The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 892: Blunt-headed sea snake

   "What kind of creature is this?"

   Ye Xi looked up at the cliff and murmured in a novel way.

   Say they are snakes and they have feet. If they are lizards, they are much longer than lizards. If the feet are cut off, they will be giant pythons with bright colors and heavy heads.


The howl beast next to    cried, not knowing what it was talking about.

   At this time, a strange guy like this crawled over.

It does not meander and swim fast like a snake, but slowly crawls on its two rows of small feet, with a dull big head, and hidden eyes in markings that are smaller than black beans. It looks simple and heavy.

   The thing stopped after swimming in front of them, arching his head against the howling beast.

   The blunt-headed sea snake has poor eyesight. It can accurately perceive the surrounding creatures by the flow of water when in the sea, but it can’t do it on land, so I like to rub it with my skin.


   The howl beast raised its snow-white hoofs and pressed it against the head of the blunt-headed sea snake.

   The blunt-headed sea snake tentatively stretched out the dark blue snake letter and licked it towards the howling beast. The howling beast Xiao Bai was disgusted and resisted, and slammed the hooves of his back feet, stomping the snake letter under his feet vigorously.

   The blunt-headed sea snake was in pain, and began to writhe indiscriminately, trying to retract his letter.

   A beast and a snake began to gang up.

   Ye Xi looked at the blunt-headed sea snake that was close at hand, and curiously said, "...Is this a snake or a lizard?"

   "It's a snake, we call it a blunt-headed sea snake."

   There was a loud sound in the air.

   Ye Xi looked up and found a black petrel gliding quickly, and a middle-aged man with an extremely strong aura jumped to Ye Xi with a smile.

   Three handsome petrels glide down from the clouds.

   The three warriors in grey fish skin clothes jumped from Haiyan’s back. They smiled, and after greeting Ye Xi very kindly, they all stood behind the previous person.

   "I am the head of the Gun clan, welcome Xi Wu to come to our Gun clan! I was so surprised to see Xi Wu here, so happy, hahaha!"

The head of the   gun clan smiled and looked extremely happy.

   Ye Xi smiled and looked at the Gun clan leader in front of him.

   This is a middle-aged man with dark skin and extremely lean body. His feet were bare, he was wearing a shiny silver fish skin vest and skirt, and he wore a shiny silver crown made of fish scales, which was brighter than Cangwu's scales.

   Because of this dazzling fish-skin coat and crown, even if the Gun clan leader is under the gloomy sky and the downpour, the whole person is still shining and extremely conspicuous.

   Ye Xi smiled and said: "I have seen the clan master of the Gun clan, because I heard that your clan is by the sea, so I came over curiously, I hope it won't bother you."

   "Why bother! It's too late to welcome us, we Guns, all of us are very grateful to Xi Wu for teaching us the rain witch curse, because we really love the rain!"

The head of the   gun clan opened his arms and closed his eyes intoxicated in the rainstorm.

   The rain fell on his black hair that was braided in countless pigtails, and then gathered into many strands of rain to flow down.

   The head of the Gun clan opened his eyes and laughed: "I was thinking of coming to visit Xi Wu with a gift tomorrow, but now it happens that Xi Wu himself is here!"

   "Come on, I'll take you around, I'll live with us at night, you are not allowed to go!"

   Talking, the two Gun clan chief brothers seemed to put Ye Xi's shoulders on Ye Xi's shoulders, and walked him into the territory, very familiar.

   Ye Xi smiled on his face and inserted the ancestral witch bone stick behind his back, still being guided by the Gun clan leader.


   The heavy rain kept falling.

   There is a huge cloud of rotating clouds above the head, and there is abundant rainwater between the sky and the earth, and the mountain on the right is a steady stream of white clouds that are constantly drawn over, flowing turbulently.

   The land that was originally dry as if it was sand is now muddy by the rain, but it still has a hard grainy feeling when it is stepped on, not as soft as the soil.

   Ye Xi looked around the Gun's territory shrouded in the rain.

   It is very empty here. Unlike other territories, where there are many stone houses, there are no stone houses in the Gun's territory. Looking at the past, only a few of them stand at the end of the gray rain curtain. People are playing rain on the open ground or squatting to deal with animal meat.

   There are no stone houses, but there are many huge black rocks standing in the territory. They are distributed without any regularity. Some are separated by hundreds of meters, and some are separated by a few miles. The total number is so large that there is no end in sight.

  This is...Prehistoric Stonehenge?

   Ye Xi felt the more weird the Gun's territory the more she looked.

The    Gun clan master turned his head and glanced at Ye Xi, and he could see the doubt in Ye Xi's eyes at a glance, and laughed loudly: "It's nothing strange, this stone is just to prevent water from entering the ground."

   He stomped the ground under his feet.

   "Here is where we live!"

The head of the    Gun clan led Ye Xi to a black boulder that was two people high, and kicked the boulder away.

   The huge boulder collapsed, and a huge entrance of a black hole appeared on the ground, and a shady and earthy wind gushed from the ground. At the same time, rainwater mixed with mud rushed into the hole.


   There was a child's immature cry and the sound of running, "Mum, my eyes are covered with mud--"

   The sound is far and hollow, and the echo is zigzag, at least ten meters away from the ground.

   "Ha, muddy water hit the child's head."

   Ye Xi smiled and pushed the boulder back.

  The Gun clan master pressed it and said, "Don't worry about that child, it's okay, our Gun cubs are not so squeamish! Go, I'll show you around, it's big!"

"it is good."

   Ye Xi jumped into the hole.

   Ye Xi, the master of the Gun clan, took a step, and the three warriors who were behind the master of the Gun clan also entered the cave in turn, and then sealed the rock.

   Ye Xi and the Gun clan leader walked side by side in the cave in the Gun clan territory.

What they are stepping on is not soil, but soft and clean animal skins, and the ground is not dark. The cave walls are inlaid with countless luminous strange stones, which together exude a misty and soft light, and they are similar to night pearls. Luminous beads.

   But their light is much brighter than the Ye Mingzhu, and there is no harmful radiation.

   At first glance, this hole in the ground seems to be just one word, 壕. Only the clan can have such a luxurious burrow.

   "I have seen the patriarch!"


   There are not many people in the cave. Most of the Gun clan people walked to the ground to get caught in the rain. When a few pedestrians saw the Gun clan leader, they immediately bowed their heads and saluted respectfully, and then stepped aside.

The head of the Gun clan said to Ye Xi as he walked: "Witch Xi, don’t think we live Those blunt-headed snakes are really useless. They like to bump around. The stone houses will be broken when they are built, so I had to live underground. But I feel comfortable living underground for a long time."

   Ye Xi: "The blunt-headed sea snake has poor eyesight?"

   Gun Clan Master: "Yes, that's not good, but we are also used to it."

The cave is intricate and intricate, like a huge maze. Every intersection has at least eight roads up, down, left, and right. The wind is blowing in all directions. Although the air smells of earthy, it is generally fresh, and after a long time, it will not Feel the smell of soil.

   Ye Xi: "How big is this place?"

   Speaking of this, the Gun clan lord put on a touch of contentment on his dark and thin face, and said with a majestic voice: "The places you just saw on the ground are all."

   Ye Xi raised her eyebrows.

   He is an eighth-level warrior. His eyesight is not weak, and his eyes are comparable to human binoculars, so he can even forget the territory of the Ting Family next door. If so, the territory of the Gun clan spread to the ground of the Ting clan?

   "...under the Ting family?" Ye Xi tentatively.

  The head of the Gun clan did not speak, only smiled without speaking.

   Ye Xi's eyes darkened slightly.

   Is that submarine cave of the   鲛 human race related to the Gun clan? ?

However, this change in expression was only a moment. The Gun clan leader next to him hadn't seen it yet. Ye Xi was already looking as usual. He shook his head and smiled and exclaimed, "That's too powerful. Forgive me, I can't imagine how many years it will take to dig out. Such an underground cave."

   Gun clan leader: "It was dug up by our ancestors. We don't know how many years it took, but it won't be too hard to think about it."

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