The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 506: Dark lake water

Before Cang Wu couldn't help running away, Ye Xi finally got everything done.

There are boiled pork slices with red oily soup and strong spicy flavor; there are thick oily red sauce, fatty but not greasy braised pork; there are soy stewed pork ribs with delicious soup and crispy soybean meat; and soft and glutinous, smooth and cheeks Fragrant lion head.

All colors and fragrances are delicious.

He also grilled half of the meat left over from the wasteland on a stone stick to make the skin crispy and tender, and sprinkled with salt and pepper and other seasonings to make it fragrant.

Finally he moved all the dishes to the terrace.

Here, they can enjoy food while basking in the warm sunshine.

After all the dishes were served, Cang Wu's patience had reached her limit in the face of the tempting delicacy of a table. She moved with a speed that seemed to be slow but in fact like a beast.

The scent of the delicacy caught the black scales and green-skinned long-necked dragons that had been playing in the lake all out of the water.

Wu Lin was drooling, his eyes became straight, and he crawled to the shore uncontrollably.

The green-skin long-necked dragon was still immersed in the lake water. It relied on its extremely long neck to lean its head directly outside the terrace, and a pair of huge black eyeballs looked at them happily.

Ye Xi smiled, cut a small piece of barbecue and threw it at it.

Although the long-necked dragon was raised in Cangwu, it was still regarded as an ordinary aquatic dinosaur and could not eat much meat from the wasteland.

The green-skin long-necked dragon accurately swallowed the meat, and retracted its neck into the lake with satisfaction.

Then Wu Lin leaned over again.

The terrace is on the second floor, with a huge black scale body, and when lying on the ground, his head can face them.

Facing Wulin Yexi, he didn't have so much scruples. He simply threw all the remaining barbecue to Wulin. Wulin grabbed the barbecue and climbed to the lake, slowly biting.

After feeding these two behemoths, Ye Xi returned to his position.

To his surprise, the Cangwu beside the stone table actually slowed down his eating speed, and the dishes on the table did not sweep away like he imagined.

Ye Xi glanced at her unexpectedly.

Sitting in the sun, Cangwu's skin was as white as it was glowing, thick eyelash shadows were cast on his cheeks, his pink lips were slightly open and closed, and even the appearance of eating was as beautiful as a dream.

... Is she waiting for him?

Can he think so?

As if perceiving Ye Xi's gaze, Cang Wu raised his eyelashes and glanced at him questioningly.

Ye Xi returned to his senses, smiled, and began to enjoy the food.

He took a chopsticks and put the boiled pork slices made from the relics of the great waste into his mouth and swallowed it, and suddenly felt ample energy exploding from his stomach, spreading crazily along the limbs.

After taking three slices, his cheeks are slightly red.

After eating ten slices, thin beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

After eating more than 30 slices, he put down his chopsticks, and his whole body felt hot, and his stomach was burning like a big ball of fire, burning his whole person to ashes.

The power belonging to the warrior in his body was surging like a tsunami. Originally, his power was on the verge of breaking through because of the radiation from the source stone, and the flesh and blood of this great wilderness relic was like a splash of boiling oil, completely stimulating all the power.

This is... the energy of the great waste.

It's too domineering.

Ye Xi closed his eyes, his heart was beating violently at this moment, his whole body was flushed, sweat rolled down, and even his eyelashes were wet with sweat and they were wet on the skin.

a long time.

The heartbeat was flat and he opened his eyes.

On the left chest under the placket, the five flame patterns have changed into six.

Beside the stone table, Cang Wu had already used up all the food, put down his chopsticks righteously and looked at Ye Xi dissatisfied.

Ye Xi gave her a complicated look.

He had just eaten the meat of the Great Wilderness Seed, and by using it to break through to the sixth level, he has deeply realized how terrifying the energy contained in the Great Wilderness Seed.

But Cang Wu ate almost half of the Wild Remains by himself, but his cheeks were only slightly red, as if he was still hot from the pepper...

The so-called sea lord, to what extent is his strength?

Is it something he can provoke?



Cang Wu did not leave, but stayed in the Xinghu Lake in Xicheng.

Ye Xi lay on the stone bed tossing about and couldn't sleep. He simply got up and walked slowly to the terrace, looking up at the magnificent galaxy in the sky in silence.

The air is freezing cold.

The exhaled breath turned into white mist.


There is the sound of surging water waves.

Ye Xi retracted his gaze looking at the sky and looked at the dark lake ahead.

I saw a silver shark tail tracing a beautiful arc on the water surface, and then sank, and finally, a beautiful shadow emerged from the thick ink water surface.

A pair of silver eyes, especially bright in the dark, were staring in his direction without blinking.

Weird and deceptive.

Ye Xi stared at these eyes from a long distance, unknowingly put his hands on the icy railing, and then applied a little force, the faint blue blood vessels on the back of the slender and powerful hands protruded unconsciously.


He broke the thick ice shell on the railing.

Seemingly awakened by this sound, Ye Xi's heart was stunned, and regardless of those scruples, he leaped gently and quietly onto the snow, then came to the edge of the ice lake and jumped straight into the cold and dark water.

He was greeted by a pair of cold and slippery arms.

Ye Xi was hugged by Cangwu and dragged into the water, and then tied tightly with the shark's tail, and was dragged into the water by her, but Ye Xi hugged her with one hand and led her out of the water.

Under the shining of the galaxy on the dark lake, you can see the sparkling water rippling round and round.

You can also see the suffocating demon face of Cangwu.

She leaned very close, just staring at Ye Xi, her silver eyes showed a pleasant light, as if she had seen something she liked.

Ye Xi looked at the nearby Cangwu, his heart throbbed and throbbed violently, and at the same time, his whole body was hot, as if not in a cold ice lake, but in a hot hot spring.


She snorted lazily from her nose, a little delicate, as if asking him why he brought her to the water.

Ye Xi's heart palpitated, unable to control herself anymore, holding Cang Wu's cheek in one hand, and kissing her delicate lips.

Cang Wu froze for a moment.

Gradually, her breathing became quicker, and the pupils in her silver eyes shrank like beasts.

Then she suddenly held Ye Xi's head and took the initiative to kiss her. With a flick of the gorgeous tail, Ye Xi was pressed into the lake, and she kissed Ye Xi in the water.

It was very quiet in Xinghu at this time.

The green-skin long-necked dragon and Wulin were all driven to other places by the overbearing Cangwu, only the slight splash sound made by the two of them.

Cang Wu's learning ability is very strong, and the water is her home court, Ye Xi must go all out to be evenly matched.

After a long time, the two finally let go of each other and floated to the surface.

Ye Xi's chest rises and gasping slightly.

The taste just now was so good, he couldn't help it with excitement when he thought of Cang Wu's kiss. But at the same time, he felt unable to breathe and regretted that he had eaten less starweed.

Cang Wu stretched out a bright red tongue and gently licked the corners of his lips. The strange silver beast pupil looked a little innocent, and he approached.

"Why kiss here?"

Ye Xi put her arms around her waist and said, "If you like someone, you can't help but want to kiss here."

Cang Wu smiled lightly: "It feels really good."

After all, the slippery and cold shark's tail was tightly wrapped around Ye Xi's waist again, leading him to the bottom of the lake, and then kissing him enthusiastically over and over again as if he had found a new toy.

Feeling the darkness in the lake, Cang Wu released a little shark incense.

Suddenly countless starweeds glowing with shining light rushed over, surrounding them like stars, illuminating each other's faces.

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