The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 166: Building a new home (2)

After    Xingzao Lake was made, Ye Xi began to plan farmland.

With the crops, those picking teams no longer have to risk their lives into the jungle to pick fruits. And it can provide the tribe with a stable source of fruits and vegetables, and it won't be lost due to natural disasters or other reasons.

Ye Xi circled a large area on the edge of the valley and set a fire to burn all the grass on the ground. Then he called all the male officials of the tribe and asked them to loosen the soil with the newly made hoe.

There is no metal here, so the head of the **** is made of stone, but the edges are sharpened so that it can be used just like an iron hoe.

The soil here is black and very fertile. It is so loosened by a **** and mixed with grass ash, it looks very soft.

Ye Xi actually never planted any land, but only saw his grandpa planting it. Grandpa told him that it only takes eight steps to plant the land. They are: plowing, leveling, ditching, leveling, digging small ditch, applying fertilizer, sowing, Ditch.

Now that the arable land has been completed, there are only seven steps left.

Ye Xi taught them one by one. In the future, these slaves will be mainly responsible for this field, but in order to prevent them from being lazy, a Tushan person will be arranged to supervise them.

Sweet potato seedlings are planted into the ground one by one.

When the last sweet potato seedling was planted, the soldiers who went outside to dig ginkgo trees just came back.

More than a dozen fighters each carried a small ginkgo tree on their shoulders-the roots of those big trees were too deep, and it was very difficult to carry them, so they all dug small ginkgo trees.

Cangpan put down the ginkgo tree on his shoulders and joked: "The warriors of this tribe are carrying prey on their shoulders, but the warriors of our tribe are carrying trees on their shoulders."

Ye Xi took the ginkgo tree sapling and found that the roots of the sapling were not damaged, so he let go of his heart, looked at the warehouse pan, and said: "Okay, the ginkgo tree will be well planted in the future, let you eat the first ginkgo."

Cangpan touched his head, and the soldiers all laughed.

After a while, another wave of fighters also returned. They brought back more. They dug up the peppers, big lettuce, purple fruit trees once found in the wild, and even the big toon tree on Xiaotu Mountain.

Everyone worked together to plant all these vegetables and fruits together.

After finishing these, the sky gradually dimmed.

Ye Xi set up a wooden stand next to the farmland again.

During the migration, he found an edible fruit.

This fruit is red, and its shape and taste are similar to the big mango of the previous life, but it grows on a vine, and there are large clusters of flowers resembling wisteria on the vine. The fragrance is tangy. When Ye Xi digs it, Also attacked by many bees.

Ye Xi planted the red mango vines, and hand-wrapped the vines around the wooden frame very carefully.

Looking at the shelf wrapped in vines, Ye Xi felt a sense of satisfaction and expectation.

Don't look at them now sparsely, he believes that within half a year, these vines will cover the whole shelf.

If it grows luxuriantly, he can also build a shed with wood and let the red mango vines crawl across the shed. In the summer, there will be a waterfall of purple flowers hanging under the wooden shed, and there will be full red mangoes from time to time. It must be very beautiful.

When he is old, the red mango vine must be very lush. At that time, he can make a wicker chair and put it under the shed. In the summer, he can lie down on it and fall asleep smelling the fragrance of flowers and fruits. It is simply beautiful.

"Ye Xi, you see we caught two female goats!" someone shouted from a distance.

Ye Xi woke up from the fantasy and looked at the sound.

I saw Litu walking towards him carrying a big goat with all four feet upside down, and a sturdy soldier next to him was also carrying a bleating female goat on his shoulders.

Ye Xi's eyes lit up, and he strode over, looking at the goat on Litu's shoulder, and said, "Put it down."

The poor ewe was carried all the way to the sky. When it was placed on the ground, she was dizzy for a while before she wanted to run away.

Ye Xi quickly held it down, took a cane, put it around its neck, and led it to the sheepfold.

That's right, he specifically encircled a piece of land, built wooden stakes around and fenced it as the tribe's sheepfold.

In fact, this valley is lush and large enough for large-scale animal husbandry. All bulls and deer can be raised in captivity. Even a few years later, the tribe can feed their stomachs by raising livestock without hunting.

But Ye Xi only intends to raise female goats, and even forbids the tribesmen to kill these female goats to eat meat, usually just squeeze some goat's milk for the tribe's children to drink.

Because once the warrior does not hunt, the force value will degenerate, and a warrior who lacks actual combat experience is equivalent to a wolf without claws.

Ye Xi had considered this before, but later saw that after the Xi tribe moved to the relatively comfortable snow-capped mountains, not only the number of soldiers dropped sharply, but even the witches were gone, so he became more vigilant.

So Ye Xi is very careful. Even if he raises, he only raises some milk-producing creatures, such as goats. I am afraid that because of the sufficient food, the tribal warriors will feel lazy, and feel that even if they do not hunt, they still have enough food to eat.

But the crops do not matter. No amount of fruits and vegetables can suppress the tribal people's desire for meat. Due to instinct, the soldiers will still hunt as aggressively as before. UU reading

Of course, there is another reason why it took so much trouble to raise these female goats. That is, if there is turbulence, the meat of these female goats can guarantee that no one in the tribe will starve to death during the famine.

BAA Baa baa……

As soon as these female goats entered the sheep pen, they ran around in panic, but they couldn't break through the fence. It took a long time before I settled down and bowed my head to graze obediently.

The soldiers were digging plants to find female goats, the slaves were busy farming, and the ordinary people in the clan were not idle. Carrying wood on their backs, they climbed to the top of the hill to build a watchtower.

Although this valley has a superior geographical environment, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but it has to be fortified.

So Ye Xi suggested that the chief could build a small observation tower on each of the four hills in the southeast, northwest and north, and arrange for the tribesmen to take turns in the observation tower.

On the top of the mountain, the situation outside the valley is unobstructed, and if an enemy invades, you can quickly spot it.

Considering the steepness of the mountain and the long climbing time, Ye Xi made some whistles. If there is an emergency, the people on duty only need to blow the whistle vigorously on the observation tower, and the people underneath will hear the whistle sound immediately. Enter the state of preparation.

When this whistle was first made, the tribesmen were very novel. They all had to blow the whistle. The competition was fierce. The valley was filled with sharp whistles for a while.

Later, Ye Xi couldn't bear the disturbance and stipulated that in the future, no one was allowed to blow the whistle except when there was an enemy, and this stopped. 8)

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