The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 527: Hand over

? "Ha ha, ha ha!"

In the dense rain curtain, an extremely large cystscale pterosaur separated from the pterosaur group, flapping its wings and slowly flying down from the sky.

The red wings were covered like dark clouds.

Ye Xi's eyebrows beat, and he yelled at the Xicheng people who were still on the ground: "All hide in the stone house! All hide in the stone house!!!"

It is useless to resist in the face of absolute power, only retreat is the only way to survive.

The soldiers around did not want to retreat, but could not defy Ye Xi's order. They gritted their teeth and glanced at the behemoth above their heads, put away their blades and ran into the stone house.

But the soldiers who were far away did not hear what Ye Xi said, and still stood where they were.

"It's too late to run over and give orders..."

Ye Xi clenched his fists.

The huge double wings fanned the gusty wind, and the 20-meter-long Cycloid pterosaur was close to the eyes, and finally landed on the blue brick roof of a three-story building.


Two pairs of sharp claws pierced the roof tiles deeply.

Rubble and rocks fell apart.

Its size is several times larger than the entire stone house, and its two claws can be squeezed together on the roof. The stone house was overwhelmed by its weight, and it made a crackling sound, and the cracks in the spider web gradually spread.

The cystscale pterosaur gathered the fiery red wing membrane, and propped the wing phalanx to the ground with a loud bang. The snow and the floor tiles underneath were poked into two deep pits.

Click! Click!

The stone house continued to crack, and the whole stone house trembled violently, but unexpectedly, it finally supported it tenaciously and did not collapse.


The sacrum, standing high on the head of the Cycloscale pterosaur, screamed in surprise.

Ye Xi took a deep breath, took off the Ancestral Witch Bone Wand he carried with him, rushed to the vicinity of the Cycloscale pterodactyl in the cold rain, and finally bent and jumped onto the roof of a nearby stone house.

At the entrance of the ice cellar, several people looked at each other, and they all saw the determination to follow to the death in the eyes of the other party. A few people rose up from the ground and chased in Ye Xi's direction like a cheetah.

The other Xicheng warriors saw their Xi Wu passing by, drew out their bone knives and spears, and gathered quickly without saying a word.

They decided to protect their Master Xi Wu with their lives.

The sacculus pterodactyl entrenched on the roof turned his head and glanced at the gathered soldiers with scarlet eyes. He slapped his nose violently and inhaled sharply. The throat sac quickly swelled.

Ye Xi's heart jumped.

The fighting spirit radiated by the soldiers angered it!

Without saying anything, he immediately turned his head and yelled at the soldiers: "Retreat all! Don't come closer!!!"

All the soldiers stopped immediately. They looked at the huge cystscale pterosaur in front of Ye Xi, and at the high-altitude clouds, the pterosaurs hovering in the dark clouds, their necks collapsed, and they almost broke their teeth.

At this moment, they both feared the strength of the Molten Tribe, and hated their own weakness, and had to let their leader face the danger alone at the forefront.

But in the end they slowly moved back with red eyes.

However, the huge and ferocious cystscale pterodactyl was still staring at them, with its head retracted and its huge beak eager to open. Seeing the destructive steam, it was about to spray at the Xicheng warriors, the sacral stomach standing on top of it Stomped.


The cystscale pterodactyl turned back to his head, and his nostrils sprayed two hot white air impatiently.

Ye Xi looked up at the sacrum standing high on the head of the sacculus pterosaur, and said loudly: "It is a great honor for us to have distinguished guests. Now it is cold and raining. Why not let us have a good hospitality?"

Sacral condescendingly looked at Ye Xi, rudely,

"We don't need to entertain. Now, immediately hand over all the source stones of your tribe!"

Ye Xi squeezed the bone stick's hand tightly, but she said in a somewhat puzzled tone: "I wonder what the source stone you are talking about... is it?"

Sacral eyes looked at Ye Xi like a knife, with a cold face and said nothing.

Ye Xi looked at him suspiciously, and suddenly exclaimed: "My lord, do you think we took your things? You misunderstood! We are in a remote place, and the hunting team has never been 30 miles away. It’s impossible to encounter you if you have been hunted somewhere!"

Sacral: "The source stone is the stone that fell from the sky. Don't tell me you haven't seen any of them?"

Ye Xi: "We did see it in other places. The black smoke was smoking, but what's so strange about these stones? Are they important?"

Sacral eyes looked at Ye Xi coldly: "You mean you don't have a source stone?"

Ye Xi looked straight into the sacral eyes and tried his best to show his sincerity: "My lord, I really didn't know that it was the source stone. You are a super tribe. You can easily kill my people. How dare I hide it? Hand over the source stone with both hands!"


The soldiers retreated to the shore of the lake.

The distance was too far, and it was raining, they couldn't hear what the Molten Warrior and Ye Xi were talking about, they just stared at them nervously, and clenched the weapon in their hands, intending to rush over as soon as the opponent violent.

The witches rushed over when they got the news. They squinted their old eyes in the rain, and their old hands clenched the bone staff beside them.

On the top of the head of a cyst scale pterosaur.

The sacral face became darker and heavier, threatening: "Do you know how many tribes have been annihilated by us during this period?"

Ye Xi clenched his teeth, still insisting that they didn't know the source stone at all.

"My lord, we really don't know that the stone that fell from the sky is the source stone!"

Now the fierce beasts and insects outside are evolving rapidly, the source stone is the cornerstone of Xicheng's survival, and the number of source stones they have collected is already very small, how can they be handed over.

Ye Xi took a step forward and said sincerely, "If you don't believe me, you can search here, if you can't find it, I can also tell you all the places I have seen the source stone!"

Sacral-eyed bird of prey.

He really couldn't feel the breath of source stone here.

If it were placed before, he might believe Ye Xi's words and let Xicheng go.

But this time Xicheng was unlucky because the Molten Tribe team was ambushed by the Wumu and Li tribes on the road, and many of the tribesmen were damaged there, so the sacral mood was very bad.

Now that he couldn't get the source stone here, the hostility in his eyes could no longer be suppressed.

The Cycloscale pterodactyl at his feet felt his mood, retracted its neck, opened its huge beak, and sprayed a beam of hot steam at Ye Xi!

Ye Xi jumped back extremely sensitively.

The majestic white gas that was enough to scald a person passed him by.

The snow contaminated by the steam melted in large areas.

The cystscale pterodactyl did not stop, it opened its wings and flew into the air, took a sharp breath, bulged the sac of its throat, and dived down towards Ye Xi viciously.

But Ye Xi is now a sixth-level fighter, how could he be injured by it, every time he happened to avoid the hot steam.

But he didn't dare to fight back and kill the Cyscaline Pterosaur, fearing that once he returned his hand, there would be no room for maneuver, and the Cyscascale pterosaur group that gathered in the sky would all fly down instantly.

Seeing Ye Xi's attack, the soldiers on the shore of the lake couldn't stand it. They roared, clenching their weapons, and rushed over.

The low-altitude pterodactyls head tilted impatiently sprayed a long steam at them.

The soldiers knew how powerful the steam was, and quickly avoided, but some of the weaker soldiers did not hide fast enough, and they were about to be enveloped by the white steam.

At the moment of the moment, dozens of slender tree silks flew in the distance, entwining these fighters together, and swept them away in an instant.

The hot steam burst into the air, only melting the snow on the ground.

The one-armed Ze stood in the distance, controlling the tree silk to put down the soldiers who were already safe, and then looked at the Cycloscale pterosaur in the air, his eyes were icy.

Then he opened his arms.

In an instant, thousands of tree filaments burst out of his body, densely twisting towards the huge cystscale pterosaur!

Ye Xi's pupils shrank: "Stop!!!"

However, it was too late. The slender and flexible tree silk had already wrapped the Cycloscale pterosaur in mid-air, like a horrible big net, tightly binding it up.

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