The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 534: Destined

   is the real dragon egg again.

   is the origin of the saint again.

   Even the Dao Palace on that day, the main purpose should be to protect this person, but it is to preach to the heavens and the world, just do it conveniently!

   Even more, trapped the entire dragon clan in the Heavenly Dao Palace to help your old friend keep the gate.

   So, don't deny it. "

   Little fat man Jiang Hongfei said with a look of contempt.

   "You are talking about Hailing's remnant soul. She successfully recovered?"

   "Admit it!

   Although she recovered, she was not in a normal recovery state, but was forcibly awakened.

   Therefore, the power he showed was not stable.

   What's more sad is that at the same time, those dragons who were trapped in the dragon gate don't know what method to use.

   broke through the seal of the dragon gate.

   broke out completely.

   A big battle.

   Your old friend was just born, and was hit again and almost fell. You had to save a part of the barbarians and save a trace of blood for the barbarians.

   fell into a deep sleep again.

   However, this time, your old friend also directly closed the whole Wendao Palace, and the entire Wendao Palace, as your old friend fell asleep, there was no trace of it.

   It was unexpected that this Wendao Palace appeared here. "

   ignored Little Fatty's teasing.

  Wang Musheng walked on this land quietly, watching the vicissitudes of life once, watching the sea spirit once again turning into a huge dragon egg.

  Although the dragon egg will be conceived again after it is not ready, and the child will be sacred, with the body of a saint, as long as the energy is sufficient, you can directly become a saint.

   However, after repeated heavy injuries, Hai Ling's will was finally completely wiped out.

After    was born again, Lan Ling.

   instead of Hailing.

   He went to the so-called Canglong Hideaway, and the treasure house he left behind, various magical instruments, elixir, etc., has been reduced a lot.

   should have been taken away by those geniuses among the six realms and the heavens!

  Gong methods, cheats, etc., are the same.

   There is even a lot more of you.

   These should be the inheritance left by some talented people in history. If you want to put it here, look for heirs!

   Wang Musheng did not move them.

  Because he knows that all of this will belong to the same self.

   However, this time Wang Musheng was not completely unsure.

   is on the last floor of the Treasure Pavilion.

   Wang Musheng and someone met an unexpected person.

   can't even be said to be a person anymore, it is more appropriate to say that it is a remnant soul.

   This is a woman kneeling on the ground, confessing her mistakes and repenting constantly.

   Wang Musheng knows this woman.

  She is the patriarch of the Barbarian God tribe, Tam.

   At the beginning, Wang Musheng took in the entire Barbarian God tribe, but this Tahm, however, wanted to find a new world for the Barbarian.

   A world that only belongs to the barbarians.

   still took a few people, walked directly into the inferior version of the dragon gate he had built, and disappeared into nothingness.

   What I didn't expect was that I would see this great barbarian patriarch again here.

   Only, if there are no accidents.

   In the outside world, the patriarch of the Barbarian God tribe, Tam, should still be in the tribe, making the final struggle, and did not enter the dragon gate.

   Then the scene in front of me.

   There is a possibility.

   That is, Tam, just like himself, fell into the long river of time, crossed the long river of time, and returned to the past.


   "Eh, is it interesting?"

  While Wang Musheng was still meditating, the little fat man Jiang Hongfei flew directly over and swallowed this strand of remnant soul directly, knowing everything from the remnant soul’s memory.

   "Let me just say it! Why did all this happen so suddenly and strangely, even I couldn't explore the secrets in it, I thought it was the work of a few other guys.

   Unexpectedly, it turned out to be like this.

  Heavenly Way is alien! "

   From the little guy’s self-talk, Wang Musheng quickly understood all this.

   The fact is as Wang Musheng guessed.

   The dragon gate that Tam had rashly opened did not send it to the new world.

   but sent them back to the ancient past.

   is when the barbarians are at their peak.

   The man who changed the destiny of the entire barbarian, the historical "catastrophe".

   is their disciple.

   is exactly what they did, pushing the entire barbarian race to the most prosperous peak.

   However, it was their actions that pushed the barbarians to hell.

   at the end.

   They know that the barbarians are over.

   They found it and asked Dao Gong.

   In order to find the Sea Spirit, they were bewitched by the dragon clan and touched the seal of the dragon gate, causing the entire dragon clan to escape.

   Although they finally found Hailing.

   Hailing looked at Wang Musheng's face, and agreed to keep the blood of the barbarian.

   But Hailing was hit hard.

  The dragon escaped.

  The barbarians are almost annihilated.

  All the disasters have already been cast, and they can no longer be restored.

   Therefore, at the last moment, he dominated the rise of the entire barbarian, and nurtured Tam who was such a terrifying existence as "Ji".

   In the end, it was a choice. In the hidden treasure pavilion of Zhijue and Wendao Palace, even though the body is rotten and the soul is mutilated, he still kneels there.

   want to make atonement.

  Obviously she just wanted the barbarians to live a better life, but she didn't expect that all the causal cycles and destiny were destined. The reason why all this would develop is precisely because of her.

   Even if Wang Musheng knew the cruel truth, his mood would be unbalanced.

   Not to mention Tam.

   right or wrong, who can say right or wrong!

   I can only say that all this is just a fate.

   Sad, sigh.

   can only say Naihe!

   Leaving the Canglong Secret Realm. U U Reading

   waiting for the return of the self.

   low-key hit the road this time.

   Demon Master City.

   Money Town.

   "Hey, this little guy is dying."

"You did it?"

   "No, you have violated the taboo and are looking for death by yourself.

   But you can beg me, as long as I'm happy, I can keep this guy. "

   "No, I will come this time."

   "You, just as you are, you may hang up at any time. If you don't hang up by yourself, it's not bad, and you want to save others.

  Do you know what existence you are facing?

   is looking for death. "

   "I can't die."

  "Isn't it because of the protection of the rules of the outside world? Although the rules of the world can't completely obliterate you, but with the number of deaths, your body will continue to be assimilated.

   If you don’t pay attention, you may completely become a part of the world.

   completely lost oneself.

   I feel that it is no different from dying! "


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