The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 807: Burr crab

The sun is blazing, the sea is blue and calm, and the hot sea breeze is blowing from the east.

The black sea crocodile, which is a circle larger than the emperor crocodile, floats its back on the sea, swaying its long tail slightly, breaking through the sea and swimming forward slowly. The calm sea uses it as the dividing line, swaying silky ripples.

Ye Xi restrained his breath and stood on its back with bare feet.

The sea crocodile's back armor is very hard and rough, and standing on it feels like standing on a rock.

"Woo! Ooo!"

A group of half-person-tall pterodactyls flew down and stopped on the large crocodile to hitchhiking.

The wings of this group of pterodactyls have strong muscles and sharp nails. The breath of each one is not weaker than that of a ferocious bird. Once it stops, it keeps turning its head around.

They naturally noticed Ye Xi nearby, but Ye Xi now has hidden witch patterns painted on her body, and her breath has been reduced, which is no different from wood and rocks, so the yellow glass **** only looked at Ye Xi for a while. , He continued to look away vigilantly.

The large crocodile continued to swim to the coast.

It didn't respond much to the arrival of the pterodactyl group, just like when Ye Xi jumped up, seemingly unconscious. Because to it, both the pterodactyl group and Ye Xi are small and insignificant, and the aura is very weak, just like a stone falling on the body.

With the hot sea breeze blowing against the incandescent sunlight, Ye Xi looked around.

The scenery here is beautiful, the blue sky is soaring bird pterosaurs, and the crystal clear waters are full of active fish and sea animals, a thriving scene.

But in fact, there are dangers all around. The fish and the sea beasts in the middle of the sea in the eyes of ordinary people are all bright blue light in his eyes.


Several pterodactyls gradually relaxed their vigilance, pecking at each other for the sparse brown hair on their backs, and frolicking.

Ye Xi looked back.

Cang Wu had already returned to the deep sea, and the bright silver had disappeared.


Without any precautions, the seabed under them suddenly shot out a big mouth of blood!

That huge circular mouth full of circles of fine fangs quickly bit the throat of a large sea crocodile at a speed of one thousandth of a second, and then slammed it into the sea!

It was too fast and too sudden, Ye Xi almost fell into the water in an instant, but his body reflexed faster than his body, and he jumped on the back of a large grindstone in time.


Ye Xi looked at the bottom of the sea with lingering fears, feeling that his heart missed a beat just now.

At this moment, the clear blue water was stirred into a turbid state, and the huge mouth protruding from the seabed bit the sea crocodile's throat, swinging and dragging it into the sand.

The crocodile struggled frantically, blood spilling from his throat, desperately trying to escape.

But after struggling for half a minute, the big crocodile was lost and was still tragically dragged into the sea sand by that huge mouth.

Because the crocodile is so huge, the long tail is still outside. But after a while, just like sucking noodles, the tail was pulled into the seabed bit by bit.

The sand and dust gradually subsided, the blood was gradually diluted, and only the big pit on the seabed proved the thrilling life and death struggle just now.

From beginning to end, Ye Xi only saw the huge mouth of the attacker, but did not see the full picture. The attacker's body was always buried in the white sand.

This attack method reminded him of a kind of sea worm called "bobit bug".

Bobit insects also like to bury their long body vertically on the bottom of the sea, usually only revealing a small section of the head and tentacles, like an ugly anemone. When it aims at its prey, the harmless sea anemone will turn into the most terrifying trap, and shoot out and bite the prey. The speed at which it hunts is amazing, and the targeted prey can hardly escape. .

When such a terrifying sea worm zooms in thousands of times, its hunting ability is increased by a few hundred times, which is about the same as the thing on the seabed just now.


"The evil things here are very strong, and they don't seem to be weak."

Ye Xi looked up at the white sky with emotion.

The group of pterodactyls just soared up in time without being swept into the sea. But there are many king-level fierce birds in the sky, and even the wild relic level fierce birds. Those pterodactyls can only keep avoiding, far less comfortable than just now.

His sight suddenly went black.

Something huge covered the incandescent sun, casting a shadow on Ye Xi's face.

Ye Xi took a closer look and found that it was a burr crab that was higher than a building. During the action, its bayonet-like legs were poking on the seabed in an orderly manner, so it slowly moved towards the sea bed without any movement. Climbing on the shore.

Ye Xi raised his head and looked at this giant crab with exclamation.

The line of sight follows the slender and thorny legs of the tall crab, looking towards the sea.

The seawater here is almost forty meters deep, but this tall crab stands firmly in the sea as if standing in a shallow water beach. The body is still more than ten meters above the sea surface, and the legs are almost as long as the sky.

The burr crab suddenly stopped, and raised one leg high, keeping this posture frozen in place and motionless.


After two breaths, it slammed into the sea!

I saw a big blue fish weighing a hundred kilograms tangled up. It bounced crazily and wanted to escape, but the legs of the burr crab had hairy barbs like fish hooks. Can be delivered to the mouth.

While chewing the fish dullly, the burr crab continued to climb on the shore while walking on its feet.

Although it seems to move slowly, it is actually very fast because its legs grow to the sky, and it is tens of meters away from Ye Xi in the blink of an eye.

Ye Xi didn't hesitate anymore, bent his knees and leaped towards the tall crab like a cannonball.

In the end, he successfully jumped onto the tall crab, but the turtle he had stepped on was pushed to the bottom of the sea by a huge force and was almost buried in the sand.

"His, it's so piercing!"

Ye Xi took a breath.

The burr crab's back is full of protruding but he has no shoes, standing on it as if standing barefoot on the blade.

Ye Xi pulled out the bone knife on his back, unceremoniously chopped off some of the spikes on the crab shell back, and then sharpened it a little.

"It's much better now."

Ye Xi retracted the bone knife with satisfaction.

The burr crab quickly crawled to the shore.

The shore is a lush virgin forest surrounded by vines. The burr crab did not enter the jungle, but walked north along the coast, crawling all the way to hunt.

Its recipe is very complicated, eating everything, Ye Xi watched this giant crab eat two carnivorous dinosaurs like Spinosaurus. The burr crab is very agile in battle, Spinosaurus is not its opponent at all, and it is killed in one move.


First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju

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