The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 225: Leapfrog battle!

Hearing Ye Xi's words, Black Thorn was shocked, and immediately ran to him holding Ye Xi's things, and said anxiously, "You are crazy! You are only a third-level fighter!"

Third-level fighter!

The people around were in an uproar.

Ye Xi wore a black animal leather coat, which concealed the totem pattern and flame pattern, so they could not see that Ye Xi was a fighter of what level. Seeing Ye Xi stand up, they thought he was a very tender fourth-level fighter, but they didn't expect that he was only third-level.

Ju was born in a big tribe and had taken the exotic flowers and plants that enhance hearing, so although he was farther away, he also caught the words of the black thorns.

Ju looked at Ye Xi with a grim expression, and said, "I'm not going to fight the third-level guy, you can go back."

Ju is so proud. There is no opponent of him among the fourth-level fighters. How could he be willing to fight a third-level, even seemingly under-age fighter?

Torch spoke with a strong voice, like Hong Zhong, all tribe warriors watching around, including thousands of tree people, heard it.

This boy who wants to challenge the torch is a third-level fighter? Want to challenge the torch even with a third-level fighter? !

Although courage is commendable, but... many people shook their heads, thinking that this young man was a little ridiculous. It's really a kid, easy to act impulsively, and I don't know which tribe it belongs to. It's a genius to be a third-level fighter at such a young age, but it's too ignorant.

Ye Xi's eyes were a little helpless.

Obviously, torch is the strongest among all four-level fighters on the field, and he doesn't want to fight with torch if he can, because he is not sure at all. But now he has no choice, because Ju is in third place, no matter which one he challenges in front, if he wins, the squeezed torch will definitely challenge Ye Xi again.

Since a battle is inevitable, it is better to challenge the torch directly.

As it was near noon, the sun became more blazing. The bare ground lacks moisture, and the dust is tanned.

Ye Xi patted Hei Thorn's shoulder and said, "It's okay." He brushed Hei Thorn's shoulder, stepped into the court without hesitation and walked in front of Ju.

Looking at the tall and fierce torch in front of him, like a cast of copper and iron, Ye Xi said: "You ask who is challenging, I said I challenged, should you or should you not?"

Ju took a deep breath, his deep voice seemed to be shaking in his chest: "Since you insist on getting a beating, well, I hope I won't accidentally beat you to death."

Ye Xi's eyes were cold, and he said solemnly: "Let's start."

Ju shook his hand and said casually, "You do it first."

In this posture, it is as if the father of the clan is fighting with the child, letting the child come over.

Ye Xi's eyes darkened a bit, and his voice was low and said: "I look down on a person, but I will suffer...!" As soon as the voice fell, his figure was low, and his whole body rushed towards the opponent like lightning! At the same time, his right fist hit his abdomen like a falling star!

The fist carried a strong wind towards the torch.

So fast!

Ju's pupils shrank suddenly and the heart beat fiercely.

The fist was fierce, and even the air was whistling low and the torch did not dare to hold on, but at this time it was too late to retreat! Ju could only choose to resist. He quickly stretched out his right hand to grab Ye Xi's fist, but it was too late! Can only use the right forearm to resist.


The powerful force penetrates the skin and reaches the bones.

There was a sharp pain in Ju's arm, which suddenly changed color. When Ye Xi's left fist struck again, Ju's left hand also blocked Ye Xi's fist in time.

But even though it was blocked, Ye Xi's punch went down, and the torch retreated two centimeters abruptly!

——Wow! !

This scene was like a boulder hitting a calm lake, shaking the audience! Everyone looked at Ye Xi in disbelief. Even the tree people who have been calm as an ancient well all paid attention to Ye Xi.

On the bare ground under the blazing sun, the torch's footprints and the soles of the torch's feet were reddened by the sand. He was not angry but was delighted, and his eyes looked amazingly bright when he looked at Ye Xi.

"Okay! I finally found someone who can fight! A third-level fighter, hahaha... Did I actually run into a genius in the legend who could not lose in class? Hahahaha!"

"It's just that you are still too arrogant! You may not have your opponent in the third level, but you are still dreaming if you want to win the fourth level!"

Having said that, Ju's entire popularity skyrocketed, and he took a deep breath, his chest swelled suddenly, and roared and threw a heavy punch at Ye Xi!

The power of that heavy punch is so powerful that it even produces a burst of air out of thin air! If it is hit, even the rock will be smashed into a deep hole!

Ye Xi didn't dare to be careless, and quickly avoided.

Torch turned into a violent terrifying beast, with terrifying fists hitting Ye Xi's face like a cannonball. But Ye Xi was no less inferior. He was so fast that he almost left shadows. He avoided the torch's attacks again and again, and his agility made everyone watching the game dare not blink.

That fierce fist suddenly became faster, and his power skyrocketed again. Ju's sharp eyes locked on Ye Xi like a beast. The moment Ye Xi dodges the last fist, he hit Ye with a heavy fist. Xi's chest fell.

"Die!!" Ju roared.

"Ye Xi!"

The faces of the pottery warriors watching the battle and the tribes of the stripping tribe changed drastically!

Ye Xi's heart shrank and burst out immediately! but! It's too late!

He crossed his arms and immediately resisted in front of his chest. In the next instant, the terrifying fist carrying endless power like a mountain hit Ye Xi's arms fiercely!


With the crisp sound of bones breaking, Ye Xi's arm hurts sharply, and he was forced to move back ten centimeters by the powerful force! Two deep plow marks were left on the hot sand

Ye Xi's lips were white, and beads of sweat ooze from his forehead.

Both hands had severe pain in the forearms, but the right arm blocking the front was even more painful. He knew that his right forearm was cracked!

Ju didn't mean to give up at all, his eyes burst open and fierce, his fists attacked Ye Xi frantically, and his fists were fierce to the extreme!

Ye Xi's pupils shrank, and he quickly dwarfed, avoiding the storm-like attack, and then bent his left arm, pressing his elbow against Torch's abdomen!

Ye Xi's movements were lightning fast, and the torch was hit in the abdomen by his elbow.


The dull sound of physical impact.

Ye Xi exhausted his elbow, and the torch was full of rock-like muscles in the abdomen. With the elbow as the center, there were waves that were visible to the naked eye.

Torch had a sharp pain in his abdomen, and a **** smell immediately filled his throat.

When Ye Xi retracted his left arm and wanted to make another punch at the same position, a big palm blocked Ye Xi's fist like an iron clamp.

Ye Xi looked up.

Ju Ju stared at him condescendingly, his eyes extremely excited.

He grinned suddenly, his exposed teeth were full of blood, and he said word by word: "You really surprised me, third-level kid!"

Ye Xi didn't have the slightest joy on his face.

The two had just fought, and his right forearm was fractured, and his right arm was almost scrapped, and his combat power dropped drastically. But with his full blow, Ju just spit out blood. The fourth-level fighters are physically strong, with little damage.

The scorching sun scorched the earth, and twisted waves of heat surged in.

Crystal beads of sweat rolled from Ye Xi's cheeks, and he pursed his dry lips, his eyes obscure.

You can't use dominoes or other methods...How should he play this game?

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