The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 245: Concealed dominoes

Chief Adillo took a deep breath and slowly said, "Actually, Duan Ling is not wary of foreigners because he is afraid of his tribe becoming slaves. Rather, there are always enemies looking for us outside, and he is wary of our tribe's enemies. "

This Chief Adillo repeated so repeatedly, Ye Xi had reservations about his words: "Your enemy?"

The chieftain was so mature, and seeing that Ye Xi's attitude had changed, he gritted his teeth and simply said, "Yes, it's the Xiling family!"

Xiling's? Ye Xi smashed the name, feeling a bit strange. In his limited experience, the groups of strangers he encountered were called "clan", such as the Oryctolagus tribe and the Treant tribe. The communities composed of ordinary people are called "tribes". What kind of strange name is this "Chang"?

Seeing that Ye Xi didn't show a shocked or stunned look, the Chief Adillo looked confused and couldn't help but blurt out, "My lord, haven't you heard of it?"

Ye Xi said frankly, "I come from a very far away place, and I have never heard of this Xiling family."

Hearing what Ye Xi said, Chief Adillo became happy, rubbing his hands and said, "It seems that your tribe is indeed very far away, so it's better!"

Ye Xi: "Aren't you afraid that I am from the Xiling family?"

"The people of the Xiling family have tattoos on their foreheads. You can tell that they are not theirs. Don't blame Duan Ling. The little guys in our tribe always listen to our older generations saying that we should be careful of the enemies outside. Over time, they became very alert to all foreigners."

Ye Xi nodded and asked questions: "Then why are you telling me this now?"

"Because I still want the tribe to follow you to your tribe!"

"It's not realistic to go back to the tribe with me, the journey is too far."

Chief Adillo: "This problem can be solved. We have something to protect ourselves on the road, and it won't hinder you."

Ye Xi looked at the black scale tiger lying in a pool of blood and was silent.

He couldn't even say that he could protect himself from such a long road. And if they have a treasure, how can they not even be able to resist a brutal beast?

The Chief Dillo anxiously said: "I did not lie to you!"

"You may not know that our tribe was glorious a long time ago. Our ancestors once had a very remarkable witch, and our tribe still retains a few blessed dominoes made by that ancestor in the ancestral land."

"Two of the blessed dominoes are concealed dominoes! It can help creatures within a radius of ten meters to hide the breath, making our breath like a stone, so that beasts and insects lose interest in us!"

"When our tribe was destroyed, we relied on them to escape!"

"We are not large in number, and a squeeze can be overcome! Those two blessed dominoes are enough to protect us all from returning to your tribe!"

Blessed dominoes that can hide their breath?

Because he was deceived by Chief Adillo once, Ye Xi carefully observed the expressions of other people around him this time and saw that everyone's expressions were normal. He was certain that Chief Adillo said this time.

"Since there are such dominoes, you shouldn't be afraid of black scale tigers."

The Chief Adillo smiled bitterly: "No matter how powerful it is, it has a time limit. I estimate that they will be enough for us to use them continuously for one or two years at most. How can we be willing to use them all the time. Moreover, it must be inspired by fighters. No, I can't even excite."

Ye Xi nodded and expressed understanding: "There is another question, why do you insist on following me back to my tribe?"

Chief Adillo looked at Ye Xi and said, "Because you have a good heart."

"You were furious because the black scale tiger ate our people, and you killed the black scale tiger in anger. Later, when you saw that we were injured by the tiger's roar, you took out the precious weeds for us."

"I don't know how the others in your tribe are, but you are definitely not a villain."

The Chief Adillo said slowly: "If you were born in a small tribe, your status in the noble tribe must be high in terms of your ability to kill barbaric beasts. And if you were born in a large tribe, based on your age In terms of talent, the status in the tribe will certainly not be low."

"Our people follow you back to your tribe. You must be able to protect us and not let us be trampled."

People are old and fine, even this seemingly humble old man has his own survival wisdom.

Ye Xi sighed and said, "Indeed, if you really follow me all the way back to the tribe, I will let our chief take you as clansmen instead of slaves."

Everyone around was very excited when they heard it, but they weren't slaves! It's a tribe! Chief Adillo was also very excited and felt that he was right.

Ye Xi smiled and said, "Well, since you have hidden blessing dominoes, then I am not afraid to take you."

The Chief Adillo slowly reduced his smile when he heard it, but blushed and said: "My lord, if you want to take this domino, you still need your help."

Ye Xi: "You said."

Chief Adillo: "The dominoes are placed in a special place. Only the witches and chiefs of our tribe can enter."

"The witch can go in and out there at will, but the chief must inspire special tokens to go in. Our tribe has no witches anymore, only an old man like me is the chief. But although my name is the chief, I am actually just an ordinary person, even a warrior. Neither, so I can't even excite the tokens, I can't get into that place at all."

Ye Xi nodded.

The Chief Adillo went into the cave and took out a fist similar to topaz from the cave: "This is the token of our tribe's chiefs. Your lord, although you are not a member of our tribe, as long as you inspire it, impersonate us in a short time. The chief of the tribe is fine."

Chief Adillo held the topaz that radiated radiance in his palm, and looked at Ye Xi eagerly at Ye Xi thought for a while and said, "I have to go there and see before I can decide whether to promise you."

The place that needs tokens to enter must be very dangerous, he can't rashly agree.

The Chief Adillo retracted the topaz, seeing a little frustration, but repeatedly said: "That is natural, that is natural."

Ye Xi: "This matter is not in a hurry. There must be strange flowers and weeds in the black scale tiger's territory. I will fetch it first to prevent it from being intercepted by other things. Come back and discuss the matter of taking dominoes. "

Chief Adillo: "My lord, the black scale tiger's lair is where I said it!"

Ye Xi paused and said, "Then you can go with me."


Ye Xi and Chief Adillo walked through the fern-leaf forest to the black scale tiger's nest.

This is a tall and handsome mountain. The cave at the bottom is big and deep. From the edge of the rock wall, it looks like it was artificially excavated. It is very smooth. When you look at the black hole, you can't see the end. The stench peculiar to beasts came from the cave.

The Chief Adillo looked at the cave with emotion, his face wrinkled like an old tree bark showed sadness, and his voice was hoarse and slowly said:

"Our tribe lived here a long time ago, and later the whole tribe moved out for various reasons. As a result, the tribe was breached and we returned here, but the black scale tiger occupied this place again. We had no choice but to I can find another place to live nearby."

Ye Xi: "I haven't asked your tribe's name yet."

This was originally an ordinary question, but the Chief Adillo froze when he heard it, and said after a long time: "We are now like this. We didn't have a face to mention the name of the tribe, but since you asked Yes, I must answer you for sure."

"Our tribe is called Xia tribe."

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