The coldest month is coming soon.

The sky was gloomy all day long, and the biting new wind roared endlessly, the ground was blown by the majestic snow dust more than two meters high, and the gloomy earth seemed to be covered with a layer of mist.

The coldest part of the winter is even scarier than the cold wave.

The sky was too cold. There were still dinosaurs moving in the forests of the mountains and mountains. Now the footsteps of these behemoths have all disappeared. The pterosaurs have completely disappeared, and even the richly feathered falcons can be seen in the sky. Less than one.

Everything is dead.

People in Xicheng no longer go out easily, and the hunting team never goes out to hunt. Everyone hides in the house and concentrates on improving their own strength.

The chiefs of the tribes gathered all the source stones of their tribes, piled them together, and called all the potential warriors in the tribe to absorb the energy of the source stones.

Abundant emerald energy continuously radiated from the source stone, poured into the soldiers' bodies, strengthening the soldiers' bodies.

At the same time, the chiefs also let the warriors take exotic flowers.

This place is not as barren as the Blackridge Mountains. Everyone has used various methods to obtain a lot of exotic flowers, enough for every potential soldier to take one.

The soldiers did not live up to these strange things.

Low-level fighters such as level 1 and level 2 have continuously broken through, and there are even third-level fighters that have broken through to level four.

Both the chief and the breakthrough fighters fell into ecstasy, and at the same time they worked harder to absorb the energy of the source stone.

The stone houses of the chiefs were often brightly lit throughout the night, and there was an excited roar.

Compared with the excitement of the chiefs' stone houses, Ye Xi's place was relatively quiet.


The flame in the fireplace burned, and the dry wood made a rustling sound.

No candles were lit around. There was only a bonfire as the light source in the empty hall. The orange flame illuminates the area three or four meters around, and the rest is shrouded in endless darkness.

Ye Xiduan sat on the carpet next to the fireplace, holding a jade-colored source stone the size of an egg, quietly closing his eyes and meditating.

The fire gave Ye Xi's profile an orange light.

The majestic energy leaked from the source stone, continuously nourishing Ye Xi's body, and mist poured into his sea of ​​consciousness, constantly surrounding the totem brand in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Ye Xi just sat motionless until late at night.

The emerald source stone gradually covered a layer of gray, and in the end, the last trace of emerald color was also annihilated, and the entire source stone turned completely gray.

Ye Xi's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes.

Although the source stone in his hand turned gray, there was still energy radiating out.

This kind of source stone... is very similar to the witch stone.

Ye Xi looked at the gray source stone in his hand, blinked, and vaguely had a very bold guess in his heart.

The witch stone may be the source stone!

Perhaps tens of thousands of years ago, millions of years ago, even before the Phanerozoic, similar meteor showers fell on this land.

No... Judging from the number of existing witch stones, the scale of the meteor shower in ancient times must be much larger and terrifying than what they experienced.

Maybe because of the volcanic eruption, the sea water inverted, and the whole land was violently shaken.

Thinking deeper, maybe the energy of the fierce beasts, weird flowers and weeds in this land, and the witches come from these mysterious source stones.

After all, the source stone can indeed nourish fierce beasts, warriors, and enhance witchcraft.


Ye Xi breathed out slowly, stood up, and put the gray source stone into the stone box properly.

No matter what the truth is, it doesn't matter, the important thing is to improve one's own strength and the strength of the tribes in Xicheng.

It is a pity that he still cannot break through.

The more difficult it is to break through as the level of fighters goes, the fifth to sixth level fighters are a hurdle. A man who is so talented and capable of defeating him, he only became a sixth level fighter at the age of nearly fifty.

How old is he?

Still need a lot of accumulation.

As for witches, witches to great witches are a deeper and broader hurdle. Most witches will not be able to pass this slash in their entire lives. We must know that the lifespan of witches is much longer than that of warriors. How terrible is this accumulation? Think about it.

Ye Xi's time to become a witch is too short. Even if the source stone is like this, it is still far, far from enough to overcome that big cut.



The cold wind is raging outside, and in the darkness, you can hear the rustling of Bingzhou stone windows being shot, and occasionally the wind blows through the gaps, making terrifying sounds similar to groans and wailings.

Ye Xi walked slowly to the window.

The window was far away from the light source, Ye Xi sank in the darkness.

He looked at the horrible scene of the cold wind raging outside the window and the snow and fog, and he felt that the real power of the winter is only now showing.

Xicheng is sheltered by stone houses with plenty of food, fur and dry wood.

But what about the tribe outside? Especially those small tribes hiding in the deep forest, they may not have enough, and they don't know how to survive this cold winter.

Perhaps at this moment they are all shrinking in a dark cave, blocking the entrance of the cave with rocks, squeezing each other shiveringly, surrounding the weak bonfire, enduring blasts of cold wind blowing in through the cracks in the rocks.

Maybe they haven't eaten for a few days, and their stomachs are burning with hunger, and their hearts are constantly begging for the winter to pass quickly.

Ye Xi, as the same kind, has pity for them.

But at the same time, he was also fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, his people didn't have to endure the severe cold abruptly and could survive the harsh winter smoothly.

At this time, Xiao Hua walked over in small steps, and stretched out a vine to gently poked his shoulder.

Ye Xi turned around to see it, and couldn't help laughing: "You walk silently, even I can't hear it."


Xiao Hua groaned unhappily, then stretched out a vine and pointed to the stairs.

Ye Xi smiled indifferently: "Okay, go to sleep."

The bedroom is on the second floor, and Xiao Hua is urging him to sleep.

Xiao Hua is afraid of the cold. Since the beginning of winter, she has no longer stood at the door like a stone lion, but has been hiding in the room.

The fire in that room is always alive, and there is also a small fireplace, which is very warm. Little flowers can hardly get out of that room, and the doors are so stuffy.

Ye Xi put down his compassion for the small tribe, put out the campfire, yawned and went back to sleep on the warm Kang.


Xicheng has survived this winter steadily. In this extremely cold weather, not a single slave in the cave died.

The people living in the stone huts have a better life. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

A month later, the thick clouds were blown away, two rounds of the sun appeared in the sky again, and the earth was bright.

The witches did divination, and the divination showed that there would never be rain and snow again.

This means that the big winter is officially over.

Soon, the snow and hard ice in Xicheng quickly melted and turned into gurgling snow water, which flowed down the ditch into the ice-breaking Xinghu, and the water level of Xinghu skyrocketed.

In the mountains, various giant insects and beasts appeared again, and the heavy footsteps of dinosaurs sounded again.


"Woo-woo -"

The huge dinosaur stretched out its long necks and screamed like a whistle.

Celebrate the arrival of spring together.

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