The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 917: get ready

   Everyone was dumbfounded, and didn't know how to react.

   Torch even stretched out his hand on the rock platform for a while to see if there was an invisible person squatting on it.


   The carved stone gate was knocked open again.

   saw a fifth-level warrior come in with the gray-haired Tushan Great Witch on his back.

   It turned out that Tushan Dawu lived in a cave, a bit far away from the emerald stone house, and others were old enough to run fast, so he ordered the soldier to run over immediately behind his back.

   "It's witchcraft."

   Tushan Dawu's eyes lit up after seeing the rock platform, and he quickly got off the soldier's back.

   The rock platform keeps evaporating white steam.

The scorched concave lettering is getting more and more stroke by stroke, as if an invisible person is burning and engraving with a soldering iron. Seeing that the markings continue to spread to the right, they are about to touch the sheepskin scroll placed on it, but everyone is still paying attention. Staring at the rock platform.

   Tu Shanwu scolded: "What are you doing in a daze!"

   After that, he risked being scalded and grabbed a roll of steaming sheepskin on the rock platform and placed it on the shelf next to it.

   The others reacted, and they didn't dare to let Tu Shanwu do it themselves, and they all put the debris on the rock platform aside.

   In fact, if it was someone else’s belongings, they swept their arms and swept them down in a hurry, but these were Ye Xi’s things, so they took them very carefully, not even daring to throw a pen.

   Pu Tai endured the burning and put the last bronze pen holder on the shelf next to him, hissing in pain: "It's so hot!"

   He looked at the palm of his hand, and his thick skin was scorched, showing the temperature of the rock platform.

   "What kind of witchcraft is this, I don't seem to have seen it before?" Chief Qian Qi was very curious.

  Tu Shanwu: "I don't know."

   It was the first time he saw this mysterious witchcraft, it was amazing.

   There are more and more handwritings on the smooth and flat rock platform.

   "——I am in the sea of ​​fierce beasts now, and I will leave the day after tomorrow. There are a group of children who will come back with me. They will live in Xicheng forever.

   "A sea of ​​fierce beasts?!!!"

   Everyone took a breath.

   For them, places like the Jiuyi tribe are far enough away, and the far north where the Yu people live is so remote that they only exist in the story, not to mention the illusory sea of ​​fierce beasts.

   This is simply unimaginable.

   Did their Yuan Wu go so far? Will there be any danger?

   Because they were shocked that Ye Xi was in the sea of ​​fierce beasts, they didn't pay much attention to the fact that a group of children would come to Xicheng.

   But then their attention was all on the children, because the next sentence is-the number of children is very large, more than the population of the three super tribes combined, you have to be prepared.


   A bunch of people almost jumped up.

   As calm as Chief Tushan, he rubbed his eyes, then stared at the words on the rock platform, his eyes staring like brass bells: "I'm not mistaken? Or is my writing poor?"

   "I may not learn the words well either!"

   "Then I learned wrong words too..."

   "Master Xi Wu finds so many children, it's impossible! Even if the point rabbit with the strongest breeding ability is allowed to breed for a few hundred years, there won't be so many people!"

   "But Master Xi Wu can't lie to us."

   "My head seems to be a little dizzy, I may not sleep well yesterday, dizziness, dizziness..."

   No matter how dizzy everyone is, the scorching marks on the rock platform continue to appear.

  ——It is very difficult to accommodate so many children. The existing residential area in Xicheng is not enough, so it is necessary to expand the territory and clear up a new area...

   Everyone looked at the rock platform with bated breath.

   The text on the rock platform has become more and more dense, and various drawings have appeared, which are the design drawings of stone houses and the layout of Xicheng.

   Later, because there were too many texts and pictures, there was no place for the rock platform. The whole rock platform melted a layer, cleared all the text and pictures, and then carved again on the smooth rock platform.

   It melted layer by layer until the rock platform was ten centimeters short, and the witchcraft disappeared.

   It no longer has new words and pictures, nor is it hot enough to smoke anymore. Everyone waited for a long time, and only after seeing that the rock platform really stopped sending any messages, they let go of their dangling breath.

   "Did you remember all of them, I have two pictures but I didn't remember them all!"

   "I almost wrote it down."

   "I also took note, I didn't dare to blink just now!"

   "Just write it down, then let's start now. Master Xi Wu said that the first batch of children will arrive in half a month at the earliest. It's too late. Let's not let the children sleep on the ground, right?"

   "Okay, do it now!"

   "Don't rush out, let's assign the task first."

   After careful planning and discussion, everyone dispersed to complete their own tasks.

  Some people organize slaves and people from outside cities to go to quarries to dig stones, and some find sting tribesmen to dispatch frilled octopods and let them go to the quarry to transport the stone. Some people immediately went to the engraved tribe and asked the engraved tribe to send out all the people who could be sent to polish the stone bricks...

Not long after, the flock soared into the sky from Xicheng, spreading its cloud-like wings and flying low over the back hills of Xicheng, flying over the falcon forest, plantations and breeding gardens in Xicheng, and came to the uncultivated. Wasteland.


  鸑鸑 opened his beak and sprayed a hot white flame toward the wasteland.

   In an instant, trees, shrubs, grassland were shrouded in white flames, but they did not burn, but were directly burned into charcoal ashes by the terrifying temperature.

   After the white flames disappeared, the ground smoked spectacularly. Upon closer inspection, even the soil quality has been There are even fragments of shiny crystals in the soil.

  鸑鸑 flies all the way and spews white flames, wherever there is no grass.

   After only a short time, all the wasteland from Xicheng to the sea was cleared.

After completing the task, the flock turned around a few times and left. After the soil cooled down, the worms and ground worms began to pour the soil, clean up the hardened soil by the fire, and then leveled the bare hills that protruded. , Fill up the recessed pit, try to make the land level.

   Xicheng soldiers are also busy, they are digging the foundation with a stone hoe.

   Later, it was still not fast enough. Chief Tushan and the others decided to use the beast core to hire outsiders to help, and let them dig the foundation together to ram the foundation quarrying materials. Xicheng was in full swing, and they were all invested in the expansion.


   Fierce beast sea.

   Ye Xi sat on the small pterosaur provided by the Cang clan and came to the Gun clan territory.

   "What's wrong?" Gun Haizi was shocked when he saw Ye Xi's face turn pale, and when he looked closely at the sweat particles on his forehead.

   Ye Xi can't happen if anyone can have an accident!

   Ye Xi waved his hand: "It's okay, I just used an unskilled witchcraft, so I feel dizzy."

   That witchcraft requires a high degree of concentration, and there can be no mistakes, and Ye Xi sent too many messages, which caused his mental overload.

   Gun Haizi almost wanted to go up and help him, and stretched out his hands next to his elbow: "Why don't you take a break?"

   Ye Xi stared at his hand: "I'm not lame, but don't help me!"

   Gun Haizi smiled and put her hand down.


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