The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 236: Raging River Roar

early morning.

Ye Xi opened his eyes and got up from the grass.

He lifted the animal skin blanket, patted the broken grass foam on his body, stretched his head and looked at the sky.

At this time, the sky will not be bright, and there will be dawn from the end of the sky, but the stars have not disappeared, and they are still shining in the sky.

There are many people sleeping around.

Including the herd of gazelles and wildebeest sleeping on the outermost periphery of the convoy, they are lying on the grass at the moment, drooping their eyelids and sleeping soundly.

Today is the fifteenth day of the convoy entering the grassland. After the entire convoy rushed for so long, it was finally near the Nu River.

The breeze blows, the air is very fresh, with bursts of green grass fragrance.

Some people who got up early like Ye Xi fetch water by the well.

This is a well dug in the ground by the Oryctolagus people. The Oryctolagus people are good at digging holes. More than twenty Oryctolagus people dug a well in the grass within a few minutes.

The animal skin blanket was too thick, and Ye Xi sweated profusely while sleeping, so he lined up to hit a bucket full of water. After drinking two sips, the rest of the water poured all over his head with a splash.

The cool well water took away the hot air from all over his body, and tossed his wet hair, Ye Xi whispered, "Happy!"

"Ye Xi, come and eat! The meat is cooked!" Sitting by the campfire not far away, Huihu and Blackthorn greeted Ye Xi loudly.

At this moment, there are clusters of bonfires on the grass, and the people in the caravan gather around to eat barbecues. There is still a day to go today, and the stomach must be full.

Ye Xi stroked his wet hair, handed the barrel to the people in line behind him, and walked towards the black thorns.

Along the way, he passed countless soldiers who lay down sleeping like corpses.

After passing the place where the tribe warriors slept, Ye Xi made a big circle. Because when they are sleeping, they will release all the messy bugs out of the stone box and spread out around their bodies.

After passing by the stinging tribe, Ye Xi bowed his head and walked around several pits.

There were Anatya people sleeping there. They were used to sleeping in the cave. With Ye Xi's eyesight, they could see them nestled deep in the cave, small in a group, very well-behaved.

A giant eagle falcon was roasted by the bonfire, and it was scorched by the flames.

Ye Xi sat down and ate slowly with the Black Thorn Uighur.

After eating a whole giant eagle, the sky is already bright and everyone else is awake. Everyone eats and tidies up.

Bo Shan yelled: "Go!"

After a rest night, everyone was in high spirits, the sound of wheels rang again, and the convoy rushed towards the sunrise.

The wind was howling, because he was tired of riding a two-wheeler, this time Ye Xi turned over and sat on a wildebeest.

The tide of beasts surged, and the hoof sound was thunderous.

As it approached noon, a large area of ​​sparse undergrowth and groups of super giant dinosaurs appeared in front of them. The endless giant herbivorous dinosaurs were slowly gnawing on leaves and grass.

Ye Xi stood up from the back of the wildebeest, jumped quickly from the back of the wildebeest, and sat back in his car smoothly.

Hei Thorn and Uighur were stunned when they saw that there were suddenly more people beside them.

"Aren't there any detours ahead?" Ye Xi asked.

The Uighur came back to his senses: "It's okay, we rushed over directly."

Rush over? Ye Xi looked at the giant dinosaur group getting closer and closer, and his tongue was stunned.

These dinosaurs were all blue-gray, and each was more than 30 meters long, with four legs as high as two stories, and the ground trembled when they walked.

Fortunately, the battle pets said that those gazelles and wildebeests are just ordinary beasts. Seeing so many giant dinosaurs, they were a little panicked. When their hooves turned, they tended to change their routes.

Wuku stood on the wildebeest in the middle, took out the bone horns, raised his head and blew.


With the sound of the quaint and desolate horns, the gazelles and wildebeests who had a tendency to change their routes resumed their straight roads, carrying the billowing sand and rushing straight towards the giants.

The convoy was getting closer and closer to the group of dinosaurs. When these giant dinosaurs saw the mighty convoy rushing towards them, they were a little panicked.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The heavy behemoths scrambled in chaos, stretched their long necks and screamed.

The convoy rushed toward the dinosaur group with the sound of the horn.

In Ye Xi's surprised eyes, the convoy passed under the belly of a giant dinosaur with an extremely flexible attitude, without being stepped on by a dinosaur by mistake.

Whenever he passed a giant dinosaur, Ye Xi always felt that its four feet were like four big pillars, and the dinosaur belly above his head looked like a bridge.

When these giant dinosaurs were reproducing, nests of giant dinosaur eggs were everywhere on the grass.

Some raptors were stealing dinosaur eggs with their dexterity. They were chased by giant dinosaurs. They wanted to run here, but when they saw the convoy passing by, they hurriedly turned around.

After 20 minutes in the dinosaur group, the convoy finally passed through the giant dinosaur group and then entered a jungle. An hour later, a majestic sound of water came from the front, and the convoy gradually slowed down amid the sound of the horn.

At the end of the jungle, there appeared a wide river roaring like an angry dragon.

The convoy stopped near this big river.

Ye Xi jumped out of the car and looked at the magnificent river in front of him in awe.

Visually, the river is more than 20 kilometers wide, vast and immense, with almost no end in sight. The water is very urgent, the river roars like thunder, and the two banks are covered with water mist that has been smashed to pieces, dimly connected.

"No wonder it's called Nuhe..." Ye Xi exclaimed.

This surging momentum, the waves are magnificent, as if a **** is angry, even standing twenty meters from the shore, there is a cold splash of water.

The black thorn standing next to Ye Xi shouted to him: "Shock it! I will come almost every year! But every time I see this angry river, I will still be shocked!" The sound of the river is too loud, and the black thorn must use it Ye Xi could hear it.

Ye Xi looked at the surging river, wiped the drops of water and shouted, "How are we going to get there?"

Such a turbulent river, if it falls, it is almost impossible to imagine. If it just fell in the first second, it might be washed a mile away in the next second.

The Uighur yelled a little proudly: "Look at us first!"

The people of the falcon tribe in the convoy summoned their falcons from everywhere, and after re-issued the order, they released them all.

Several blue-gray falcons flew towards the other side of the Nu River.

The rest of the convoy unloaded all the goods trapped in the car, and then tied the boxes together in piles with rattan.

Half an hour later, the falcon flew back from the other side of the Nu River.

After a while, a dozen huge black hard-shelled creatures appeared on the Nu River, breaking through the turbulent water and swimming slowly towards the other side of the river.

Ye Xi glanced intently and saw these round creatures, they were giant horseshoe crabs!

Each of these giant horseshoe crabs is more than ten meters long. It looks a bit like a turtle, but it is flatter than a turtle. It also has a long and thin tail, which is as ugly as an alien.

Ye Xi: "This is..."

The Uighur falcon touched the falcon on his arm and explained: "This was sent by the tribe on the other side to pick us up. We let the falcon over to inform them, and they would know that we are here and let them carry us. Although these things are long enough Ugly, but very powerful, I am not afraid that water waves can cross the angry river!"

Several giant horseshoe crabs climbed onto the shore, everyone worked together to carry the goods onto them, and then they themselves stood on their backs.

The gazelles and wildebeest herds did not go to the other side, and Wuku stayed in place. They will stay here for three days, waiting for the caravan to come back from the other side, and then bring them back.

The back shell of the giant horseshoe crab is very hard, it looks bright after being washed by the river, but it does not slippery.

Ye Xi sat on the same giant horseshoe crab with the people from the Bo Tribe.

After the giant horseshoe crabs waited for everyone to sit together, they slowly crawled towards the roaring anger river.

When I hit the angry river, I heard the roar of the river like thunder everywhere, and the broken waves smashed into the faces of everyone. The snow-white water hit people's eyes and everyone was soaked instantly.

The river was surging, and everyone faced the blow of the waves on the back of the giant horseshoe crab. They sat in a circle next to the cargo, trying their best to protect the cargo. Fortunately, the giant horseshoe crabs swim very steadily, and the cargo is not in danger of tipping over.

Halfway through the journey, was surrounded by snow-white foam and waves. Ye Xi blocked the spray with his hands, enjoying the magnificent beauty.

"Such anxious water! Are there fish or water beasts underneath?" Ye Xi turned his head and asked Blackthorn loudly.

The sound of the river was so loud that Blackthorn did not hear clearly, and shouted: "What did you say?!"

"I said! Are there fish or water beasts in this river!!" Ye Xi yelled at the black ear.

Now Black Thorn heard it, and shouted: "Maybe there is! I don't know!"

Ye Xi yelled, "Will there be water beasts attacking us!" The turbulent river water fell and the game was over.

Black Thorn shouted: "Don't worry! I've been here for more than ten years! I haven't encountered it once!"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge and ferocious barbarian fish and beast suddenly emerged from the surging river! Then broke through the snowy white river, and attacked the giant horseshoe crab in front of them!

The giant horseshoe crab was turned upside down like a leaf, and more than twenty people on the giant horseshoe crab's back were swallowed into the water of the Taotao River, together with their cargo and their pets.

Ye Xi's complexion changed drastically, and they all stood up from the back of the giant horseshoe crab.

The barbaric fish beast has an extremely long body, reddish-brown, and looks like a mosasaur, but has a long beard like a catfish monster. After its head submerged, its long body churned over the surface of the angry river again.

Ye Xi was shocked to find that there was a person standing in the middle of its back!

This is a tall and thin man. His skin is fair, his appearance is beautiful, and the corners of his mouth are slightly tilted like a smile.

Around the body is the majestic surging water.

Standing high on the back of the barbarian fish and beast, he looked at Ye Xi, and was quickly taken by the barbarian beast into the turbulent river.

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