The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 200: Small feast

   Ye Xi looked for a flat grass.

Let a few fighters help and immediately make a wooden long table.

Since you want to eat rice, you can't sit on the ground by the campfire and hold a bowl to eat. So Ye Xi guided everyone to make the dining table.

Although according to Ye Xi's past habits, he prefers to use round tables. But now there are a lot of people eating, and there will be no such thick trees in the valley to make a big round table. On the contrary, it is easier to make a long table.

If there is a table, there must be a chair.

Ye Xi asked the craftsmen in the tribe to work together and made a dozen chairs out of whole wood.

On the green grass.

A freshly baked long wooden table exuding fragrance is placed horizontally on it.

Five Aphid warriors, six Ye tribe warriors, and a total of 15 people including Chief Tushan, Pu Tai, Yong, and Ye Xi sat on the chairs near the wooden table.

Primitive people are used to sitting on the ground, or sitting on the rocks. The Aphis and Ye tribes sit on chairs abruptly, without knowing how to put their hands and feet, and look at the chairs under their buttocks in novelty.

Only a few Tushan people are better, because there are dining tables and chairs in Ye Xi's stone house, and Yong and the others occasionally go to Ye Xi's stone house to have a meal, and they also sit on chairs for dinner with Ye Xi.

It took a lot of time to make the tables and chairs, so it didn't take long for them to sit down, and the dishes were almost done. The female people brought the dishes to one end.

The first dish is toon soup.

The thin golden yellow oil covers the soup surface, and is matched with the green toon. The tempting aroma came over.

"Gudong!" Ebony swallowed hard while looking at the Tonggu Tang placed in front of him. He just wanted to blush, but found that the Ye tribe people on the opposite side hadn't noticed at all, and they all looked at Tonggutang and drooled, sniffing its aroma.

So Ebony also took a breath of aroma with confidence.

This smell is too fragrant, right?

He had never smelled such a fragrant broth. Compared with it, the broth boiled in the tribe before was simply for slaves! How did Tushan people cook the broth so fragrant? The people of the two tribes were amazed.

What came next was a plate of fried shredded lettuce.

The green shredded lettuce looks refreshing and delicious, and looks particularly attractive in this increasingly hot dry season.

The next one is beef steamed custard.

The crowd looked straight again, what is this goose-yellow solidified object?

Shan Ye couldn't help but ask Ye Xi: "What is this, why have you never seen such food?"

Ye Xi smiled and explained, "This is custard made from bird eggs."

"A bird's egg? Can an egg be made like this?" Shan Ye's eyes rounded in shock.

In their impression, bird eggs have always been eaten raw, occasionally boiled in boiling water, and eat hard boiled eggs. They never knew that eggs could be made into such a coagulum, nor did they know how it tasted?

The last dish was served, this time with shredded chicken and mushrooms.

It is said that it is a chicken wire, but it is actually made of a moa, which is as big as an ostrich and has bright feathers, some resembling pheasants in previous lives. But the meat is more tender, and the meat becomes crispy when cooked.

Considering that the soldiers eat a lot, so this time the bowls for serving dishes are all the size of wooden basins, and all dishes are placed in front of each person. In the end, fearing that they might not be used to it, Ye Xi sent someone to roast a small terrifying beast, and after it was cut, each person would share a portion.

After all the dishes are served, the rice is also steamed.

The female people held a bowl of white rice and put it in front of everyone.

Ebony looked at the snow-white crystal rice in the bowl in surprise, and asked, "This is..."

"This is the rice I'm talking about." Ye Xi smiled.

Ebony: "Oh~" The tone suddenly realized.

The Ye tribesmen whispered in excitement, while the Aphisians stared at the food in front of them motionlessly, drooling in their mouths.

Ye Xi announced compassionately: "It's time for dinner."

As soon as these words came out, the people who were groaned by the scent of the food were as if they had pressed the play button, and everyone ate their heads.

First, take a sip of toon bone soup, the extremely delicious broth immediately filled the taste buds, but because of the addition of toon to dissolve the greasiness of the ordinary broth, people took a sip and wanted a second sip. I scooped a spoon of custard, the goose-yellow custard was tender, and it was incredibly smooth in the mouth. After sliding into the throat, the mouth and teeth still fragrant.

There is also that Huaigu, freshly picked from the shade of this Huaigu Valley, very fresh, tender and chewy. When paired with shredded chicken, the taste is truly amazing.

The Ye tribesmen and the Aphismen swept away these foods, ate their heads bitterly, and couldn't bear to stop sweating their noses. Instead, they turned a blind eye to the rice that was very curious at the beginning.

Halfway through the meal, these people finally remembered that there was rice, so they looked at Ye Xi and them.

I saw people like Ye Xi eating a bite of rice and then another bite of food, eating a bite of food and chewing a bite of rice, holding that small bowl of rice as if holding a rare treasure, they were careful, and they often had to eat a big bite of food. Eat a small bite of white rice.

Only then did the Ehu people and the Ye tribe people turn their attention to rice.

I took a spoon and took a bite into my mouth, seems to be that way, no taste, faint, with a little sweetness, take a bite of the bone soup, another bite of rice, one bite of the dish and another bite Rice...Huh? Why is the meal gone?

They were holding the bowl, scraping the spoon along the edge of the bowl, trying to scrape out another spoonful of rice.

But in the end there were only a few pitiful grains of rice.

Shan Ye called to Ye Xi, and showed him the empty bowl: "I'm out of food."

Ye Xi smiled gently: "There is not much rice in the tribe, so there is only this bowl. Let's eat more."

No more?

As if a thunderbolt fell in the sky, the people of the two tribes stared at their empty bowl of and licked the corners of their mouths.

What should I do if I still feel like I'm still not finished?

Although there is still a lot of food left, why does it feel boring? Why do you want to eat that humble bowl of white rice so much?

The Ye tribe people were better, looked at each other desperately and continued to eat.

A few brawny men ate while looking at Ye Xi with aggrieved and expectant eyes, like a big dog who couldn't get his favorite toy, and the whole person exuded a pitiful smell.

That expression made the gang of Ye tribe people Leide outside and inside, as if refreshing the three views.

Ye Xi carried it for a while and finally couldn't stand it anymore, and said loosely, "Well, everyone has another bowl."

As soon as these words were said, everyone's eyes brightened and they were too happy.

After the rice was served again, the warriors of the two tribes ate it in small bites and cherished it. They stubbornly ate all the dishes on the table before putting the last grain of rice in their mouths.

The wooden bowls on the table were all clean and there was no soup left.

"Huh—" The warriors of the two tribes touched their round belly and slumped on their chairs.

Suddenly, I realized that this behavior was a bit embarrassing, so I surreptitiously looked at the Aphid people (Yeh tribe people) who were on the opposite side, only to find that they also looked like they were pregnant in October.

The eyes are facing each other, and the mind is balanced.

Everyone continued to collapse on the back of the chair comfortably. 8)

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