The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 508: Architecture beyond the times

The day of the big sacrifice soon came.

This year's big festival was held in the newly completed Colosseum.

Yes, before the first snow fell, the Colosseum covering an area of ​​20,000 square meters was completely completed.

The construction speed of this huge building far exceeded Ye Xi's expectations and gave him a big surprise.

We must know that it took eight years for ancient Rome to build the Colosseum with 40,000 slaves, but the primitive people with extremely backward productivity and only a handful of brute force took less than a year.

Part of the reason is that Xicheng has joined six new tribes this year, adding more than 20,000 people, and more importantly, because all Xicheng people love this land very much.

Everyone is really desperately building their homes.

Ye Xi never urged them, but until late at night, people often worked on the construction site by moonlight, even the tree people who like to fall asleep early in the dark, waving tree silk to help everyone deliver the stone bricks, persuading and persuading them. Don't listen, everyone is full of energy.

Therefore, everyone created this miracle.

This majestic Colosseum is far beyond the construction level of this era. It is like a lying behemoth. It is breathtaking and makes all Xicheng people excited and proud when they see it.

At the time of the big sacrifice.

More than forty witches were standing in the center of the magnificent Colosseum in spotless white robes. All of them looked solemn, leaning on bone sticks, and chanting in unison among the flying snow.

The two hundred and forty drums used for the sacrifice were placed in two hundred and forty arched holes along the walls of the Colosseum. When they were beaten together, the sound of the drums was deafening, like thunder.

In the Colosseum, thunderous sacrificial drums and loud Wushu chants are constantly intertwined and echoed, and the echoes are repeated like waves, making the scene extremely solemn and sacred.

All the Xicheng people on the scene were infected by the atmosphere, one by one they clenched their fists excitedly, with tears in their eyes.

This great sacrifice reproduced the spectacle of the last great sacrifice. The white flame tower suddenly emerged, and the dark green energy storm condensed crazily. The Thorny Witch took this opportunity to be promoted to the Great Witch and became the third Great Witch in Xi City. There are more or less breakthroughs.

With the help of Ancestral Witch Bone Staff, Xicheng altogether aroused more than two thousand new soldiers.

Because the hunting team has been rectified this year, the hunting efficiency has been improved, and more beast cores have been obtained, so everyone has abandoned the mixed blood beast cores, and the most used beast cores are also pure blood levels, making this batch of awakened ones. Warriors have higher potential.

The Pheasant used a barbaric beast core privately given by Ye Xi.

Although she is not a reserve fighter, because she has eaten a lot of good things to strengthen her physique, she has also successfully survived the pain when the fierce beast core merges into the heart, becoming a potential female fighter.

In addition to being held at the Colosseum, this year's festival is also different from the past.

When the huge white flame tower exploded and the snowflakes were intertwined with each other and fell on people's heads one after another, the crowd did not happily open their arms to embrace them, and the big sacrifice did not end.

More than 40,000 people from Xicheng stood in this magnificent, sacred and beautiful scene, bathed in white flames and snowflakes, and sang the city song of Xicheng loudly.

"May the light of the torch illuminate this vast wilderness!

Gather human races together.

Kill the tiger in the morning and the snake in the evening.

Take beast bones as knives and turn the beetles into badges.

The light is steaming, watching the rising sun shine.

Ten thousand years can’t drown the glory, the giant worm snake can’t break my spine

Withered bones hanging down the head, looking up is the faith in the heart.

With a roar, the blood was rekindled in his heart.

No matter how rugged the road is, I am unyielding!

No matter how many worms are in the world, I will be firm!

Be brave and never escape!

Roar! Roar! Roar! ! "

The loud singing echoed in the Colosseum.

After the end, all Xicheng people have not recovered for a long time, immersed in the special sacred and warm atmosphere just now, their cheeks flushed with excitement, and their bodies trembled slightly.

After this exceptionally magnificent sacrifice, the six new tribes that joined this year are more devoted, proud of being Xicheng people, and seeing Xicheng as their glory.


Wearing a white robe, Ye Xi held the Ancestral Witch's Bone Staff, stepped out of the warm Colosseum, and walked into the wind, snow, and cold air.

He sighed slightly, and after a while, he raised his head and called to the top of the Colosseum: "Aori——"

Cannv Azhi jumped down from the top.

She had been standing at the highest point of the Colosseum watching everyone during the big sacrifice just now.

A Zhi fell gently on the ground, her long snow-white hair was lifted up by the cold wind, the corners of the thin silk clothes fluttered, and the shadow of long eyelashes cast on A Zhi's light gray cheeks.

She opened a pair of pale eyes and looked at Ye Xi in silence.

Ye Xi looked at her thin clothes, paused, and asked, "Isn't it cold?"

Azhi shook his head slightly, but still did not speak.

Ye Xi looked at her sadly.

In the past year, Azhi has matured a lot, without the vivid and detached shadow of the past, but this kind of maturity is the result of homesickness and missing relatives.

Since the beginning of summer this year, Azhi missed her hometown very much. She was always depressed, sitting on the top of the mountain and staring in a daze in the direction of Silkworm Ridge. Nothing novel could make her look good.

In autumn, Azhi once mentioned to Ye Xi that he wanted to go back, but Ye Xi refused cruelly.

The silk clothing was finished long ago. In fact, he should have sent Azhi home long ago, but he really couldn’t spare any time. It would take a month or two to travel to and from Silkworm Ridge. If something happened in the middle, the ceremony would be delayed. .

After being rejected, Azhi never came to Ye Xi again, neither smiling nor talking.

And now, I'm not even afraid of the cold I feared most before.

Ye Xi knows that besides thinking about Silkworm Ridge, Azhi is mainly afraid that Assan who raised her will reach the age of and will not see her for the last time. This kind of anxiety burns her every day like a raging fire and makes her Can't show up.

Ye Xi was also very guilty of himself. If he hadn't promised to send Azhi back in person in front of the silkworm king, he could actually send Pingyao or Qiuya to **** Azhi back.

He looked at Azhi guiltily: "...Do you want to go back now?"

Now that the Silkworm Ridge has entered the winter, the silkworm girls should all be cocooned and dormant. After returning, Azhi could not see Asang, so she could only spin silk to cocoon herself.

However, Azhi said without hesitation: "Yes!"

Ye Xi touched Azhi's head, and said in a very soft voice, "Brother Ye Xi will take you home today. The road is cold. Now go and add a fur coat."

A ray of surprise burst into Azhi's eyes instantly, and his indifferent face became a little bit more vivid, some of them couldn't believe it, some asked softly in fear.


Ye Xi smiled and nodded.

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