The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 496: welcome

Although the people of the Thorns tribe were more knowledgeable than the Liao tribe and the Octagonal tribe, they did not perform better than them, and they were also embarrassed.

Seeing from the air, Xicheng is even more shocking.

Countless gorgeous and beautiful stone houses lined up in a radial pattern around the azure blue lake. The flat gray stone bricks around the stone house community and the tall and towering walls are intertwined to form a unique artificial beauty. .

In the primitive society where the level of architecture is backward, these are enough to shock people beyond the reach.

Chief Thorns and Thorns witch jumped off the thorn sparrow.

At the gate of the city, more than 60 shamans and chiefs stood neatly in a row.

All the witches are charming and charming with their bone sticks. They may have white hair fluttering, and their spirits are smiling, and they look like spring breeze. Or gray hair, wrinkled, blue eyes, unsmiling, looks gloomy and unattractive.

The chiefs standing on the side have a strong aura, or their faces are majestic, or they wear hideous and exaggerated bone ornaments, and they know that the fighting power is amazing.

Chief Thorny and Thorny Witch were shocked by this formation.

Ji Wu looked nervously at the two most powerful witches at the center, and thought nervously, are these the two legendary Zhu and Bu Da witches?

The great witch came out to greet him personally?

Not only Chief Spinner and Spinner Witch were out of state, but even Dong Muying and Chieftain, who had always been lively and arbitrary, were a little nervous, clutching the canary's hair with their faces tense.

The atmosphere stagnated for a while.

"I am back."

Finally, Ye Xi jumped off the big buzzard and looked at the chiefs and witches who greeted them with a smile.

More than sixty witches and chiefs also laughed, and suddenly their right hand was placed on the left chest, and they all bowed to salute, and said in a uniform voice.

"I have seen Master Xi Wu!"

"I have seen Master Xi Wu!"

"I have seen Master Xi Wu!"


The chiefs and witches of the three tribes who had finally gathered up the courage to come over and greet them were shocked, and the words they wanted to say were immediately blocked in their throats.

Ye Xi was also surprised.

They had never made this battle before.

But after thinking about it, he understood that the chiefs and witches were probably raising prestige for him, and they probably knew that the three tribes of the Thorns had not sworn allegiance to him.

The people of the three tribes were indeed shocked.

They used to know that Ye Xi was the master of Xi City, but they didn't expect that even the Great Witch would treat Ye Xi so respectfully. You should know that Ye Xi's easygoing and kindness made them more and more relaxed when they were on the road, and sometimes they would make jokes with Ye Xi.

But now... the chiefs and witches of the three tribes feel a little regretful, thinking that they should be more respectful and careful to Ye Xi during this period.

Ye Xi smiled knowingly at more than 60 witches and chiefs, then waved at the chiefs and witches of the three tribes, and said casually,

"Come here and introduce you to each other."

When the six saw more than sixty Xicheng witches and chiefs looking at them together, they felt their scalp tighten, and they couldn't help but hold their breath.

The three shamans were afraid of showing their timidity, lost their tribe's face, settled, and tensed themselves before walking over with a bone stick.

Ye Xi introduced to everyone: "This is the witch and chief of the Thorns tribe. Their tribe is full of thorn vines, which is very strange. I stayed in their tribe as a guest some time ago."

Chief Thorns and Chief Thorns immediately stepped forward and bowed to all the witches and chieftains.

The witches and chiefs bent over to return the salute.

The Great Tree Man and the Great White Tortoise were more reserved, just nodding lightly.

Ye Xi looked at the thorny sparrows behind him, and smiled: "This time their thorn tribe also brought a few main thorn vine stems, which can be planted next to the city wall in the future to make the city wall more defensive."

The Thorns tribe was reluctant to bear the thorn vine, and finally dug two main stems, together with the one that was uprooted by the earth otter, cut off the fine roots and kept them about five meters long, and brought them together when they moved.

Chief Ye, who loves plants, looked at the three huge rhizomes with gleaming eyes.

He could imagine how strong their vines were originally, how sharp the thorns above were, and how vigorous their vitality was.

Can't help but love it.

Chief Ye exclaimed, "What a huge vine rhizome, Master Xi Wu will give them to me, and I will plant it properly with the people, so that it won't hurt its roots."

Ye Xi added: "The insect willow wall must be moved back a few meters to leave a place for it to grow. Before planting, let the worms loosen the soil, and then spread a layer of aphid dung. Also, the thorn vine must be used with blood. Water, and remember to water some blood from the prey every day."

Chief Ye's eyes gleamed: "This plant was actually watered with blood...I wrote it down."

Chief Thorns and Thorns on the side were very happy to see that the precious Thorns of their tribe were properly placed.

Chief Thorns could not help but said: "Don't worry, these thorns will not let you down. When they grow up, the sharp thorns on them will be able to withstand most of the evil things. It may take decades to grow, but If there is enough blood for irrigation, it may grow faster."

Chief Ye patted his chest and said, "Don't say anything else, the prey has enough blood vessels!"

After Ye Xi introduced the situation of the Xiaji tribe, Ye Xi continued to introduce the witches and chiefs of the octagonal tribe of the Liao tribe.

When it was the turn of the Octagonal Chief, because he was too nervous, he blurted out after the salute: "The Octagonal Tribe has seen you adults! Hello, adults!"

Ye Xi can't help looking at the sweaty octagonal chieftain: "Don't be so polite, everyone will be a clan from now on."

The chiefs of the witches and chiefs of Xicheng also smiled kindly and welcomed them together.

The atmosphere suddenly improved a lot.


At this moment, there was a loud cry outside the city wall.

The chiefs and witches of the three tribes shrank at the same time and looked out.

I saw a singe tribe man who was rolled up by the worm willow branches and hung in mid-air with several worm and willow branches simultaneously devouring fleas and other small insects on his body.

The man was especially ticklish, tears came out from scratching, and he yelled indiscriminately for help.

It turned out that because there were too many people in the three tribes, they couldn't stand at the gate, so some people retreated outside the gate. The man accidentally stood near the worm willow tree, but because of too many fleas on his body, the hungry worm willow branches caught his feet and dragged him away.

"What's going on here?"

The people of the Liao tribe were panicked.

They approached the insect willow tree and wanted to save people, but they also had a lot of fleas. They were all rolled up and hung in the air by the insect willow branches, and the willows waved to force them to catch insects.

People from the three tribes looked at these willow trees in horror.

They originally thought that these were ordinary weeping vine trees. In order to plant good-looking trees, Xicheng didn't expect these trees to be alive and would attack people.

The most unexpected thing was that some of the warriors who were rolled up were not low in strength, and they were unable to break free.

Hundreds of people were hung in the air by the worm and willow branches, scratched and scratched by the delicate worm and willow branches, itching to death and wailing.

Ye Xi quickly comforted them,

"Don't be afraid! This is a worm willow tree. It only eats bugs. When you catch all the fleas on your body, the worm willow tree will put you down."

Chief Thorns were amazed: "There is such a tree on the earth!"

Ye Xi said to him: "With these worms and willow trees, no giant worms will come into Xicheng at night. Also, if there are worms in the stone house you live in in the future, you can also fold a few worm willow branches and put them in the house. , They will clean up all the bugs in the stone house."

The people from the three tribes around were relieved when they heard it, and were surprised.

After Ye Xi's explanation, she felt itchy on her body. It seemed that she had been infected with lice during this time, so she opened her arms and walked towards the willow tree.

The green worm willow branches waved over.

They tried to roll up Ye Xi, and after a few attempts and found that they could not be rolled up, they obediently used the delicate wicker to help Ye Xi standing on the ground pick the lice, and quickly ate all the lice on him.

With Ye Xi taking the lead, the people from the three tribes also took the initiative to walk under the willow tree, letting the willow branch help them eliminate the parasites.

After eliminating their fears, they found novelty and interest instead.

"This kind of tree is so practical, you don't have to worry about worms when it gets dirty in the future!"

"From now on, I will bring a willow branch by my side to help me eat the small insects around me at any time. By the way, can't the poisonous insects bite me?"

"Haha, they tickle me, hahaha..."

The thorn finches noticed the excitement and came over curiously, but they were caught by their owner and pushed under the willow tree with a smile.



The milk-grey, round thorny finches were ignorantly curled up by the worm willow branches, searching for parasites on their bodies. There were also many parasites on these birds. They were scratched by the worm willow trees.

The thorny finches were so scared that their fur was blown up, and they looked very cute.

They stared at their master with round black eyes in disbelief, as if saying, "I believe you so, how can you treat me this way?"

And the big buzzard can finally despise these thorn sparrows who despise it all the way.


It glanced contemptuously at the gray dumplings hanging on the willow tree, swaggered over, spread its wings, lay on the ground, and leaned back to enjoy the service of the willow branches.

It looks like an uncle.

Ye Xi's mouth twitched when he saw it, and couldn't help but step forward and give him a kick.

The two canaries also flew over with their golden wings. It was very funny to see the thorny finches being scratched by the worm willow branches. They took the initiative to get under the worm willow branches and let them catch the insects.

As a result, the feathers on the two canaries were very clean, without a single worm, and the worm and willow tree did not care about them.

"Yeah yeah~"

They pecked at the willow branches around them, jumping around anxiously, spreading out the dense willow branches hanging like curtains around their wings.

However, letting them jump up and down, the willow branches were still lifeless and motionless.


Two canaries yelled Everyone looked at these lovely and beautiful creatures, and their faces couldn't help showing warm smiles.

After all the lice from the three tribes and the war beasts were cleaned up, Ye Xi took them to the shore of Xinghu Lake and let them take a bath in the lake.

Now that half a month has passed, the water in Xinghu Lake has been almost purified, even if ordinary people drink the body, it will be fine.

Thousands of people covered in dust and sweat took a bath happily, drank thirsty and smokey throats, and finally climbed onto the shore refreshingly.

At night, in order to welcome the arrival of the three tribes, Xicheng also lighted a bonfire and made a lot of food. All Xicheng people gathered around the bonfire, danced and sang happily, and then ate and ate until their stomachs. until.

That night, the blazing bonfire burned into the night.

The blue smoke on the coke did not disappear until the next morning.

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