The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 821: Honeypot Ant

Ye Xi was silent, but the disappointment in his eyes could be seen by everyone present.

It was extremely embarrassing to hear Green-ear scratching his head.

The surrounding Howers all understood the embarrassment of listening to Lu Er, because they didn't know how to tell this kind and kind tribe Yuan Wu, telling him that the Li and Xiling people are very unwelcome. For this tribal Yuan Witch, it is safer to go to the sites of the Xiling clan and the Li clan than to the fierce beast lair.

"Master Yuan Wu, let's take a good stroll in our Howl!"

"Yeah! Our Howl is much more interesting than those two clans!"

Ye Xi observed the looks of the people and understood that the Li family and the Xiling family were indeed dangerous to him, and he might indeed not be able to go to those two clans to inquire about the news.

He sighed in his heart, and he was about to push the boat along the way.

"Brother Ye Xi!"

There was a shout from outside the crowd, and Azhi ran over with red cheeks and panting. She squeezed out the crowd and grabbed Ye Xi's arm, and said angrily and panting.

"Brother Ye Xi, you are here. The pot of Begonia in the house and in the house was stolen!"

Ye Xi was taken aback, soothing Azhi, "Speak slowly, who stole it?"

Azhi paused, and said embarrassedly, "...It's a group of children." She was stolen by a group of children, which was really useless.

"While I was sleeping, they made a big fiery red civet cat hook away the flower belt basin with its tail. The civet cat runs fast, and I can't catch it anymore!"

Listening to the green ears frowning, "The big red civet cat looks like a child of the Li family."

The people around the Howe family had a very good impression of Ye Xi because of the calendar that Ye Xi had just taught them, and they were filled with indignation.

"Li's child is too courageous, even Yuan Wu dare to offend!"

"Master Yuan Wu is helping us rain and build a lake, but they steal things from Master Yuan Wu, and I am mad at me! These little dolls must teach a lesson, the Li family won't teach us, we will help us to teach!"

"Go, report this to the clan leader, I believe the clan leader will come forward to negotiate with the Li family."

"Don't alarm the patriarch, let's go back by ourselves!!"

"Count me!"

Seeing the indignation of the crowd, Ye Xi was very surprised. He pressed his hands with both hands to signal everyone to be quiet, "Thank you for your kindness, but it doesn't have to be the case."

"That pot of Chuisihaitang was given to me by the Cang clan leader. I didn't intend to take it away, but I wanted to return it to the Cang clan leader before leaving."

"Since it was stolen by the raccoon's child, it's okay to go and come back to the Cang clan leader."

What a tribe from outside of him did was wrong. If the How people and the Li people caused casualties to the How people, he would feel bad, so it's better to let the Cang clan leader solve it. If the Cang clan master came out in person, the naughty children who wanted to come would inevitably have their buttocks blow up, and it would be considered a lesson.

Azhi didn't understand this, and was disappointed, "Brother Ye Xi, are you planning to let them go like this?"

"The group of children not only stole Begonia Chuisi, but also sprinkled a lot of small burrs in the stone house before leaving, just to make you step on it accidentally."

"They are so bad, how can you spare them so easily!"

"Anyway, I must teach those brats!"

She was caught by the clan and weaving all day and night, but she didn’t want her brother Ye Xi to lose his dignity in the clan. Ye Xi’s brother is a sir Xi Wu who is respected by everyone in Xicheng. How can he be here? A group of children play tricks!

After all, Azhi turned and ran away like the wind.


Ye Xi hurriedly called her.

But Azhi didn't stop, and a silk squirted out of his belly button, tied to the ankle of a fierce bird flying in mid-air, causing the fierce bird to fly away.

Ye Xi frowned.

He understands that Azhi wants to help him find his place, but people should go ahead when they should go ahead and regress when they should go back. The clan is not a good place. Although the Cang clan leader treats him politely now, once there is any conflict between him and other clans, it is hard to say. No matter how strong he was, he was not arrogant enough to fight against the entire clan.

And this is just a kid's play, don't worry about it at all, it would be too wrong to use the ancestral witch bone stick for the last time.

Hearing Lu Er immediately said, "I'll help you bring people back!"

Ye Xi helplessly said, "Let's go together."

He rejected all the Howers who wanted to follow, and got into the pouch of his giant white-haired kangaroo with Listening Luear, and chased him in the direction of Azhi.


About two kilometers away from the stone house community.

This place is still within the radiation range of the clan forces. It is considered safe, but it is extremely desolate. At first glance, the ground is covered with yellowish brown sand, and there are countless dinosaur corpses half-buried by the wind and sand. In addition, there is only a small bite close to dryness. Muddy lake.

This lake is the favorite place for clan children.

Because there are honeypot ants here.

Honeypot ants are amber ants with big buttocks. They can eat nectar and insects. They brew very sweet honey water like bees. The taste is many times better than honey. Children can't stand honey. The lure of ant honey will come here to dig honey ants.

"Come on!"

"This potted flower must be a good thing, and it will definitely attract a large group of honey ants out!"

A group of excited civet children, holding the stolen civet begonia, couldn't wait to get down from a big fiery red civet cat, and Sa Yazi ran to the edge of the lake.

The tattoos on the foreheads of this group of children have a fiery red pattern, which is the honor of the raccoon family, which is the surname of the raccoon.

Chuisi Begonia was placed on the skull of Thunder Dragon's corpse.

The children stepped away, and then stared down at the sand.

However, after waiting for a while, there was no movement in the sand, and only the wind was blowing quietly.


"Why didn't one come out!"

Disappointed, a group of children gathered around to study this delicate pot of Begonia.

"The stinky tribal witch, don't deliberately put pots of useless flowers in the house!"

"No! Then we're not going to work for nothing?"

The fiery red big civet cat squeezed the children away, jumped on the thunder dragon skull, and tentatively beat the closed flower bones of Chuisi Begonia with its tail.

It was like opening a certain mechanism, and in an instant, several crimson flowers bloomed.

Along with it, there is a refreshing fragrance.

That is the scent of top exotic plants.


The eight children wowed in excitement, winked at each other, and slowly moved back.

As the fragrance diffused, the sand soon moved, and countless palm-sized honeypot ants emerged from the sand following the fragrance, springing up one after another like bamboo shoots after a rain.

A total of hundreds of honeypot ants drilled out of the sand, shook the sand on their wings, climbed up to the Brontosaurus skeleton, and quickly climbed to the top of the begonia.

All the children were dumbfounded.

Honeypot ants have always appeared in three or two. They have never seen such a densely packed scene, like stabbing an ant's nest, and they can't help but look at the raccoon subconsciously.

Li Lan is the young grandson of the lord of the Li clan, and the most talented person among them. He has always played the role of the little leader.

With a solemn expression, he raised his hand to signal everyone to stay still.

More and more honeypot ants, which were full of the bones of Thunder Dragon, were just when the first honeypot ant climbed onto the flowerpot and was about to gnaw petals.


Li Lan shouted.

Suddenly, all the children pounced on like hungry tigers, and started catching the emergent honeypot ants with quick eyesight and hands. The honeypot ants had no time to re-enter the sand or even escape into the sky because they would be stunned by the big civet cat.

Finally, the honeypot ants were caught one by one into the animal skin bags, and soon all eight animal skin bags were filled.

Li Lan grabbed the heavy and squirming animal skin bag, smiled openly, and blew a whistle triumphantly.

"I said if you just listen to me, you can drink ant honey to its full!"

Everyone agreed with joy.

"The boss is right! I'll listen to you next time!"

"Haha, so I can brag with those Xiling guys when I go back this time, and see if they are still crazy!"

"I'm not going to eat late, and have a full ant honey today! Who has such luxury as us! Only caught so many honeypot ants in one breath!"

In the heat, someone spoke nervously.

"You said..."

Seeing everyone watching him, he continued weakly with his wide eyes open, "...After all, the potted flowers are in Yuanwu's house, do you think he will come to teach us?"

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