The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 921: Seabed flames

   deep sea.

   A giant sea beast was lying on the edge of the sea hole in amazement, his lips were constantly wriggling, chewing on something.


  The thing that has been chewed is sprayed forward.

   It turned out that all the meat in the mouth of the giant beast was muddy. The muddy meat was sprayed out and turned into crumbs, which was scattered on the light film.

   After Ye Xi confessed to the sea giant web task, the sea giant web was still full of interest at first. Later, after repeatedly chewing the fish and snail meat for a day and a half, the whole beast was withered. I just wanted to make up and go back earlier.

   After vomiting all the fish, the giant sea webs stretched out the elephant’s trunk to probe, and quickly sucked a giant red snail from the corpse next to it.

   There are many spines on the giant snail shell, and the sea webbed is not afraid, and it squeaks when it is put in the mouth.

   After a few clicks, even the shell and the meat turned into crumbs.

"Puff puff!"

   The sea giant webbed incarnation jet sprayed again at the light film.

This work has been done for a long time. The sea giant web sprays meat mud in a very organized manner. It can spray far and evenly. It can spray more than ten miles away without using a nose. When the meat mud is sprayed on the light film, only It's a superficial layer, and it's a great job.

   Cangwu no longer drags and smashes fish corpses now, because she finds that the mud she has smashed out after a long time is not as much as the sea giant web chew. So she simply gave up the task and tried to drag the fish corpse to the sea giant web.

   After dragging another fat-headed blue fish, Cang Wu paused for a while and looked towards the sea cave.

   One and a half days later, the sea caves are now greatly changed.

   The huge opening of a black hole is now covered by clumps of pottery red corals. The coral clumps are three meters high at the highest point and one meter at the lowest point. They are full of vitality, like a flame growing on the bottom of the sea. The light film underneath has been covered completely invisible.

   above the red sand coral.

   Ye Xi finished the recitation that lasted for a whole day and a half, put away the bone stick and swam towards the sea giant web and Cangwu.

   "It's almost there. The fluorescent plankton here is very rich. With the reproduction speed of the red sand coral, it will soon grow into an undersea mountain range." Ye Xi said to Cangwu.

   His voice is hard to hide tiredness.

   Not sleeping for a day and a half is nothing, but to maintain the witchcraft for a day and a half is very tired. He has never used witchcraft for such a long time before.

   Cangwu feels distressed: "You take a break."

   Ye Xi apologized: "No rest, I must go back to the clan immediately. Today is the day when the clan team starts."

After thinking about it, Ye Xi added: "The light film will last for half a year. After half a year, the bottom red sand coral will die and become hard. Even if the support of the light film disappears, the entire coral cluster will not collapse, so do not worry."

   Cangwu nodded: "I am not worried."

   She knew that Ye Xi had already considered everything.

   The sea giant webs flapped their four fins, and the huge body floated up, and the elephant's trunk waved eagerly behind Ye Xi, as if to **** him in at any time. This movement also silently urged Ye Xi.

   "I'm leaving, you also go back from the sea cave, the light film will not stop you. After I return to Xicheng, I will come to your territory to find you again. Of course, if you come to Xicheng, I will be happier."

   "Okay, but I won't go back yet. I want to stay here for a few more days."

   Ye Xi frowned slightly, looking at Cang Wu disapprovingly.

   Cangwu blinked.

   Her vertical pupils are beautiful and mysterious, her long silver eyelashes are thickly curled, and she unconsciously discharges.

   Ye Xi was defeated, and re-painted several rounds of hidden witch patterns on Cangwu's body, and painted a mysterious witch pattern on her forehead. This witch pattern can save Cangwu's life at a critical moment.

   Cangwu smiled at Ye Xi.

   Ye Xi also smiled and leaned over to kiss Cangwu. He knew that since Cangwu could kill this place into a dead zone, he could also stay here safely for a while.

   It's just that she is his partner, so she always wants to be more careful.

   "You are here..."

The sea webs couldn’t stand it anymore. Before Ye Xi could finish speaking, he sucked Ye Xi into the elephant’s trunk like lightning, and immediately hid the elephant’s trunk in his mouth. Then he put away the fins and turned into a fast mode, his tail swam without a flick. Without a trace.

   The whole action was completed in one go.

   Even Cang Wu was startled by the sudden and speed of the sea giant web. It wasn't until the terrifying torrent that the sea giant webbed tail flicked that it hit her, causing her long silver hair to fly upside down, and the whole person was almost swept away by the torrent.

   After reacting, she immediately looked nervously at the red sand coral.

  The undercurrent caused by the tail flick of the sea giant web was too fierce. Sure enough, the red sand coral was swept up by a layer, and some places were still fruiting, revealing the light film!

  Cang was so foggy that he almost wanted to chase the giant webbed sea, and forbeared it, the silver shark flicked its tail and turned to chase the coral that was swept away.


   over there.

  The giant webs of the sea took Ye Xi back to the clan waters quickly.

   It squeezed the dense clusters of blunt-headed sea snakes in the shallow sea and swam to the mountains on the edge of the Gun's territory.

  In fact, after the sea webbed stands up in the shallow sea, it can be as high as a mountain, and it can safely send Ye Xi to the top of the mountain. But it obviously didn't mean to stand up, only showing a head.

   Then it straightened its trunk.

   there was a puff.

   Ye Xi was directly sprayed back to the top of the mountain.


   The sea giant webbed succeeded in revenge, snorted happily, and slowly sank into the sea.

   Ye Xi, who was sprayed to the top of the mountain, laughed and laughed, and he was not angry either.

He knows why the sea giant web retaliates against him, because he let it chew the fish snail meat for a whole day and a half, haha, I am afraid that it will be nauseous when it sees the big fish and the giant The sea breeze is blowing.

   Ye Xi used magic power to evaporate the sea water on his body, and watched the distant seascape.

   It is morning, and the sea is shining brightly and beautifully by the rising sun.

The   Sea caves matter is over.

   In fact, since the sea hole is sealed, there is a high probability that it will not be broken again.

   Because there are only two possibilities in the future.

  一, he became the ancestor witch and successfully killed all the chief beasts, the clan survived. At that time, he will re-negotiate with the Gun clan as the ancestor witch, destroy the submarine channel, and let the sea caves be permanently sealed, presumably with the weight of the ancestor witch, the Gun clan will reconsider.

  Second, he failed his promotion, or became an ancestor witch, and he could not stop the leader beast, and the clan was destroyed.

When the    clan was destroyed, it was difficult for the Gun clan to live alone. Even if the Gun clan survived by luck, he would not dare to face the clan. Because it is the twelve clans as a whole, not a single Gun clan, that the Kunren clan fears.

   Regardless of the two possibilities, Ah Wu no longer has to guard the sea cave.

   She is free.

   Ye Xi exhaled, showing a relaxed smile.

   "Master Xi Wu, you are back!"

   Gun Haizi anxiously jumped off Haiyan's back.

   Ye Xi turned around and smiled at him slightly: "Master Cangkang have they come to me?"

   "I have come here several times, once yesterday, twice today, and the team will leave in a while!"

   "How did you reply to him?" Ye Xi was curious.

   "I said you went to play in the sea!"



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