The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 795: Red sand coral


Cang Wu and Ye Xi came out of the sea.

Jiao Jiao did not come to disturb them very spiritually, and stayed a long distance beside him after emerging from the sea.


Ye Xi looked at Cang Wu with a smile and love, and was full of longing to say, but didn't know what to say, and finally only called her name.

Cang Wu hugged Ye Xi, happily wrapped the shark's tail around him, then lowered his head and rubbed again.

After a long absence, they didn't feel the slightest strangeness when they met again. They were sticky for a while, and then Ye Xi remembered and asked, "Why are you staying here? Is this your home?"


Cang Wu reluctantly came out of Ye Xi's arms and said with a smile, "My home is in the blue-gold coral bush."

Ye Xi asked the question he wanted to ask just now, and said worriedly: "What's the matter with that huge underwater cave underneath, why are you staying there alone?"

Cang Wu shook his head without answering.

Ye Xi frowned slightly and asked again, "Have you been here for a long time?"

"Soon." Cang Wu stretched out his hand to flatten the wrinkles between his brows, and asked abruptly, "Did you come here this time to decide to abandon Xicheng to accompany me, or come and see me?

Ye Xi choked and said with a guilty conscience: "I will go back in two months...not four months."

Cangwu's smile remained unchanged: "Also."

Ye Xi wanted to ask about Haikuao again, Cangwu smiled and said, "Come on, I'll take you to a more beautiful place."

As he said, Cang Wu embraced Ye Xi, shook his tail, dragged him into the water and started swimming quickly.

I have to say that Cangwu's speed in the sea is too fast. At such a fast speed, ordinary sea water is comparable to iron blocks. Ye Xi felt his head crashing in the steel bushes, and he didn't dare to open his eyes at all. His eyes were damaged, and he was an eighth-level fighter, so he could withstand such a toss.

After more than a hundred breaths.

Cang Wu took Ye Xi out of the sea.

Ye Xi opened his eyes, the bright sun filled his eyes, and what he saw was an island with golden sandy beaches. The island was lushly covered with broad-leaved trees like coconut trees. The sea breeze gusted, and the shadows of the trees swayed against the waves. The sparkling sea, the scenery is very beautiful.


Cangwu's tail turned into legs, walked barefoot to the edge of the beach, and then took Ye Xi's hand, and the two walked together to this lonely island standing in the deep sea.

Ye Xi thought it was amazing and looked around: "How come there is an island here?"

Cangwu looked a little playful: "Guess what it is made of?"

It turns out that this island is still artificial?

Ye Xi raised an eyebrow.

"Um... the shell of a giant tortoise?"


Under the sun, Cangwu's snow-white skin seemed to melt away, coupled with a happy and pure smile, Ye Xi's heart was as warm as the sun, unable to look away, absent-mindedly.

"Buoyant rock?"

"Not right!"

"...Is there a reward for guessing it?"

Cang Wu said straightforwardly: "Yes, you can mention one!"

Ye Xi thought of Sheng Guo's spirits immediately, and continued his efforts: "The corpse of a certain big fish?"


"Cooling volcanic lava?"

"No, haha, there is no volcano underneath!"

"The wood of the giant tree?"


Cang Wu sat down on the soft sand and let him continue to guess with a smile.

Ye Xi had guessed more than twenty answers without guessing it. He stooped down like giving up, and said a little coquettishly: "I can't guess, A Wu tell me."

Cang Wu's eyes squinted at him, a little triumphant, and a little airy: "It's coral."

Ye Xi had never seen Cangwu’s agile expression. He felt that the world was too beautiful, and he didn’t pay attention for a while: "...Huh?"

Cang Wu squeezed his nose: "Coral!"

Ye Xi looked at the fine sand under him in surprise, and at the lush woods behind him, he couldn't believe it. Don’t corals all grow on the seabed, here is the deep ocean, with a depth of at least three kilometers or more. How can corals grow so high? Are corals floating?

Seeing him so surprised, Cang Wu simply dragged him into the sea to take a look.

Looking at the scenery in the sea, Ye Xi's eyes widened with surprise.

I saw a giant pillar of pottery red coral with a diameter of more than one thousand meters. It stretched from the sparkling sea to the dark and invisible bottom of the sea. The deeper it goes to the bottom of the sea, the thicker the cross-section, which is very spectacular.

This small island is completely supported by coral! Incredible!

Back on the small island, Ye Xi still couldn't recover from the scene he saw just now, and said, "This coral has been growing from the bottom of the sea to the surface?"

Cang Wu smiled and nodded.

Ye Xi felt unbelievable: "Why does coral grow like this?"

It was almost straight like a Dinghai Shenzhen, without human intervention, he didn't believe it.

Cang Wu: "The coral we call it red silt coral, because it can be stacked into a favorite shape like silt. The juvenile shark people especially like to play. The corals under this island are piled up like this."

Ye Xi didn't understand: "The coral... how do you pile it?"

The "Dinghai Shenzhu" made up of corals I just saw, although the part connected to the island has been petrified and dead, but the rest are living corals and are still alive.

Cang Wu pulled Ye Xi into the sea again.

She caught a chubby whitebait, and another nautilus that swam innocently, crushed the fish and snail meat into mud and crushed them.

"Red sand corals like to eat a mixture of fish and snail meat."

Cang Wu stuffed the mass of fleshy mud into Ye Xi's hand, leaving only some residue in his hand, and then touched the coral pillar of red sand.


Cang Wu motioned to Ye Xi to get closer.

In the sea, Ye Xi and Cang Wu’s heads were next to their heads, and they watched the red sand corals up close together.

The red sand corals look pretty from a distance, but when you look up close, you’ll find that they are made up of countless small pottery-red mini hydras. The fluffy tentacles stretch out and shrink, constantly catching inorganic substances in the sea. Close to each other, the intensive phobia had to die on the spot.

The part of the red sand coral that Cangwu touched gradually changed magically.

A transparent blister grew in the center of that part of the small hydra. After half a breath, the blister exploded and hundreds of new-born small hydras poured out.

These little hydras are so tiny that even the weakest current will disperse them, so they immediately all stretch out their hair-like tentacles and adsorb to the original old hydras. After they are adsorbed, they will immediately catch them and apply them by Cangwu. A mixture of tiny fish and snails.

Newborn little hydras grow almost as long as they see the water, and in the blink of an eye, they grow to be as big as the original old hydra.

After they grow up to the size of an old polyp, they will grow transparent blisters and give birth to new small polyps. In just a few breaths, the red sand coral grows by about five centimeters.

Ye Xi couldn't speak in the water, looked at the fish-meat-snail-meat mixture in his hand, and looked at Cangwu.

Cang Wu blinked, "You want to ask what would happen if you put all these things on?"

Ye Xi smiled, happy that Cang Wu could accurately guess what he was thinking.

"Try it and you'll know!"

Cang Wu grabbed his and photographed all the fish and mud snails in his hand on the coral pillar.

Ten minutes later, a large ball with a diameter of one meter bulged out on the coral pillar of red sand. It looked strange and unsightly like a sarcoma, and Ye Xi raised her eyebrows.

Seeing that he didn't like it, Cang Wu swept the tail, and suddenly the big ball was scattered like sand.

In this shot, the small hydras were caught seedlings, like ant **** that were smashed, hundreds of millions of small hydras swim with their fine-haired tentacles, very difficult to swim back to the coral pillars and re-adsorbed, and then Diligent to capture organic matter.

Ye Xi became interested, and he caught some fish and nautilus to make a mixture of fish, meat, and snails. Then, on this huge column of red sand coral, he wrote the word Cang with the mixture, and wrote the word leaf next door.

He also wanted to write down here to visit, but given that the gestures were too many and too complicated, he gave up.

After watching the Taohong little Hydra overwrite those two characters and turn them into a carved character, Ye Xi pulled Cangwu back to the sea.

The two drenched and walked back to the beach.

Cang Wu turned his head to see Ye Xi always smiling inexplicably, and a small smile appeared in his eyes, and asked softly, "What are you laughing at?"

Ye Xi smiled and covered his forehead: "Laughing I have become naive."

I laughed at myself when I talked about love to be like those teenage children. When I came to a place, I had to write the names of the two of them. It’s really not like what he would do. If the people in Xicheng knew about it, it must be It will be shocked.

Cang Wu hugged his waist and bent his eyes: "Whatever you do is good."

The two were intimacy again, sticky.

After a long while, Ye Xi remembered something and his expression changed: "That's it!"

"what happened?"

Ye Xi blamed herself extremely: "...we forgot the Jiao Jiao!"


First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju

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