As the sun gradually rose, the Ji tribe people in the cave finally got up in twos and threes and joined the ranks of feeding the chicks together.

Everyone used their fingers to poke the meat into the throat of the chicks, regardless of whether the chicks were choking or not.

There are so many people and great strength. Everyone didn't spend much time feeding them all. The chicks filled their stomachs and finally settled down and stopped crying.

The whole world was instantly quiet.

The crowd sent the young birds on the ground to the thorn vines one by one.

Ye Xi also helped, picking up a chicken-sized, heavy gray-haired chick, and personally sent it to a thick thorn vine.

The young bird has been nestling in Ye Xi's arms obediently, and immediately squatted down after being placed on the thorny vines, the fluffy feathers exploded, bulging itself into a fluffy gray hair ball, and squinted comfortably to doze off.

After the chicks ate and fell asleep, the adult thorn finches finally flew back.

One by one, the thorn finch drilled through the dense layers of thorn vines, and threw the giant prey in its mouth to the ground.

The prey objects they bring are very large, many of them are predatory beasts, such as saber-toothed tigers, cave lions, velociraptors, and the like. Ye Xi even saw a black titan python with a thick grinding plate.



The creamy-grey thorn finches screamed joyfully and crisply, as if they were asking for credit, and their cute appearance made people smile.

Compared with the slender body of other giant birds, the bodies of these thorn finch are slightly rounded, and their claws and beaks are small, exquisite and cute.

But these harmless-looking birds like mobs, so fierce that birds of prey are scared, and very aggressive.

The tribe of Thorns laughed with his thorn sparrow for a while before he lifted the prey on the ground to the root of the thorn vine.

Although the area of ​​this thorn bush is very wide, there are actually only five main stems, and the roots are as thick as three people.

Jiaoya also lifted a panting coyote and walked to one of the main stems. Under Ye Xi's gaze, he cut its throat with a bone knife.

A blood arrow shot out suddenly.

The bright red blood sprayed onto the main stem of the thorns, and then pattered into the black soil.

Qiuya explained to Ye Xi: "Our thorns can grow better when watered with blood, they can produce brighter flowers and produce more fruit, so we have to water the roots with blood every morning."

Ye Xi: "No wonder there is always a strong smell of blood here that doesn't go away."

The fangs dropped the dried blood coyote: "When the sun gets stronger, the **** smell will dissipate a lot. If you think it smells bad, how about going to the thorn vine with me later? I'm about to Go and chop down some thorny vines."

Ye Xi readily agreed: "Okay."

Dongmuying has been leaning lazily on a sturdy thorny vine and dozing off. Hearing this, he opened his eyes and shouted to the horns, "Remember to pick me up the core! Be a little more tender--"

Jiaoya rolled his eyes and choked, "You are so beautiful, I have to eat it and pick it myself!"

Dong Muying glanced at him with a faint smile, folded his arms and said, "Don't even think of me fighting with you after you don't pick it. You will never want to beat me and be the heir to the chief."

There was a snort in his nostrils, and he didn't speak any more.

He led Ye Xi to jump over the thick vines to the top of the thorn bush.

Ten meters from the ground, the bright and hot sun was unshielded, pouring down unscrupulously, the hot wind blew the hair of the two people, and the air was very fresh.

Jiaoya pulled out a stone machete from his back, grabbed the newly-grown thorn vine at the top, and chopped it down with a click.

After cutting five arm-thick thorns and vines in a row like cutting firewood, Jiaoya explained: "Every time a new vine grows, we will chop off most of the new branches to make clothes. ."

Ye Xi glanced at the clothes she was wearing with a surprise: "I thought the linen on you was made of ramie."

Qiu Ya looked back and curiously said, "What is ramie?"

Ye Xi: "Oh, it's a leafy shrub. We usually soak it in light salt water and then dry it to expose the fiber. After combing, pounding and other processes, the fiber will split again, so that it can be I got a more flexible linen material."

Hearing this, Jiaoya smiled and waved the thorny strip in his hand, and said: "Although I don't know what the fiber you are referring to, the steps sound like the process of making clothes in our tribe!"

He knelt down and smashed the long thorns in his hand with the back of a stone knife.

After smashing it a few times, the black hard shell on the outside of the thorn stick was smashed into pieces and peeled off one after another. The fangs peeled the remaining black shells clean with their hands, and the whole black thorn stick became a wood blue.

The cyan-colored rattan flesh was actually fibrous when looked closely. The fangs tore a strand of fiber down and handed it to Ye Xi: "Look, this is the raw material we use to make clothes!"

Ye Xi took the cane silk of this milk straw.

This cane is still hard, and you can squeeze it out with a gentle squeeze.

Jiaoya said: "We will soak it in clear water for three days, and then hang it on the thorns to dry for a day. At that time, the cane will shrink and become soft. It can be woven directly without mashing and combing. clothes!"

Ye Xi looked at the thick thorns under his feet, and said, "You have long thorns everywhere here. It is convenient to dry things, but where does the water come from?"

Jiaoya stood up, pointed his finger into the distance and said, "Look at the forest there. There is a small river in that forest. Do you see a little bit of golden light? It's the surface of the river that glows."

Ye Xi narrowed his eyes.

His eyesight was better than him. Through the dense canopy, he not only saw golden light, but also vaguely saw a corner of the sparkling river.

Ye Xi: "It's a little far away from your tribe."

Fang Fang said helplessly: "That's no way. Who prevents the river from flowing near our tribe, so that we have to go there for bathing, hey, what about your Xicheng?"

Ye Xi smiled: "We originally had a lake there, but recently we dug a canal to draw the river from far away."

Qiuya was a little envious: "Then you Xicheng is really good! How about we dig a canal to bring that river water over?"

Before Ye Xi could answer, Jiaoya waved his hand and said, "Forget it, don't tell me, I ask you to taste the core of the thorn vine!"

Ye Xi was curious: "Core?"

Jiaofang: "It's what the guy who owes me asked me to bring. She is bad. The thorn fruit she asked you to eat is sour. Although precious, only birds and birds love to eat. We people still like to eat the core of thorn vine. !"

As he said, he peeled off the cane filaments one by one. After peeling dozens of cane filaments, he finally revealed the thin orange-red core inside.

"Come on, have a taste!" Jiaoya handed Ye Xi the core that was only thick with a finger.

Ye Xi took a bite.

He discovered that although the thorn vine is a plant watered with blood, its core is unexpectedly sweet and delicious. It is crunchy and crunchy, like sugar cane, but much tenderer than sugar cane, so Ye Xi is instantly relieved. Fall in love with the taste of this thorny rattan core.

Qiuya reminded: "This core has scum, so you have to spit it out!"

Ye Xi took another big bite, nodded, and gave him a thumbs up.

Jiao Ya: "What does this thumb mean?"

Ye Xi spit out the core **** and smiled: "It means very delicious!"

The fangs suddenly wailed and raised his chin and said proudly: "That is, our thorns are full of treasures, otherwise we would not be called the thorn tribe!"

Seeing his unhappy appearance with his tail tilted up, Ye Xi couldn't help but want to tease him when he was funny, so he exaggerated the thorns and vines.

This is a terrible compliment, he directly praised the goodness of the horned teeth, and waved his machete with a sigh of enthusiasm, shouting that Ye Xi must have enough today!

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