The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 827: Cephalococcus

After listening to the secrets of the clan, Ye Xi's heart thumped and thumped fiercely, and at the same time, his head was messy, and there were too many things he couldn't figure out.

   "They... didn't they return to the Xia tribe after their revenge?"

   Da Yuan Wu looked very calm, whispered.

"At that time, this was a dense ancient forest. Although the ancestors caught up with the fleeing beast wave here, they only had time to kill part of it. The rest of the beasts went into the forest and returned to the sea of ​​fierce beasts under the leadership of the leader beast. It’s the Western Continent you are talking about."

   "The ancestors chased them so far, of course they were not reconciled to go back like this, and then they broke into the Western Continent."

"The West Continent and the East Continent are too far apart. There are many strange flowers and weeds here, and there are more beasts and insects. It is not a place where they can stay for a long time. After experiencing a lot of casualties, they finally decided to retreat here and wait. The other party will retaliate."

   Ye Xi still couldn't figure it out: "They've been guarding here? If the group of fierce beasts don't come to them, it's not a waste of waiting?"

   Da Yuan Wu smiled.

   "No, the few leading beasts who escaped are very vengeful, much stronger than our humans. You can't imagine how much they hate the humans who hurt them. The ancestors are sure that they will come to retaliate."

   Ye Xi: "Can you tell me what kind of fierce beast the leader beast is and what exactly it looks like?"

   He has heard this term several times, but he is still puzzled.

   "I said, all questions, as long as I know, will be answered for you."

   Da Yuan Wu smiled kindly, and after asking the little squirrel to add another cup of hot water to Ye Xi, Da Yuan Wu continued.

   "The chief beast does not refer to a fierce beast, but a collective term for all the fierce creatures that can drive away the herd and insects. The chief beast has different appearances, and a total of 37 species have been found."

   "As for what the chief beast looks like, come and see..."

   Da Yuanwu motioned to Ye Xi to approach.

   "Close your eyes."

   Da Yuan Wu stretched out an old wrinkled finger and touched Ye Xi's forehead.

   Ye Xi closed his eyes.

   When the finger touched Ye Xi's forehead, Ye Xi's mind buzzed strongly, and then the dark mind seemed to have colored ink exploded, and the pictures quickly passed through his mind.

   He saw the bird of paradise spread its gorgeous wings, moaning lightly over the spotted cattle. The spotted cattle, whether they were eating grass or fighting, instantly lost their minds and followed behind the bird of paradise. The bushes and trees were knocked down and stepped on by the strong spotted cattle.

   He saw a little ferret jackal with green eyes running on the wasteland.

   ran and ran the silent wasteland. The endless giant rats came out from the ground. Their eyes were blood-red. They gathered and surrounded by the ferret jackal, as mighty as the sea, killing to the unknown distance.

   He saw a huge foot stepping on the muddy ground, and the muddy ground plunged into it.

   A huge, unfriended monster with burrs all over it stood upright and walked step by step. In the gloomy sky, as it walked, the burrs on its body trembled. Countless giant toads trailed behind it, all the bumps on the toads kept pouring venom, and looking at it made the scalp numb.

   The appearance of thirty-seven kinds of chief beasts flashed through Ye Xi's mind.

   At the end, the screen jumped faster, and the field of vision began to change. It began to rotate and rise, turning into looking down from the sky. It turns out that whether it is a bird of paradise, a ferret jackal, or a burr monster, there are more than one, but each has its own race!

  Countless birds of paradise, countless ferrets, jackals, countless burr monsters summoned a swarm of worms from all directions, and finally gathered together like a stream, as if they had all been discussed together.

   When all the herds of animals and insects come together, it is almost endless, even wider than the sea.

   In the end, the sea of ​​death rushed towards him! Before the Sea of ​​Consciousness was completely swallowed, Ye Xi suddenly opened his eyes.

   "Huh, huh..."

   Ye Xi was short of breath, cold sweat was oozing out of his forehead, and his pupils were still shrinking.

   The picture was too desperate and terrifying, like a nightmare, no... it was a hundred times more real than a nightmare.

   How can there be such a thing as a leader beast in this world! He can't understand! A leader beast that can summon a herd is equivalent to an army, and can easily gather a large number of fierce beasts, not to mention that some leader beasts are particularly strange and creepy.

   Ye Xi picked up the stone cup with his chilly hand, took a sip, and asked Da Yuan Wu.

   "What is the name of the thing that parasitizes to the head?"

   Da Yuan Wu: "We call it a substitute for the cephalococcus. This is the only worm among the 37 types of chief beasts. More precisely, it is the chief worm."

   "Its ability is also the most special. It is different from other chief beasts in driving the herd, but it has more destructive power."

   Ye Xi looked at a green crystal jar in the corner of the stone platform.

   This green crystal jar is very transparent, and you can see that it is filled with some unknown liquid. What is stored in the liquid looks like half a stripped brain at first glance. But if you look closely, you can see that this is a long roundworm-like thing, curled into a ball, very disgusting.

  This is the substitute he saw in the sea of ​​consciousness just now.

Da Yuan Wu: "Mtlnovel has a strong ability to It can lay eggs almost everywhere, on leaves, in grass, in water, in animal skins, animal ears...their eggs It's only as big as the tip of a spicule."

"The eggs of cephalospora larvae are not afraid of being swallowed into the stomach. After the leaves, grass and water containing the eggs are swallowed by animals, they will quickly hatch in the warm stomach, penetrate the stomach wall and swim to other places, and finally swim to In the minds of animals."

   "It will slowly grow in the animal's skull until it replaces half of the animal's brain, and then fully control their behavior, allowing other animals to become their puppets."

   Ye Xi closed her eyes.

   The scene that just replaced the head clam is the most disgusting for him.

   The animals in the forest he saw were parasitized from pterosaurs to moles. The eyes of all the creatures seemed to be covered with a white cloud. When the entire forest densely covered with parasites turned their heads and stared at them, the coolness hit their heads.

When thinking that the eggs of the cephalococcus can drift along the river and even survive in the sea, Ye Xi opened his eyes with a firm tone: "This kind of bug must be extinct, even if it can't be extinct, it must be turned into an endangered species. "

too frightening.

   This guy is more terrifying than iron worm, and animals can be infected and people can be infected too. You must know that when the cephalococcus sp. has just got into the brain, there is no change in the eyes, and the body does not look abnormal.

The appearance of the parasited creatures will not change until the cephalococcus has completely replaced half of the brain, but then it will be too late for treatment, and the arm can’t grow longer without the broken arm, and the brain can’t be gnawed away. Make up.

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