The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 247: Withered bones

The Chief Adillo's expression changed when he heard it, and he knelt down firmly with a puff, took out his topaz with both hands and handed it to Ye Xi.

"My lord, the little old man takes his life as a guarantee. This chief's token is absolutely valid. You will never get into trouble! Please!"

The rest of the Xia tribe also knelt down, begging Ye Xi ceaselessly.

Ye Xi couldn't bear to see Chief Adillo and them, but since he had made a decision, he would not change easily.

He sighed, helped the Chief Adillo up, and said sincerely: "Sorry." Then he turned and walked out.

One step, two steps, three steps, four steps.

When he took the fifth step, Ye Xi suddenly felt something under his feet calling him to let him pass. Behind him, Chief Adillo and the rest of the Xia tribe continued to persuade Ye Xi and pleaded.

Ye Xi settled down and continued to walk outside.

Patter, patter, patter.

The sound of leather boots stepping on the stone ground.

After a dozen steps, the looming sense of calling finally disappeared. But Ye Xi was at a loss in her heart, as if she had lost the most important thing in her life.

He stood in place.

Two seconds later, Ye Xi closed her eyes, resolutely strode back.

Chief Adillo and the others continued to kneel on the ground and kept begging, and when they saw Ye Xi striding towards them, they all looked up at him blankly, showing an expression of disbelief.

Ye Xi raised the Chief Adillo again and reached out to him: "Give it to me, I will go."

The Chief Adillo, who gained hope after despair, trembled his lips and was already speechless with excitement. He held the topaz with both hands, and solemnly placed the topaz on Ye Xi's palm with his trembling hands.

Ye Xi took the topaz that was hot with his hands and took a deep breath. Isn’t it just a bet?

"Is it okay to hold it with the power of a fighter?"

Chief Adillo hurriedly said: "Yes, it's just a short time. You only have a hundred breaths of time. Whether you find a domino or not, you will come out of it."

"okay, I get it."

Ye Xi clenched the topaz in his palms, and walked firmly to the flaming fern that was as terrifying as a magma furnace.

The Xia tribe behind him grabbed his hand and looked nervously at Ye Xi's back. His heartbeat was like a drum, and his breathing did not dare to increase.

When the Yanwen fern was only four meters away, Ye Xi's skin was stinged by the heat, and the mai soaked in a special potion showed black spots that seemed to be burnt by cigarette butts. He even smelled his hair burning. The smell of burnt.

The huge flamed fern bushes with light flowing in front of them were as dangerous as a prehistoric flame beast that was dormant quietly.

Sweat kept overflowing from the pores, Ye Xi did not slow down, and continued to move forward firmly, but did not stimulate Topaz.

Seeing that Ye Xi was so close to the fern bushes that the topaz hadn't been inspired, Chief Adillo and the others couldn't help shouting anxiously: "Master Ye! Danger, please activate the token!" They were afraid of alarming the fern, they shouted with their voices pressed. of.

Three meters, two meters, one meter, half a meter.

Ye Xi turned a deaf ear, and when only one step away from Yanwen Fern, the huge Yanwen Fern suddenly danced like a prehistoric behemoth that was awakened! The fern with astonishing heat rolled toward Ye Xi frantically like a snake.

This is the time!

The warrior's power in Ye Xi's body was instantly injected into the topaz, and the topaz burst out with a bright yellow light like the sun!

Suddenly, the overwhelming flame fern that touched Ye Xi was pressed the pause button and froze in the air. In the next moment, all the Yanwen ferns squirmed and split a narrow passage in front of Ye Xi. At the very center of the fern leaf cluster, there was also a dark underground entrance that only allowed one person to pass through.

After the topaz was excited, a misty light enveloped Ye Xi's body, isolating the hot temperature of the flame fern, and the burning sensation quickly subsided.

Ye Xi speeded up abruptly, and ran to the end along this narrow passage!

During the run, apart from this narrow passage under his feet, there are two sides of the fireweed fern like giant waves. As long as it is stained with a piece, it may melt a large piece of meat, which is more terrifying than magma.

But Ye Xi ran wildly inside. The distance of tens of meters stopped in an instant. Looking at the entrance of the black hole that appeared in front, Ye Xi jumped into the hole without hesitation.


Ye Xi fell on his knees.

The entrance of the cave was about ten meters above the ground below, and there was a loud noise when it landed.

Ye Xi looked around quickly.

This is a large underground cave. The rock wall is very humid. There are stalactites hanging everywhere on the top of the cave. A towering stalagmite stands every two meters on the ground.

Those terrifying flame ferns are like creepers, sticking to the top rock walls and the ground of the underground caves. Each leaf has a magma-like pattern flowing, and countless fire-lit fern leaves illuminate this together. underground space.

After going underground, the mysterious sense of calling became clearer.

But Ye Xi decided to put it aside first, and find the blessing dominoes of the Xia tribe.

Despite the protection of the topaz's light, Ye Xi still didn't dare to be careless. He carefully avoided the flaming fern on the ground, searching around with his eyes, while continuing to time his mind.

The underground karst cave has a complicated terrain. It took Ye Xi 20 breaths to finally find a stone platform behind a row of thick stalagmites.

A row of blessed dominoes exuding sunshine is impressively placed on the stone platform.

Ye Xi breathed a sigh of relief and hurried over to copy these dominoes and put them into the animal skin bag.

After getting the blessing dominoes, Ye Xi estimated the time in his heart, gritted his teeth, and approached the summoning direction as quickly as possible.

Time is getting less and less.

It took Ye Xi twenty-five breaths of time to arrive. The place where the summons originated seemed to be the end of this underground cave, but at this time, it had been forty-seven breaths in total since he excited Topaz!

Once the time is up, the topaz will lose its effect, and Ye Xi will be regarded as an intruder and be strangled by the Yanwen Fern. He must allow time to return.

Finally, when Ye Xi had already decided to give up, he finally arrived at his destination.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ye Xi's heart trembled heavily, and the spinning second hand in his mind stopped. He completely forgot to count the time.

——At the very end of the cave, a tall bone stick stands quietly.

This bone stick was covered with thick dust, it looked dull and inconspicuous, and it was it that kept calling Ye Xi.

And around it, there were thousands of dead bones and corpses that knelt on the ground densely, all of them kneeling in the direction of the bone stick, their bodies facing the ground, and their heads deeply buried on the ground. The pious posture of kneeling on the bone stick, as if kneeling all his beliefs.

Ye Xi watched this scene both shocked and sad.

He didn't know where the sadness in his heart came from, but it just expanded uncontrollably.

At this moment, the bone stick that was bowed down by the crowd suddenly changed. It trembled in an invisible earthquake, and the thick dust covering it all fell instantly.

Ye Xi felt its call, avoided the dense bones on the ground, and walked towards it uncontrollably.

At this moment, he had completely forgotten the time. He didn't know that he had been in the same place for a long time, he didn't know that his time was coming to an end, or the light of Topaz had become faint. I didn't know that the Xia tribe people who were waiting on the ground looked at the flamed fern bushes and were distraught.

At the last second, Ye Xi's hand followed his heart and held the bone stick.

At the moment of touching.

There was a thud.

The body of the bone rod suddenly appeared dense to the extreme glowing witch pattern, and at the same time a gust of wind appeared out of thin air in the underground cave! Ye Xi's hair and clothes were rolled up frantically!

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