The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 503: Undercurrent

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"They absorbed the source stone directly?"

Ye Xi frowned slightly.

Chief Ye nodded solemnly: "Yes, I heard that with the strength of the Jiugong tribe, it is also difficult to resist the endless mutant big toads. The warriors and beasts died in large numbers. Later, the Jiugong tribe took the risk and selected a group of people to directly absorb it. Source stone."

"Some people died because of absorbing the source stone, and some did not die and survived."

"The strength of the warriors who have survived has been greatly improved. With their participation, the pressure on the Jiugong tribe has been relieved a lot. After four days and three nights of frantic killing, the mutant big toads finally retreated to the endless swamp and lurked themselves in the mud again."

Ye Xi asked, "Those who have absorbed the source stone, how are they now?"

Chief Thorns: "It has been five months since the mutant giant toad attacked. It has been heard that some people have died of internal organ failure. The living people are also very dangerous. Every few days, they have to be stronger than the big witch. Yuan Wu received treatment there, and because of physical pain, his temper became more and more cruel."

Ye Xi nodded.

The source stone is not so easy to absorb.

Chief Thorn: "Because the Jiugong Tribe and Lei Tribe have suffered heavy losses, the other super tribes want to take advantage of the fire to rob and **** the source stone left in their hands. The two tribes have no alternative but to form an alliance and force the enemy back."

"Now that a long time has passed, the two tribes have recovered a lot. At least they looked good when we arrived at the Jiugong tribe, but the trading area was much deserted."

Ye Xi sighed: "It seems that Jiugong's vitality is really bad this time. It's just that the lean camel is bigger than the horse. No matter how bad they are, they are much stronger than us."

There was a sneer in the eyes of the dense rain.

Yes, I still think it’s safer to stay in the Nine Unions.

Chief Ji continued: "Also, I heard that the Chuyang tribe and the Chao tribe had a fight some time ago, and the Chao tribe ended in failure. Most of the source stone was robbed by Shengsheng."

"Actually, the Chao tribe is good at repelling insects and has the advantage of the sea of ​​insects. Among the eight tribes, they have found the most source rocks. However, the Xunyang birds are extremely resistant to the insects of their tribes. So many source rocks that they have searched hard have been snatched away. The Chao tribe was so angry that it was hurt internally."

"I don't know if we will fight again."

Ye Xi was slightly relieved when he heard the news.

It sounds like the Xuyang tribe hasn't suffered much damage in this natural disaster, and it is still so strong, so it shouldn't be a big problem for quack.

The pheasant watched Chief Thorny's mouth frothing at the corners of his mouth. He got up and offered him a bowl of clear water from the side of the stove. Chief Thorne picked up the bowl and drank it, wiped his mouth and continued.

"The Molten Tribe relies on the sacculus pterosaurs and often robs the source stones of other super tribal search teams outside.

"The Wumu tribe and the Li tribe were robbed the hardest. Later, the two tribes also formed an alliance. But this is also to be expected. The two tribes often visit each other during the week. The deputy chief of the Wumu tribe, his Eminem comes from the Li tribe."

"Moreover, this deputy chief is still very young, only in his forties. It is very likely that he will be the next chief of the Wumu tribe. By then, the relationship between the two tribes will be closer."

"After the Wumu tribe and the Li tribe formed an alliance, they immediately attacked the Molten Tribe's lair together."

"However, the Molten Tribe lives on a volcano. Seeing that they can't beat the two tribes of the tribe, they simply rode Cycloscale pterosaurs to hide from the erupting volcano. The warriors of the two tribes couldn't help them. The source of the final **** The stone was not taken back, they could only crush their teeth and swallow the blood, returning to their tribe bitterly."

"Later, when these two tribes went out to search for the source stone, they both left together. The momentum was so great that the Molten Tribe did not dare to rob them anymore."

Chief Spinner took a sigh of relief and continued,

"As for the three big alien races."

"The Origin Stones obtained by the Shark Race should be the most."

"I heard that the ocean is very vast, even much broader than the endless swamp. It is unbelievably large. There are also many meteorites falling in the ocean, and the ocean is the territory of the shark tribe. No super tribe dares to enter. I guess they There should be many source stones in hand."

"From the very beginning, the Shaman tribe also sent a search team on the ground, and even their sea master was there, and they took the source stone of the Wumu tribe team and the source stone of the Thunder tribe."

"Later, I didn't know what happened, and I hurried back into the sea, never showing up again."

When Ye Xi heard this, his eyebrows twisted slightly.

Although the sharks are said to be the overlords of the sea, as far as he knows, the sharks do not occupy the entire ocean.

The ocean is so vast, there are probably more, more complex, mysterious, and even more biological species than those on land. If the creatures inside mutate, it would be far more terrifying than the mutated creatures on land.

They went back in such a hurry, did something happen in the sea?

Chief Ji didn't notice Ye Xi's abnormality and continued to talk: "The three alien races, the Shark tribe is one of them, and the Yuren tribe in the extreme cold of the north, and the Stone tribe in the northwest desert."

"Let's talk about the feather race first."

"The Feather race has huge wings growing in the sky. It lives on the top of the snow mountain all the year round. It is a proud, indifferent, taciturn race. There is a vast land and sparse population. Except for the Feather race, only the Jiuyi tribe is a little closer. But at least they are more than a thousand miles apart."

"The Yu people are quite mysterious. They rarely come to the Jiugong tribe trading area to trade items. They only exist in legends."

"But now there is news. It is said that the Yuren tribe and the Jiuyi tribe are tense because of the source stone, and it is hard to say whether they will fight. Of course, this news may be out of date. The Jiuyi tribe is weaker, and it is uncertain. It is possible to be destroyed."

The pheasant murmured: "The man with wings... isn't this the Winged Human Race?"

In order to rob Tushan Valley, Tushan warriors and the Yiren tribe fought. Although the Pheasant has never seen the Yiren tribe with their own eyes, they have also heard from the Tushan warriors what a cruel and beast-like race.

Chief Spinner said strangely: "What Winged Human Race?"

Pheasant and biting cuckoo, you explain each word.

Chief Spinner slapped his thigh after hearing this: "This is too far away. If the Feather Race hears that they are compared to such a monster, you may break your neck immediately!"

The two shook together.

Chief Ye glanced at him dissatisfiedly: "Don't scare them, the Yu people live so far away, we won't be able to touch them in this life, let alone be screwed by them!"

Chief Thorn slyly diverts the subject: "I will continue."

"There are also the stone people. They usually live in the western desert. They are all tall and strong, with a height of four meters. Their skin is thick and rough, and they are not afraid of sun exposure or burning sand."

"To go to the place where the stone people live, you have to pass through the Banye Hill. Do you know about the Banye Hill? It is the place full of sand and where snow camels are abundant."

"It is said that people who have eaten snow cassowary will remember it all their lives. It is very delicious."

"Walking through the sand waterfalls of Banye Hill, and walking a few hundred miles west, you will reach the territory of the Shiren tribe. The Shiren tribe have a gentle temperament. Even if someone enters their territory, they are not annoyed. The shark tribe is as aggressive as that."

"But it's different now."

"Once real interests are involved, the gentle stone human race has also become tough. Now the western desert has not allowed people from the super tribe to enter, and the source stone that fell to the west has not been caught by the super tribe."

Chief Ye looked at Chief Thorns helplessly: "You just talked so much about nagging, but you didn't even talk about it."

"You forgot to say that the super tribe has been frantically searching for the source stone of other tribes, whether it is a large tribe with tens of thousands of people or a small tribe with hundreds of people, either choose to hand in the source stone or be exterminated."

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