The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 511: Zerg Record

In the next few days, Ye Xi asked Liu to reinject witch power into several bare mulberry trees, spurring the growth of new leaves, while continuing to feed it with source stone fragments.

Because this first-generation silkworm of the king species shoulders the hope of Silkworm Ridge, Ye Xi gave it treatment that even the small flower dragons did not have.

He personally helped this silkworm weave a large nest like a bird's nest with soft branches.

Fearing that the silkworms would catch the cold in the cold winter, the bottom of the nest was covered with a layer of soft long-haired rabbit skin, and fearing that the silkworms would accidentally eat the animal hair in, he carefully placed the skin against the cushion.

The animal skins in the nest are covered with fresh mulberry leaves that later spawned. The mulberry leaves that grow in the cold winter are verdant and look extremely tender and are in unlimited supply. This silkworm baby is only responsible for waking up. Just eat hard.

At the very edge of the nest, there is also a circle of emerald source stones.

The abundant source stone energy continuously emits to nourish the body of silkworm babies.

In the end, Ye Xi kept putting the nest next to the pillow on his kang, living and sleeping with it, so as to check whether it is healthy at any time.

This first-generation silkworm lived a luxurious and comfortable life like this.

After half a month, the whole silkworm has gained more than one lap of weight like a balloon.

Now the body is as thick as an arm, a full half a meter long, and the body is fat, fat and soft, and a silkworm skin is so white that it is dazzling. It looks so naive and extremely pleasing.


late at night.

In the hall, the fireplace was burning, and the dry wood crackled.

A group of chiefs crouched by the fireplace, facing the fire, with a parchment in their hands, and bowed their heads to learn to read.

Winter is here, and everyone is free. Everyone does not need to hunt or be busy on the construction site. Therefore, the cherished and painful task of learning Chinese is put on the agenda again.

There are now more than forty chiefs in Xicheng, each with a different level of study.

The six chiefs who joined this year don't know a word, and they know that they are behind, and they are rushing to learn every day. Such a group of murderous and unblinking guys, like a bear holding a corn cob, clumsily read the words one by one while holding the transcribed code. The hard work made people feel moved when they saw it.

Some of the thirty-odd chiefs of the past year have already been trained. Chiefs like Gongtao Chieftain and Chief Tushan are already teaching their own people very quickly. They only occasionally come to Ye Xi's stone house to learn other new words.

And most of the chiefs of Xicheng are reviewing. After three quarters, these complicated square characters have become a little strange to them, so they come here from time to time.

"Article 93 of the Code, hunting... the prey acquired by the team every day shall not be concealed, concealed... or handed in less, otherwise..."

"Whipping, flogging... Flogging! Flogging..."

In the rough and noisy pronunciation of words.

Ye Xi was sitting next to a rock platform by the fireplace, holding a fine brush in hand, and carefully writing on the parchment scroll with his eyes down.

A candle with a thick arm was burning beside the sheepskin scroll, and the warm fire light illuminates the whole sheepskin scroll.

In this savage world, he often fights in blood but rarely writes with a pen. Gradually, some familiar characters become unfamiliar, and some characters can only be written after thinking about them.

He thought that maybe with the passage of time, one day he would completely forget how to write some words, so Ye Xi decided to write something every day in the winter from now on, so that he could leave something for Xicheng by the way.

Now he is writing "Zer Chong Lu".

He recorded all the strange insects and highly poisonous insects he had seen, and wrote in detail about their appearance, habits, and places where they frequently appeared.

"Mutated Starscream, long legs and hard carapace..."

The pen nib was stained with thick ink, and it was slowly drawn stroke by stroke on the yellowed parchment scroll. The moist ink was gradually absorbed by the yellowed parchment paper, leaving only dry, clear and beautiful fonts.

The reason why the parchment rolls are used instead of the snow-white and beautiful "vegetable paper" is that the parchment rolls can be stored for a longer time and can record more text. The sheepskin roll he is writing now has been specially processed. The sheepskin leather is thin but very strong. When it is spliced, it is two meters long and can record many words.

Ye Xi wrote down the habit and appearance of the mutant Starscream, as well as the thrilling scene when he met, and finally put down the pen in his hand, replaced it with a finer brush, and started painting with some red paint.

The hideous appearance of the mutant Starscream gradually emerged under the outline of the brush.

This "Zerg Record" is all text with pictures. If you don't write for a long time, you will forget it, and painting naturally has the same principle, so it is also an exercise.

Ye Xi drew very seriously, and the mutant Starscream on the sheepskin scroll was so vivid and lifelike.

Finally, he changed his pen again and dipped some black ink to spot the mutant Starscream's eyes.

While Ye Xi was writing and painting, the white and fat first-generation silkworm was lying on his shoulders, leaning his head and staring at Ye Xi writing and drawing on the parchment scroll with black bean eyes. The eyes next to his feet were occasionally aligned. Blink.

As the first-generation silkworm became larger in size, the row of black spots beside its limbs also grew, turning into silkworm king-like eyes. This row of eyes is very sensitive and will blink from time to time. When it touches the side of the eye, the row of eyeballs will immediately be frightened and closed.

Although it grew up in the source rock, this first-generation silkworm still can't get rid of the habit of the silkworm baby, and doesn't like to move at all.

It usually likes to nest in its own nest, curling up into a ball, slowly gnawing mulberry leaves, and occasionally hanging on Ye Xi's body, allowing Ye Xi to take it around.

But when Ye Xi was writing, it would surely crawl out of its nest and climb onto Ye Xi's body, and kept lying on its shoulder and staring at the sheepskin scroll with interest, like a curious little baby.

After Ye Xi finished drawing the mutant Starscream, he carefully lifted the chubby first-generation silkworm from his shoulders, held it in his arms like a child, and teased it,

"Isn't this mutant Starscream terrible? You grow so fat and tender. The mutant Starscream likes to bite you the most!"

The snow-white soft silkworm turned its belly up and wiggled Ye Xi's knees indiscriminately in protest. The small appearance looked very cute.

Ye Xi touched its belly and asked, "Do you want to be included in this volume of Zerg Records?"

This first-generation silkworm that was fed by the source stone seemed to understand, and a guru turned his fat body over.

Ye Xi picked it up and placed it on the rock and said with a smile: "Then try to become the silkworm king. You are too weak now."

The two rows of black bean eyes on the first silkworm blinked together.

Ye Xi smiled and ignored it, rolled up the dry sheepskin on the left, lifted the pen, and continued to write a kind of zerg.

This volume of Zerg Records has recorded more than 20 kinds of magical Zergs he has seen, but one person’s knowledge is ultimately limited. Ye Xi intends to write all the Zergs he has seen before gathering all the chiefs in Together, let the Zergs they have seen also speak out, and everyone writes this volume of Zergs together to make it as complete as possible.

When he finishes writing "Zerg Insect Record" this winter, next winter he plans to start writing "Exotic Flowers and Herbs Record", and in the following winter, he will write a book of "Mountains and Rivers" to write about the places he walked and the climate there. The distribution of mountains, the direction of the river, and the vegetation are all described in detail.

He didn't expect to write something afterwards, but he should write these two records until he is old, and record his life experience as much as possible for future generations to refer to, so that future generations will avoid detours.

It can also be regarded as leaving a precious wealth for Xicheng.

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