The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 522: Boiling river

This faint and cold fragrance is difficult to capture, and people can't help but want to pull off its mysterious veil, smell it and see it clearly.

Ye Xi leaned towards Cangwu unknowingly as if possessed by a demon, leaned her head and took a deep sniff.

Cang Wu turned his head, staring at him with a bright eye.

The faces of the two were extremely close.

Ye Xi raised his eyes and Cang Wu looked at each other, their eyes stalemate.

Just when he couldn't help but want to get closer, there was a loud crackling on the surging river surface with white waves, and suddenly a gray scale fat fish weighing about a dozen catties popped out. The cold water splashed Ye Xi. A look.

Haven't waited for him to react.

"Cracking! Wow!"

Numerous identical gray-scaled fat fish smashed out of the river with their tails. The surface of the river was so lively as if the boiling water boiled. Many fat fishes even jumped onto the shore without fear of death, vying for fear of falling behind.

Ye Xi's eyes widened: "..."


Cang Wu turned his head blankly beside him, holding the fishing rod in one hand, and lifting the tail of the gray scale fat fish in the other, and threw them back into the river one by one.

The surface of the river continued to boil, and more and more gray-scale fatty fish were intertwined and jumping on the surface of the river. The broad surface of the river was like a super rainstorm, and the scene was spectacular.

It didn't take long for Dahe to change again.

Although the surface of the river was still surging with white waves, and I couldn't see what it looked like underwater, the currents in several places began to mess up, as if something was violently churning the water nearby.

A row of huge fins suddenly appeared in the lower reaches of the big river, approaching here quickly.

This row of huge fish fins is made up of triangles, some resembling shark fins. All the triangles are about six or seven meters long. I don't know how big things are hidden in the water.

Then a water area not far from them also changed.

On the surface of the river that was originally full of schools of gray-scale fatty fish, suddenly there was an area where the gray-scale fatty fish disappeared. After a while, a dozen dark slender tentacles suddenly broke out of the water!

The tentacles are hideous and ugly. They are more than ten meters long. They look like dead branches, but they have suckers like octopus tentacles. They waved densely on the river, and fumbled in the direction of Cangwu.

"Bang——!!! Wow!"

A huge aquatic dinosaur resembling a mosasaur jumped out of the water, and a water monster with fine and sharp teeth resembling an ichthyosaur also jumped out from the other end. The two giants jumped high and collided in mid-air, making a loud noise Qi Qi fell back into the river afterwards.


A big guy who didn't know what it looked like floated his hard-clad back to the surface, sprayed a high mist, and sank again with the surge of water...

The originally silent river suddenly became very lively.

Ye Xi's eyes widened.

Yuxiang... Was it so exaggerated? !

Cang Wu's expression on holding the fishing rod remained the same. Her long and splendid shark tail has been sinking in the water. Although the river surface is muddy and it is difficult to see the situation underneath, it can be seen that the water near her is violently stirring, almost forming a whirlpool.

There was a heavy blow.

A stream of blood gushed out of the white water.

The row of triangular fins escaped and left here.

There was a faint muffled sound.

There was another burst of blood on the water.

Those entangled tentacles that were about to touch Cang Wu's face suddenly withered, and the unknown tentacle monster sank in the water and disappeared.


The big ichthyosaur jumped out of the water.

One bite of the piranha-like fierce and thin fangs was broken in half by something and turned into a toothless fish. Half of its head was **** and bloody. It whimpered and fled away like a ghost.

The blood still rushed out.

In the end, the water flow on the river surface returned to normal, and only the gray scale fat fish were still crackling and jumping out of the river, scrambling to jump onto the two of them.

The two were almost submerged by these fish.

There were too many gray-scale fatty fishes, and Cang Wu was too lazy to throw them into the river. He just hung his eyelids, holding the fishing rod flatly, as if he was focusing on fishing.

Ye Xi: "..."

He didn't know how to complain.

The formation of Cangwu Fishing was also too spectacular, the whole river was boiling, and the gray scale fat fish rushed to the body. But she was unmoved by the countless fish that came up, she wanted to catch a fish by herself.

But they originally said it was good fishing, so there seems to be nothing wrong...

After a while, the other end of Cang Wu's fishing rod suddenly sank.

This is obviously a big fish. The fishing rod made of burnt wood is bent into a curve, making a crunching noise, as if it is about to break.

Cang Wu's eyes lit up suddenly, and the mackerel tail turned into a human leg and withdrew from the river. He quickly stood up with the ground, flicked his arm, and threw the guy fishing on the other end of the fishing rod to the shore.

A big fat fish five meters long was smashed to the shore firmly.

This big fat fish bounced violently with its mouth open and gills, desperately trying to escape back into the water.

Naturally, Cang Wu would not let it escape. His white hands grabbed its slippery tail, a smile appeared in his eyes, and he happily said to Ye Xi: "Look, I caught a fish!"

Ye Xi was also very surprised. He gave her a thumbs up and praised: "A Wu is really amazing!"

Cang Wu curled his lips with a smile, and slightly raised Xue Bai's delicate chin.

Ye Xi smiled and looked at Cangwu.

I think the fishing activity today was quite successful.

Seeing that the big fat fish in Cangwu's hand had been struggling violently and was extremely dishonest, he simply pulled out the scabbard and slapped it **** the head.

The fat fish suddenly disappeared.

Staring at the fish, lying on the ground with his mouth open and panting quietly.

Ye Xi looked at this big fat fish.

This is a fish he has never seen before. It has a chubby body and looks a little silly. It has black scales all over, and each black scale is covered with silver There is also a long trail behind it. The long gray-blue tail is almost as long as the body. It is not difficult to imagine how beautiful it is when it unfolds in the water.

Ye Xi said: "This fish has a pretty tail, or don't eat it and keep it in the lake."

Cang Wu wondered: "Does this fish's tail look good?"

Ye Xi: "It looks good."

Cang Wu: "There are many fish with more beautiful tails in the sea. Some fish's tails are like the colorful clouds in the sky, and some fish's tails are like the shining galaxy, which will emit brilliant little lights in the dark."

Ye Xi imagined the appearance of those fishes, and then said with both yearning and regret: "Does it sound beautiful, but unfortunately I can't see it with my own eyes."

Cangwu had a meal.

I haven't spoken for a long time.

Thinking of something, her eyelashes trembled, and then slowly raised her eyes, looking straight at Ye Xi's gaze, and said to him in a seductive tone: "You can, be my partner, and go back to the sea with me."

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