harm has been suffered.

In fact.

Those guys in the night sky, apart from the weird cultivation base, which is very good at hiding, assassinating, and using poison, the cultivation base of those guys is not very good.

Even, it did not have any impact on the monks at all.

However, in contrast, the change in mood caused by this battle was the biggest change in their so long.

Because they were in it and saw hell.

"Haha, humans, humans, haha, these so-called humans are more like beasts than our monster race!"

Niu Zhantian gritted his teeth and said.

"No, at least the killing of animals is to fill the hunger and to survive.

They are no longer comparable to beasts.

Compared with them, that is tarnishing the animal. "

"Yeah! Beasts practice hard in order to be called human.

However, there are many human beings who are willing to become animals. "

"Really should kill those animals directly."

"Kill them, it would be too cheap for them.

Waiting to go back, throw these guys directly into the spiritual prison, let them slowly wait for the arrival of death, that is the best punishment. "

"Yes! Just those people."




In fact, the space that never sleeps.

It's not something, extraterritorial space, but an extremely large secret space.

In it, there is a powerful inheritance that I don't know when and from whom.

Taoist Zixia, it was precisely this situation that was discovered at the beginning, that he showed his power, blocked these terrifying monsters, and vowed to guard this space crack forever.

What he did was to completely occupy this secret realm cave sky.

As for the others, it belongs completely, and it was an unexpected gain.

As for the name here, his original name is no longer known.

Because, when Taoist Zixia discovered this space, there were only some monsters that had completely lost their intelligence.

Don't say it is communication.

Even if you want to use the method of searching souls to know more information, there is absolutely no way.

So, naturally, no one knows what the name of this world was originally called.

The reason is that there is such a name here now.

The reason is that there are three suns hanging high in the sky here, so that there is only daytime and no night, so it is called the sky that never sleeps.

As for the heritage here.

But it is a kind, and its evil inheritance.

He is walking the way of desire.

In fact, whether it is the asceticism of Buddhism, the indulgence of the magical way, or the meditation of Taoism, Shuntian, obedience, and preconceived desires are seeking ways to escape.

This all proves that this desire is a catastrophe above the cultivating principles of the monks.

However, in the night and day, UU reading www. The legacy left by

But it just didn't follow the normal path.

He first, cast the heart of six desires.

Then, directly absorbed the power of desire that all monks shunned, thereby strengthening themselves.

Among desires, desire is best obtained.

Then there are only hatred, resentment, despair, and so on.

Of all life, the most powerful desire is naturally human beings. Whoever allows it to possess the highest spiritual wisdom among all things.

And to get hatred, there are desires such as resentment.

All that is needed is to make the other person feel desperate, or produce hatred, hatred emotions.

And this process is even simpler.

Just need to torture the target unit crazily.

Therefore, when Niu Zhantian and others entered the night sky, what they saw...!

The sky that never sleeps, with three suns, brings to this world a light that never goes out.

However, there were corpses all over the ground on this brightly illuminated earth.

In the sky, floating screams, desperate wailing.

That horrible scene.

Even the powerful cultivators like Niu Zhantian couldn't help feeling a tremor and palpitations with their determined character.

What kind of existence is this group!

Can actually make such a scene.

Such a guy can never stay.

Therefore, in the end, apart from some of the more important characters, the other characters were directly killed by a group of monks.

Even a mouse.

A little mosquito.

Because they all grew up from sin.


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