The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 898: Stubborn old Swift

   Ye Xi grabbed the old Swift's feathers and leaned down.

   In the underground passage, the cool breeze with a strong smell of earth blew his hair, and the python leather jacket was vibrated.

Although this old Swift is older, it is still beautiful. The pure black feathers are too soft and smooth, and look like oiled. It looks like a black leopard gliding in the dark, silent. Breath, graceful posture.

   During the flight, Ye Xi occasionally raised his head to look around.

   There is no dead silence in the underground passage.

   There are many insects and even large insects.

   In Witch’s sight, small insects like ants are a little dim blue light spot, big insects like giant earthworms are bright lines of light, and little guys like moles are light with big fists. This way, bright or dark, large and small, there are hundreds of millions of green light spots that represent life.

   This passage is too old, every inch of soil has life, and a prosperous underground ecosystem has been formed.

   Not only Ye Xi in the team could see these insects.

   The people sent to protect Ye Xi this time are all 9th-level fighters except for the stone plate, so even though there is no light source underground, they can still see things with their super night vision ability.

   and the birds they rode in.

  Considering the need to fly in the underground tunnel, the fierce birds sent this time all have strong night vision ability. While flying, they pecked when they found delicious insects.


   The old Swift dived slightly, lowered his head, and accurately dragged a three-meter-long black centipede from the ground.

   It was like sucking noodles, swallowing a big centipede while flying.

   just swallowed a big centipede.


   Old Swift flew high again, then lifted his head and slammed across the cave wall above his head.

On the top of the cave, there was a big earth-brown striped spider with a big washbasin, ready to hunt quietly, but such a hidden bug still did not escape the eyes of Old Swift and was caught by lightning. In the beak.

   It took the spider to fly for a while, waited until the spider's legs stopped moving, and then shrank its neck and swallowed it.

   Ye Xi silently counted the insects swallowed by the old Swift because of boredom.

Within five hours, Old Swift ate 35 ground spiders of various sizes, 14 large centipedes of various species, and fifty-two weird insects that did not know whether they were mole crickets or something. At last they seemed to have hit them. A full burp.

   When the team stopped to prepare to eat, Old Swift and other birds refused to eat because they were too full.

   This time, in order to take care of Ye Xi’s distinguished guest, the team stopped in the morning, afternoon and evening to trim and eat. They also left enough sleep time at night, so they didn’t just rush.

   But Rao stopped in this way. With the terrible speed of the fierce birds, they arrived at their destination two days later.

   "Master Cangxin, here it is."

   The stone pan patted the fierce bird on the back of the head and stopped it.

The stone plate at the beginning of    stopped, and dozens of fierce birds in the back also stopped.

   The crowd jumped off the back of the fierce bird, and then gathered together. A group of falcon Swifts moved their paws and approached them.

   Cang Xin took out a small Yao Shi.

   This is a superb shining stone, it emits dazzling light like the sun, and when it is projected on the cave wall, there are rainbow-colored irregular ripples.

   Cangxin held Yaoshi and looked around, then listened carefully to the outside.

   "What kind of terrain is outside?" she asked.

   Stone plate: "There are many mountains outside, and this passage is located inside a high mountain."

   Cang Xin cautiously listened to the movement outside before nodding, and said: "Okay, you go and clear the hole."


   The stone plate leads.

   He grabbed a few protruding rocks from the cave wall and climbed to the top of the cave vigorously like a gecko, hanging upside down with his back. Then his arm muscles swelled slightly, one palm held the rock to fix himself, and the other was free, and he moved the huge rock that blocked the cave roof little by little.

   Click, click, click.

   The sound of rocks rubbing slowly.

   A hole with a diameter of three meters was exposed, and a dim light was cast.

   The stone pan climbed out of the entrance of the cave, and after looking outside to make sure it was safe, he lay down at the entrance of the cave and gestured to them.

   Cang Xin: "Let's go."

   Ye Xi was just about to leave, Cang Xin glanced back at him, and said uneasy: "Xi Wu will come out later. Listen to the green ears, you guys will guard Xi Wu in the cave first, let's go and take a look outside."



   A few soldiers took the lead.

   Ye Xi retracted his stepped foot, blinked, and stayed obediently without saying a word, then looked up and sent Cang Xin and the others away.


   About ten minutes later, Cang Xin came back.

   "It's safe outside, Xiwu come out!"

   "Okay." Ye Xi just came out.

   Of course, he didn't grab the rock and climb up like a gecko like a stone pan, but bent his knees and jumped directly to the ground with his jumping ability.

   Except for the stone plate, the other fighters sent to protect Ye Xi were ninth-level fighters. Their jumping ability was only stronger than that of Ye Xi, and none of them were weaker than Ye Xi. They also jumped out directly. That relaxed look makes people suspect that they are all springs.

   There is only a group of fierce birds left in the team.

   Among all the fierce birds, the old Swift has the strongest strength and the highest position. The other fierce birds all stepped aside and let the old Swift out first.

   Old Swift walked under the hole.

   It can't bounce, so it can't jump tens of meters high like soldiers, and jump directly out of the hole.

   Of course, it is difficult for a bird to jump high.

   "Can you come out?"

   Ye Xi squatted at the entrance of the cave and looked inside.

   is not the main road of the passage, but an extended small passage so it is not spacious, because the size of the fierce birds cannot spread their wings, so he is a little worried.


  Old Swift responded in a low voice.

   It paused for a while, then turned to look at the fierce bird next to it.

  All the Falcons and Swifts stood on the ground with their wings folded, forming a circle, looking at its predecessor with dark eyes.

   Ye Xi: "Why don't you stay here and wait for us."

   Cangxin said to the side: "No, there is a long way to go to the site of the substitutes, we still need them."

   "Did you bring the rope? You can let them hold the rope, and then we can drag them out."

   Cang Xin: "I didn't take it, they should take it."

   "Master Cang Xin, I brought it!" A Cang soldier shouted.

   "Wait, it seems to be ready to come out by itself!"

   Seeing to be dragged out, the old Swift finally decided to put a little bit of face in front of the younger generations of fierce birds. It walked to the wall of the cave, and its sharp claws pierced into the rock wall, like rock climbing, moving step by step to the vicinity of the cave entrance.

   is awkwardly cute.

The Fierce Falcon and Swift under    both held their heads high, sitting in rows staring at the old Swift, their dark black eyes gleaming.

   Old Swift didn’t look down.

   At the entrance of the cave, it was still the last step. It couldn't come out. It had to hang upside down like a bat. .

   Cang Xin lay around the entrance of the cave, stretched his arms to embrace the old Swift's paws, trying to drag it out. Old Swift still stubbornly refused to be dragged out.

   Finally, it stretched a wing out of the hole, braced it, and climbed out of the hole with difficulty.

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