After a while.

Except for the Xiling clan and Yangze clan, the witches of the other ten clans have all learned the rain witch curse. These witches looked excited, and they were all eager to go back and verify.

"Thank you Xi Wu!"

"Thank you Master Xi Wu!"

Both the Yuan Witch and the Great Witch bowed to express their gratitude and respect to Ye Xi.

Although the rain curse is not the kind of powerful curse, nor is it the kind of curse that can greatly increase combat effectiveness, but for the arid clan, the rain curse is no less precious than those two, so they The gratitude is deep and from the heart.

Ye Xi stood up and nodded and smiled, "Thank you, I received it, so I won't leave you here."

The witches took turns to express their gratitude and politeness to Ye Xi. They walked slowly, behaved calmly, and walked outside the stone house while thanking them one step at a time. When they walked outside the stone house, everyone immediately stunned, changed their previous slow movements, quickly mounted their mounts, and rushed to their clan quickly.

Ye Xi stood at the door of the stone house and watched them leave, then waited quietly.

Soon, the sky changed.

The pale dark clouds appeared first in the territory of the Cang clan next door, and the sky was covered with a layer of gray gauze, slowly flowing in the sky. Immediately after that, the Li family's territory on the other side also began to be surging, and the water vapor on the ocean was torn away by large swaths, gathering and then spinning.

Then there are Weishi, Tingshi, Gunshi...

Eventually, even the sky over the Howl's territory where he was located began to cloud over.

The Howling Yuan witches who had just learned the rain witch curse were also calling for rain.

With so many huge dark gray vortices gathered in the territories of the various clans, they kept rotating like clusters of gray galaxies. Soon because the "galaxies" were too close, their spiral arms collided and ripped apart, and then swallowed each other fiercely, swallowing them, and finally they all merged together.

In the end, all the dark cloud vortexes gathered together into a large black and heavy cloud group, which was huge enough to cover the whole clan, and it was too large to make people feel depressed and unable to breathe.

Everyone in the twelve clans stopped their work, looked up at the spectacular sight that hadn't appeared in thousands of years, held their breath and waited for the coming storm.

However, the rain is not violent.

Compared to the black and heavy horror cloud group, the rain was even gentle.


The fine rain pouring down.

Many clan members raised their heads and squinted their eyes comfortably, letting the dense rain cover their bodies, and the dry skin and hair seemed to be soaked and soft after the summer.

It's not just people. The stone tanks, roof ridges, and rock walls that were originally covered with dust have been soaked in luster and shiny, like a new life.

"so good……"

Under the rain curtain, listening to Green Ear moved his arms to embrace the rain.

He opened his eyes and raised his head, staring at the sky for a long time. His eyes were red from the rain, but his mouth was smiling.

Although the previous rains were equally shocking, they were not as moving as the rain. Because he knew that in the future, the clan would often have such rain, and the clan would never be short of water in the future.

Ye Xi looked at the clan members immersed in joy with tolerance.

He can fully understand the excitement of the clan.

Thinking about the dry season of the Blackridge Mountains, he also wanted to have such a witch club summon the rain, and then generously rained heavily for everyone to take a good shower and drink. If the sorcerer taught himself the method of calling rain, he would rain on his tribe every so often, then he would be moved to cry.

"Thank you!"

Listening to Lu Er ran to Ye Xi and thanked him very solemnly.

Ye Xi shook his head and smiled: "Since you are a friend, don't be so polite. Let's go. While it's still early, let's go to other clans to see. Twelve clans, I have only been to four."

After the rain witch curse went out, the task of raining ended, presumably he would not stay in the clan for long.

Hearing the green ear stroked the wet hair, he smiled with a row of bright white teeth: "I won't stop you this time. You can go to which clan you want to go. Now all the clans want to treat you well!"

Ye Xi smiled and said, "I heard that a clan lives by the sea?"

Listening to Lu Er: "Yes! The Gun's territory is the southernmost, they are very close to the sea."

"Then go to Gunshi."

"Okay! I'll call Xiao Bai!"

"Xiao Bai... is that giant white kangaroo?" Ye Xi raised her eyebrows strangely. That kangaroo is as tall as a huge tower, so it is called Xiaobai?


"Two adults--! Two adults!"

Kokuji ran over the soaked mud, his dark face with a smile excited by the heavy rain.

"Master Xi Wu, if you want to go to other places, it's better to sit on my beast! Listen to your lord, you don't have to bother to call your beast over."

Ye Xi didn't pick up a mount, and felt that it didn't matter what he sat on.

"Also." He nodded.

After getting the consent, the horns were happier, and when he raised his voice, his deep voice shouted in the distance: "Xiao Bai——!"

The howling beast nestled under the straw shed lazily mooed.

Ye Xi: "..."

Listen to Green Ear: "..."

"I can change its name."

Ye Xi turned his head and looked at the giant white-haired kangaroo that had run back from some place in the distance. This big kangaroo hangs its paws obediently, squatting still on the spot, his head is so high as to touch the top of a dark cloud. Seeing Ye Xi looking around, it moved the tip of its tail friendly.

Listen to Green Ear: "Then call Dabai!"

The white-haired giant kangaroo's eyes lit up, and he moved the tip of his tail happily. He actually liked the name that wasn't too confusing.

Horn rushed at his howling beast and waved: "Xiao Bai, come here!"

The Howling Beast was reluctant to get his white hair wet, but after repeated summons from the owner, he reluctantly ran over through the rain curtain. The sound of four hooves treading when running is like running thunder, which is nice and rhythmic.

Ye Xi looked at the tall howling beast in front of him.

Its body is snow-white, the three peaks on its back are smooth and natural, and its horns seem to be made of jade, which is very artistic. The most conspicuous thing is its snow-white hair, soft and shiny to the point that it is silvery.

Because it is too soft and bright, the howling beast has its own aperture effect whenever the sun is violent. Now the aperture effect is gone on cloudy and rainy days, but the coat color is as white as fresh snow, it looks really beautiful, like a legendary beast, powerful, beautiful and peaceful.

The most wonderful thing is that long snow-colored hair also covers its eyes, which makes it have the right silly air, gentle and cute.

Looking at the howling beast, Ye Xi felt itchy.

He really liked the appearance of howling beasts. Moreover, the beasts that can make the clan people like so much, in addition to being good-looking, must be very powerful. If possible, just bring a few cubs of howling beasts back to Xicheng for breeding.

With a small smile, Ye Xi raised his hand and lifted the snow-colored long hair that was covering the eyes of the howling beast.

Then a pair of blood-red, bloodshot eyes, as if mad cow disease were exposed in front of him, quietly stared at each other.

The Rui Beast of the previous second suddenly turned into a mad cow, and it was the kind of mad cow that would become sick immediately after being suppressed to the extreme.

Ye Xi's movements and smile suddenly froze in place.

"……excuse me."

Ye Xi expressionlessly put back all the hair that covered the eyes of the howling beast, and then patted it hard, squeezing its eyes tightly.

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