The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 482: dispute

In the end, everyone **** the scarred female canary. It was getting late, and everyone decided to discuss their problems tomorrow.

The next morning.

In the dim and damp cave.

When Ye Xi woke up, everyone else was already up, and the surroundings were exceptionally quiet.

His head was a little slow when he just woke up. He sat on the blanket of animal skins. It took him a moment to remember that the chicks of the tribe also followed the children to settle down in a safe place because of the arrival of two king-breed canaries. Up.

They are also afraid of the chirping of the king's fierce bird.

Thinking of the poor pair of king-kind canaries, Ye Xi scratched his head uncomfortably, thinking that he might have done something bad.

After washing a little, he came to the trunk of the thorn vine.

He got up late today, and now it's bright.

The golden light of the morning sun shone through the gaps in the thorn bushes, and these dazzling light beams brightened this dim place all the year round.

The two king-breed canaries are close to each other.

Today the miserable female canary looks much better.

It’s not that healers helped him treat it. It was mainly because yesterday that it ate a lot of thorn fruit. This thorn fruit is very good for birds. It can strengthen the body and moisturize the feathers, so it doesn’t look as pitiful as when it just fell into the thorn bushes. Now, the feathers are still sparse, looking a little embarrassed.

At this moment, the two chubbies are close to each other, you peck my feathers, I peck your feathers, and gently clean each other. He whispered occasionally, and the voice was sweet and tactful, and it was extremely beautiful.

The sun shone on them, the golden feathers enveloped a layer of bright light, gorgeous and brilliant to incredible.

Like two golden elves in the dark place.

There were ten warriors talking in a low voice beside the two king finches. Except for Dong Muying and Qiuya, the top warriors of the Ji tribe were all gathered here.

"Wake up"

Chief Ji smiled and greeted Ye Xi.

Ye Xi nodded.

Others present nodded to Ye Xi.

After a while, Dong Muying came over with a large stone basin full of clear water, squatted down one meter away from the canary, and pushed the large stone basin in the direction of the two canaries.


The sound of splashes disturbed the two canaries who were nestling together.

The male canary looked at the clear water being pushed in front of him, hesitated, bowed his head and took a few sips. After a while it pecked the female canary, and the female also bowed his head and took a sip of the clear water.

"You are all here"

Suddenly there was a shout of bluffing over my head.

She saw a big taro leaf in her left hand, and a dried wood mouse corpse in her right hand, sweating profusely from the thorn cane above her head.

Seeing that the leaves of the taro were all wriggling, obese white worms, Higashiki snorted and laughed: "If you don't see people in the morning, you should just catch these worms."

Jiaoya didn't hear the ridicule at all, and pulled back a fat bug that was arching and crawling out of the leaf, and said cheerfully and proudly.

"Yes, Feimao and I hollowed out ten trees together, only to catch so many from the tree. You see, these insects are so fat"

He twisted the snow-white caterpillar and threw it at the canaries one by one.

However, the two canaries did not even move their eyelids, allowing the fat, snowy bugs to flee side by side, or burrow into the ground in a panic.

Qiuya widened his eyes in confusion, somewhat inconceivable.

That's not right, his Fei Mao was so cute that he ate these white worms. When he caught it, his saliva almost went to the ground. These fat worms were taken from Fei Mao's mouth abruptly with resentment. Why these two golden threads Finches won't eat

Reluctantly, Jiaoya threw the mummified corpse of the wooden mouse on his hand.

He was afraid that the two canaries would not have enough to eat. Just now, he deliberately picked a dried corpse from the thorns, and also picked the heaviest one, which is also Feifeo's favorite and has always been reluctant to eat.

However, the two canaries looked at the mummified corpse of the wooden mouse that was thrown over, and stepped back in disgust. The male canary simply flapped a wing and fanned the mummified corpse away.

As a result, the horrified, dead wood mouse corpse rolled twice, lying on the feet of Jiaoya, and staring at the sky with two sunken eyes accusingly.

The teeth are dumb: "Huh"


Dong Muying burst into laughter while clutching his stomach, pointing to the mummified corpse of the wooden mouse, and then to the fangs, with a straight smile.

For a while, she wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, and laughed and said intermittently: "Oh, you think everyone has a taste like your feathers and loves to eat mice and tree worms. They have eaten the meat of the big hyena, hahaha"

Jiaoya stood in a daze for a while, squatting down on the ground somewhat depressed and aggrieved, catching the fat bugs that escaped.

Chief Spinner shouted: "Okay, don't bother to feed them so much"

Dongmuying laughed for a while.

Everyone looked at Chief Spinner.

Chief Thorns: "It looks like this male bird would not be willing to mate anymore. We can't help the male bird, but we can make it lay the eggs for our thorn bird in a tough way."

"In this case, this male bird is useless. The two king-breed finches are a bit dangerous after Let's kill this male bird."

The last smile on Dong Muying's face faded, and she remained silent.

The insect-catching fangs stiffened, and two fat insects fell from the taro leaf without noticing it.

Chief Thorns turned to Ye Xi: "Guest, I don't know if you have any kind of liquid that can make their bodies stiff. I want to use it on this female bird, otherwise our thorn finches will not dare to mate."

Ye Xi was silent for a while, did not answer the question of the paralysis liquid, but said slowly,

"Chief Thorn, I heard that there is a kind of bird that is inseparable from life and death. If one dies unfortunately, the other cannot live alone. It will be depressed and wailing all day long, and eventually die of blood. If you kill the male bird, I am afraid the female bird He died before laying eggs."

Chief Thorns frowned and looked at the two canaries again: "Then cut off the wings of this male bird and make it dumb. The female bird will never die. By the way, the female bird. We have to figure out a way to dumb together."

Qiuya stood up abruptly: "Father"

The fat bugs just collected on the taro leaves were scattered all over the ground.

Seeing Jiaoya's face full of irritation, Chief Spinner gave him a fierce look and coldly shouted: "That's why I don't want to train you to be a chief. Today, you sympathize with this king-breed, and tomorrow you will sympathize with another Deinonychus. In this way, the people in our tribe will simply starve to death."

Chief Thorn was very disappointed in his heart, because Qiu Ya, as his son, was so soft-hearted and couldn't distinguish the importance, so he spoke extremely harshly.

Jiaoya took a hard breath, his face flushed and his chest undulated violently.

He knew that he lost the election because he couldn't beat Dong Muying, and that was not the reason his father just said. A father deliberately used this to block him, because he knew this was his pain point.


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