The fat of    ichthyosaur is very thick, the whole fish is spindle-shaped, and the middle part of the abdomen is the thickest. It is not easy to cut its stomach and drag out the two corpses.

Ye Xi pierced the bone knife deeply into the fish's belly, and cut a large opening several meters long with the bone knife horizontally, let the Jiao Jiao's tail go into the gap to help hold it, don't let the opening close, and then went in by herself.

The blood stream in the abdomen of the fish and dragon was dripping out, and after a while, a large pool of glaring red was accumulated on the snow-white ice.

Ye Xi's body was wrapped in heavy fish, and the nasal cavity was full of fishy smell, and his body was full of fish blood. But he didn't care, standing short in the gap in the belly of the fish, holding a bone knife and continuing to cut inside.

After cutting about two or three meters, I finally saw the stomach. A large, smelly dark green liquid that pierced the stomach wall immediately sprayed out like a water arrow.

Ye Xi immediately stepped away.

The gastric juice is corrosive, and he is shirtless now, without any clothing covering his upper body, it is not very good to be stained.

A lot of gastric juice splashed on Jiao Jiao's tail, but its scales were so thick that it didn't feel anything.

The ichthyosaur's gastric juice was stinking, and Ye Xi's stomach was surging, and she stopped breathing while holding back vomiting. After the gastric juice was almost sprayed, he continued to stuff his head and cut the ichthyosaur's stomach.

After cutting a cut that was almost half a meter long, a black corner came out from the gap.

Ye Xi cut the opening wide, dragged the thing and pulled it out.

The black thing was dragged out with sticky stomach juice-it was the hapless pterosaur. It hasn't been digested yet, it still looks whole.

Except for the pterodactyl, the remaining food is still deep in its stomach. Ye Xi thought for a while, took the animal skin jacket that was outside, wrapped his hand in the animal skin, and then leaned in.

After groping for a while, he pulled out two big fishes with only skeletons left, and finally touched a foot.

Ye Xi trembled in his heart, holding the foot, and slowly dragging the person out.

This "man" is completely unrecognizable, his body is better, he is wearing a thick animal skin coat, but his face and hands have been corroded by the ichthyosaur's gastric juice, like being skinned, and mixed with green. Mucus, terribly disgusting.

Judging by this person's clothes, it was the Aphid soldier who rescued Hulu.

Ye Xi dragged him out of the ichthyosaur's body and carefully placed him on the snow-white ice surface that was not contaminated by blood.

After adjusting his emotions, Ye Xi drilled into the ichthyosaur again from the gap, and stretched his hand into his stomach to continue groping.

After a while, he touched another hand.

Ye Xi felt sad and distressed, grabbing this hand and carefully dragging him out.

This person is Hulu.

His appearance is not much better than that of the Aphid warrior, his eyelids are even half corroded, which is shocking.

Ye Xi didn't think he was dirty, so he picked him up, drew out of the ichthyosaur's body, stepped on a spot of blood, and wanted to put him beside the Aphid warrior.

But when he had just walked two steps, the person in his arms suddenly opened his eyes, opened his fleshy mouth, and took a big breath.


The horror of this scene is no less than that of the zombie resurrection. Ye Xi shook his hand and almost threw the person away.

After a second, Ye Xi finally reacted. He put the person on the ground in disbelief, and his eyes widened in ecstasy: "You are not dead!"

Hulu knelt on the ice and gasped for breath: "Huh! I was suffocated... It hurts me to death, it's disgusting..."

The words spoken in the rest of his life were incoherent.

Ye Xi's brain was blank by the surprise, but after a while he understood what was going on.

This ichthyosaur is not a fierce beast, but an ordinary prehistoric water monster, without the perverted digestive ability of a fierce beast. In addition, Hulu had eaten a lot of star algae, and holding his breath for such a long time was nothing, so it was possible to survive.

At this time, Ye Xi was extremely grateful.

Fortunately, he rushed into the water in a rage and wanted to kill the ichthyosaur. Fortunately, he didn't want the two to melt into dry bones and immediately cut the appetizer bag to save people.

If it is later, Hulu may not be able to hold on.

Ye Xi's gaze turned to another "corpse" with a blurry face. There is no shortage of star algae in Tushan Mountain. People who live in Tushan Valley have naturally eaten a lot of them. As soldiers, they give priority to supply. Hulu is still alive, is it possible that this Aphid warrior will survive?

Thinking of this, Ye Xi couldn't stand anymore, so he walked quickly to his side, knelt down on one knee to test the pulse of his neck-there was no beating.

Ye Xi was unwilling to give up, folded his hands together, put his hands above his heart, and pressed it up and down rhythmically.

People who have just stopped breathing can be rescued with first aid measures such as chest compression.

Hu Lupi was thick and thick. Although his face and hands were painful now, it eased after adjusting for a while. He walked to Ye Xi and watched Ye Xi press the Aphid warrior's chest again and again.

Hu Lu felt sad. This Aphid warrior is called Axe, and he has a good relationship with him.

He knew that the axe was swallowed into the belly of the fish to save himself. It could be said that he was killed by himself. Although I don't know why Ye Xi kept pressing his axe on his chest, Hulu knew that Ye Xi must be trying to save him.

Looking at the motionless axe, Hulu's eyes were sad. He has stopped breathing, how can he be saved...

When I was thinking this way, there was a sudden panting in my ear.

Hu Lu's eyes widened, seeing the axe that had lost his breath, he sat up suddenly, opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of green mucus, and coughed violently.

"Cough...cough..." Axe clutched Ye Xi's hand tightly, bending over and coughing.

Seeing that the person was really saved, Ye Xi couldn't help being surprised. The hand that was caught didn't break free, and the other hand kept patting him on the back to help him get along.

Hulu took a long time and finally realized that the axe was He rushed over, clutching the axe's lap tightly, his eyes were red before he spoke.

Axe watched a **** and indistinct person approaching him. He was shocked, his eyes widened, and he said vaguely in his throat: "The forehead is...ugly...weird... …"

The voice was hoarse and unclear, as if it had been rubbed with sandpaper.

Hu Lu: "..."

Full of joy and surprise, he was choked back by this "ugly".

Ye Xi knew that he accidentally swallowed a mouthful of ichthyosaur's gastric juice and burned his throat, and said to Hulu: "Hulu, his throat has not recovered yet, don't talk to him yet."

Axe widened his eyes when Ye Xi shouted Lu to the vague person, suspecting that he had heard him wrong.

Hulu held a "ugly" face with a dull expression, and grinned at him suddenly: "Hey, you are like this now~"

The effect of this laugh was terrifying. Just as the axe shrank back in shock, he immediately realized that he said he was like this...

Axe touched his face tremblingly, only then did he find out in a chaotic manner that his face and hands were so painful, as if he had been stripped of skin.

The tears accumulated in the eye sockets of the axe who was touching his face, and he started to spin.

"Woo..." The axe finally couldn't help it, sobbing in horror, tears falling like a broken string.

Ye Xi silently covered her forehead. 8)

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