The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 830: Firelight

Ye Xi knew that the Great Yuan Wu was too modest. He was stronger than the ordinary Yuan Wu. He was obviously many times stronger. It was a qualitative change. He is going to face the Great Yuan Wu, and it is estimated that one move will be solved.

   Ye Xi apologized looking at the old man with a gully face.

"Thank you for your expectations, but although I have accepted the inheritance of the Xia Cangzu witch, in fact... I don’t know how to become an ancestral witch. You are the most powerful witch I have ever seen. Instead of expecting me to become an ancestral witch, Why don't you take a step forward and promote yourself to an ancestral witch."

   Da Yuan Wu looked at Ye Xi's ancestral witch bone stick with complicated eyes, and said: "I am missing something, I am afraid it is too late to become an ancestral witch..."

   Ye Xi was startled, and looked at his ancestral witch bone stick: "This bone stick?"

   Great Yuan Witch nodded and sighed: "You have obtained this Ancestral Witch Bone Staff, which means you have obtained the inheritance of Xia Cangzu Witch. At the same time, you have actually obtained the qualification to become an Ancestral Witch."

   "And I...give me another hundred years, maybe I have the hope of becoming an ancestor witch, but I am afraid that there is not enough time."

Ye Xi frowned and asked the question that had been hidden in his heart: "When the Xiling clan chased and killed the Xia tribe, was it because he wanted to find this ancestral witch bone staff? Do you know that the Xiling clan Jiangxia tribe? Forced to almost disappear?"

   Da Yuan Wu's body shook.

   He didn't intend to defend himself. It was quite loud, his voice hoarse and said: "Yes, they are indeed looking for this bone stick for me, I...I'm very sorry."

   Looking at the appearance of Da Yuan Wu, Ye Xi couldn't ask anymore. He believed that Xiling's behavior must not come from the old man's instruction, because the light of guilt in the old man's eyes was real.

   Ye Xi dropped his head and fell silent for a while.

The relationship between the    clan and the Xia tribe is beyond his imagination. The Dayuan Wu of the clan is such a kind old man, he does not know whether he should seek revenge from the Xiling clan.

   Originally, he planned to find the Xiling clan for revenge after Xicheng became strong. Even if this generation fails, the next generation will go.

   After all, the old and young Xia tribe knelt down and prayed to the tiger in a skirt of leaves. It was too profound. The way the tiger spit out human bones was too profound.

The Da Yuan Wu statue saw what Ye Xi was thinking, and sighed: "If you want to avenge the Xiling clan, then become an ancestor witch as soon as possible. After becoming an ancestral witch, revenge against the Xiling clan is very easy. "

   "Just to be fast, more than 20 years, I am afraid that everyone will perish."

   Ye Xi raised his head: "Even if you tell me that I have the potential to become an ancestor witch, I still don't have the confidence to become an ancestor witch in twenty years."

   Da Yuan Wu waved to him: "Come on, come here."

   Ye Xi left the edge of the eye hole and walked two steps in.

   Da Yuan Wu stretched out his hand, this time a bright blue light appeared on his fingertips, very dazzling, like a small sun. Just like when Ye Xi saw the image of the leader beast from the sea of ​​consciousness, Da Yuanwu's index finger touched Ye Xi's forehead and heart.

   When he was about to touch his forehead, Da Yuan Wu paused, and said solemnly: "Ready."

   Ye Xi gave a wink, took a deep breath and nodded.

   Da Yuan Wu touched Ye Xi's brow with his fingertip.

  In an instant, Ye Xi's brows showed a blazing totem mark, and his sea of ​​consciousness was like a tsunami, tumbling, because of this huge change his mind was dizzy and the whole person shook, almost unable to stand.

   He closed his eyes and saw the complicated and beautiful totem brand in his dark sea of ​​consciousness.

   This totem brand is solid and dazzling, lying quietly in his sea of ​​consciousness like a long unchanging silver moon. But now the sea of ​​consciousness was tossing in the giant earthquake, and the silver totem brand began to spin.

   It turns faster and faster, faster and faster.

   The sound of spinning seemed to resound in my ears. It was the sound of silver coins spinning at high speed on the smooth glass surface. It was crisp and a bit harsh, as if it was about to rub against the fire.

   Just thinking about this, the sea of ​​consciousness made a loud bang.

The    totem brand turned into a silver flame!

  With the rise of the silver flame, there seemed to be thousands of lights lit in the dark sea of ​​consciousness, and countless dense fires appeared.

   This fire light is strong or weak, some swaying like a candle in the wind, and some vigorous like a campfire filled with wood and oil, but all the fire lights have a thread connected to the totem at the center. They are connected to the giant silver flame one after another, and the giant blue flame seems to gush out mysterious energy to feed back the flames.

what is this?

   Why are these fire lights so familiar to him? It's almost like a scene in a large sacrifice...

   Ye Xi was lost.

   He never knew that the totem brand could turn into flames, nor did he realize that his sea of ​​consciousness had such a huge amount of flame-like energy. Where did they emerge, and when did they emerge?

   Ye Xi looked at the dots of flames in the sea of ​​consciousness and fell into deep thought. He pondered, pondered, and finally... he understood.

   Each of these flames represents a soldier awakened by him! These flames are part of the soul fire of those fighters during the sacrifice!

   These hundreds of thousands of flames, bright or dark, represent hundreds of thousands of soldiers awakened by him!

   He was wrong...

   He thought that he could be promoted to Yuan Wu so quickly, mainly because of the special energy storm in the source stone and the joint sacrifice, but now thinking about it, I am afraid it is more because of the number of fighters he awakened.

   No wonder only the super tribe can produce the witch, not the super tribe, where there are so many warriors, there are not so many warriors, how can there be so much power to feed the witch!

  Why do all warriors respect witches from their hearts and are willing to give their lives for witches, even those warriors with extremely violent and selfish personalities, because in addition to the special status of witches, there is such a connection!

   It turned out to be like this, it turned out to be like this! !

   Ye Xi was so excited that there was only one voice left in his heart.

   Da Yuan Wu put down his hand.

   Ye Xi's strange sight in the sea of ​​consciousness disappeared instantly.

But soon, Ye Xi, with his eyes closed, figured out the trick, and the totem brand in the sea of ​​consciousness quickly revolved again into a blazing silver flame, and the small flames around it again lit up densely. Shine the dark sea of ​​consciousness as bright as a galaxy.

   Ye Xi was inexplicably moved in his heart, and he also had a strong sense of responsibility, and wanted to take care of these flames.

   He slowly opened his eyes, and Da Yuan Wu’s thin face was in his sight, and those old but inclusive eyes were watching him.

   Ye Xi suddenly blessed his soul: "The reason why the lord of the raccoon clan, the clan lord of the Cangxin, and the clan clan are so much stronger than the ordinary ninth-level fighters, is it because you personally awakened them?"

   He has seen the appearance of the raccoon clan master showing a flame print on his chest. There are nine lines on it, indicating that he is not a tenth-level fighter, but is much stronger than an ordinary ninth-level fighter.

   Da Yuan Wu smiled comfortedly: "Yes, if you become an ancestor witch, your awakened warriors will only be stronger than them."

"Your totem brand originated from the Xia Cangzu witch. It is very special. The number of warriors that can awaken will far exceed me, so the soldiers will give you more energy to feed back. If there is only time for an ancestral witch to appear on this land , Then, it will only be you."

   Ye Xi didn’t know why her nose was a little sour: "Thank you..."

   Da Yuan Wu shook his head: "I still have things I want to ask you."

   Ye Xi: "You said."


   First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju

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