I see that there are too many clan warriors fighting against the tide of fierce beasts from old readers. Because they are old readers, let's open a single chapter to explain. This chapter says that it is impossible to write. Readers who have no doubts can ignore this chapter!

   Actually not many.

   Attention, the original text says that the soldiers and beasts on the battlefield are approaching ten million.

   Let me talk about population first. There are twelve clan settings, and each clan alone can crush a super tribe. The population of the super tribe is between 400,000 and 600,000, and the individual clan is between 900,000 and 1.1 million. Together, the twelve clans have a population of more than ten million. We count it as 13 million.

  At the level of a clan, everyone can certainly awaken into a warrior.

  Because the children of the clan have good physical fitness, even if he wakes up as a fighter at the average age of fourteen, in fact I think twelve is enough. After checking, China’s population under the age of 14 accounts for about 16%, so the clan counts him as 11 million fighters.

   Note that the nucleus used by the clan is very advanced, and people also like to use human nuclei. The more advanced the core, the faster the upgrade. The Sea of ​​Beasts where the clan is located has mentioned that there are a lot of strange flowers and weeds. Under various conditions, it is impossible to justify the first three upgrades, just as he upgrades to the fourth level at the age of twenty.

   How many fighters are there at level 4 and above, forget it, everyone can roughly estimate...

   Let's talk about the beasts. Although the clan warriors are not the protagonist, they can also have multi-headed contract beasts like the protagonist, just like Dongmuying has the thorn sparrow and the canary, and Putai has the allosaurus and the wild quilong. I think if it were me, I might only bring one war beast when traveling or hunting, but if there is a war, all the war beasts must go together to protect me. After all, the beast will be almost finished when the master is dead. What to do in the territory. I used to write about large-scale battles.

   But here he is a beast.

   Five million warriors, five million beasts, are they many? Not many.

   Don’t think of the clan as an alien race or a super tribe. There are twelve in the family. Originally, they were singled out to crush the super tribe, and the twelve were added together.

   Forget it, maybe you still don’t have a concept so, let’s give you a perspective on God! Clans are currently the pinnacle of human power, even accounting for almost half of the world's total population!

   In this primitive world, there are eight super tribes, three alien races, now plus a small Xicheng that brings together all the small and medium tribes, plus other scattered large tribes, all the populations together can surpass the clans. If you don't count the foreigners, the population is not as large as the clans, and the clans are so strong, shouldn't it be clear enough?

Even so, people don’t even have a single province in population, so they sent out five million fighters and five million beasts. No matter how few they are, it won’t last long. Up.

  If the clan were not so strong, Cang Wu would not have given up the revenge of the sea caves so altogether, even if he dared not move his thoughts, it would be a **** hatred for many generations. If the clan were not so strong, Ye Xi wouldn't be so docile in the clan, he would rain if it rained, and he hadn't avenged Azhi for abduction, and he had such a good temper with the clan because he couldn't afford it.

   Finally, everyone said that there are too many fierce beasts and sea fierce beasts. How can they eat enough food? The system collapsed. In fact, the fierce beasts originally designed are not only carnivorous. The fierce beast is a general term for nucleated creatures, which can nourish nuclei, and the nucleus out of the head is the fierce animal.

   is like a unicorn horse. Although they are vegetarians, they are also serious beasts. Do you remember step by step from a mixed-blood beast? You have saved the protagonist group.

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